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  1. G

    So many Pleco choices! Suggestions?

    that is just great, i have a chocolate blue eye bristlenose pleco and he is just wonderful, i am sure that you will truly enjoy your new friend. I want to add a list of foods that my pleco likes to help you find what yours might like (it will be different in some parts since every fish has their...
  2. G

    Dumbest thing anyone’s said to you regarding fish…Go!

    i agree, i can not imagine being the old man knowing your legacy was ruined in less than a year by your own family
  3. G

    So many Pleco choices! Suggestions?

    for biofilm go with a mostly herbivorous pleco like the common bristlenose. no pleco species feed on poop unless they are extremely malnourished and in dire need of food. I think they can be a bit more demanding than bristle noses or rubber lips so maybe wait until you have more pleco...
  4. G

    Dumbest thing anyone’s said to you regarding fish…Go!

    the dumbest thing I have been told so far was when I bought a pair of otocinclus from a really dirty fish shop (they were the only ones that had them at the time). there were multiple dumb things like: 1. I asked about a really large channel catfish, and they told me "it can live in a 55 gallon...
  5. G

    Dumbest thing anyone’s said to you regarding fish…Go!

    I have natural river sand in my tanks and plants grow great! granted there are large pieces that stop it from fully compacting
  6. G

    Dumbest thing anyone’s said to you regarding fish…Go!

    that they know about fish anatomy and inner workings doesn't mean they know about domestic fish care
  7. G

    Another question: what do you do with your dead fish?

    I make sure if he died of disease or old age if it is a disease I will bury it in my veggie garden, if it was old age I will feed it to my turtle (either way it gets to do 1 last important task), I love all my fish but I am guilty of loving some of my fish more than others, those get their own...
  8. G

    Dwarf puffer questions

    well, I would say that he or she will do fantastic in that aquarium. at least here in my country, they are really rare overall but all the ones I have seen (like 4 in total) were captive breed fish. if you have space where they could get stuck or under a rock/wood then seal that space with some...
  9. G

    Grandmother Tank Stocking

    Well from my research it can be done just with lots of plants and a good water change schedule, and by choosing the smallest of the aquarium available species Otocinclus affinis and apistogramma borellii
  10. G

    Best Algae/Cean up?

    I prefer to search different careguides and forums and make an opinion based on that, then see what works and what doesn't work as much as i can. Also looking at how and where fish live in natire helps a lot
  11. G

    Best Algae/Cean up?

    i really dont trust that site since it cant take into account your bio-load management or plants quantity which influence th ammount of fish that can live in an aquarium
  12. G

    Best Algae/Cean up?

    not at all! i have 10 ottos ans a bristlenose in my 10 gallon and they thrive, granted, i never miss a water change and feed veggies twice a week
  13. G

    Can fish survive at ph of around 4?

    well, lots of fish from the amazon and southeast asian swamps live in a Ph of 4 or even 3
  14. G

    Grandmother Tank Stocking

    well, if she wants a shoaling fish then get: 1. 15 ember tetras 2. 10 otocinclus 3. 1 Apistogramma. your water seems to be soft so it will work for them, make sure to plant it heavily with a lot of driftwood and rocks, use clear colored sand and make sure to do it dirted (topsoil on the bottom...
  15. G

    Best Algae/Cean up?

    the best algae cleanup crew are your hands, manual algae removal is the best way to go if you buy an "algae eater" with the idea of it destroying your algae problems then don't buy it, buy it only because you like it and have the means to take care of it. all schooling fish need at least 10...
  16. G

    Can fish survive at ph of around 4?

    yes, there are plenty of fish species that can not only survive but thrive on a Ph of 4, these fish are fish that come from swamps, bogs, mires, or the main rainforest waterways like the rio negro so they are things like tetras, anabantoids, plecos, snakeheads, new world cichlids, etc. just make...
  17. G

    how does this sound for stocking my 47?

    I mean you can keep them all together. Reading about your grandfather's lonely tetra I think that maybe you could change the 15 marbled hatchet fish for 14 glowlight tetras plus the one your grandfather already has, and so your new stocking that I recommend using the adjustments would be: 25...
  18. G

    how does this sound for stocking my 47?

    well considering your soft water I would say stick to the tetras only, molly is a hard water fish (they are native to my area and we have a Gh of 295-310 ppm) as for the tetras remember, the more you add the better they will feel. Also, I think that the best fish to pair up are those who live in...
  19. G

    Shrimp eggs or something else

    those arent eggs sadly, shrimp keep their eggs under their tails during development. and even if they where somehow fertilized eggs that would survive and hatch they larva would still die since in nature once they hatch the amino larva go out to sea and stay there until they reach sexual...
  20. G

    Did a tank clean... Change them?

    congrats on the new stand for your aquarium! just remember the more the merrier so 10 is a minimum but if you move them to the 47 then maybe get 20-25, trust me the more you add to their school the more bold and outgoing they will be, and you will be seeing a lot of new interesting behaviour...
  21. G

    What is your favorite floating plant and why? Poll.

    yeah, that's in fact what I was thinking, great food for tilapia fry since adults are fed duckweed. Glad to see you too could see the sense on that idea
  22. G

    What is your favorite floating plant and why? Poll.

    plecos can live in a variety of water parameters, it depends on the species but yeah they are really nice and have a lot of personality. usually, gentle giants as well which make them a prime candidate for your needs
  23. G

    What is your favorite floating plant and why? Poll.

    i have kep salvinia minima as well but also salvinia molesta and salvinia natans. S. molesta specifically has the long roots that look similar to the ones of the Azolla fern, which shouldn't surprise us since both Salvinia and Azolla are true ferns, and Azolla itself is a Salvinia family...
  24. G

    Stocking ideas

    horrible, that's such a bad way to treat an animal. And yes, their family care may be good but with a bad government like the one they have it doesn't do many now does it? no problem
  25. G

    What is your favorite floating plant and why? Poll.

    cool, might use it as tilapia feed for a future project. Thanks a lot!
  26. G

    What is your favorite floating plant and why? Poll.

    for the pic, it looks like water starwort. also you could get as a centerpiece fish a golden nugget pleco or a tilapia
  27. G

    Stocking ideas

    do the massive fish farms in the far east just don't have any regard for the fish well being, nor any quality standards?
  28. G

    What is your favorite floating plant and why? Poll.

    maybe add a big and peaceful centerpiece fish to add a bigger bioload. also, I would suggest removing a lot of the other floating/stem plants that could be stealing nutrients from your water lettuce. with these 2 changes and a few months, the aquarium should sort itself into a balance where the...
  29. G

    Stocking ideas

    that they come with fish tuberculosis and dwarf gourami disease just reinforces my belief that it is caused because the people at those farms don't take good care of them and don't even try to do so, they just see them as money makers and not as animals with needs and feelings, since both...
  30. G

    What is your favorite floating plant and why? Poll.

    what size is the tank and what fish do you have? also yes you can mix water lettuce with other floaters
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  32. G

    Stocking ideas

    oh I am terrified of catching fish tuberculosis not only because of its effects on humans but also because it would mean one of my babies is sick, such a horrible disease, does it have a cure?
  33. G

    What is your favorite floating plant and why? Poll.

    is it called meal because you can eat it? also is it the one that looks like little beads, pls tell scientific name
  34. G

    Stocking ideas

    that explains it. most fish from here come from local fish farms or from the USA so in your case the long trip (plus some shady management issues) causes them to get sick and die
  35. G

    90 Gallon Stocking

    I would say that if you want a fish for personality and a good owner-pet relationship you should consider snakeheads, Oscars, or flowerhorns. good tankmates for these fish would be large plecos, or maybe a group of 4 geophagus Tapajos. or you could make an amazing biotope tank, like imagine a...
  36. G

    Stocking ideas

    oh, that's so horrible. is it like a country thing? here I haven't had that happen ever, that just comes to show how poorly some stores and breeders manage these little beings, it almost feels like they don't see them as living things but just as easy money makers, shame on them.
  37. G

    Stocking ideas

    I don't know what the risk with gourami is here but assuming you mean by tank size then it should be ok if you mean honey gourami. chocolate gourami, samurai gourami, or colisa Laila then it would be perfect. pearl danios are a schooling fish so I would say to go for 10 of them. (I assume you...
  38. G

    What is your favorite floating plant and why? Poll.

    water lettuce melts down when it doesn't like where it is, check for lighting since they are a full sun species they should have a powerful light on top of them (don't worry if you have light shy fish like gourami or ancistrus since the water lettuce will block most of this light, the bulb is...
  39. G

    What is your favorite floating plant and why? Poll.

    100% water lettuce then would come to water hyacinth and Salvinia. and since someone up there showed his water lettuce I feel I should do the same water lettuce in my 10 gallon (and some salvinia) water hyacinth in my 5 gallon buckets and 55 gallon backyard pond