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  1. M


    I now have my first tank up and running 60l, and is well stocked, i have my water well under controll and have a nice community tank as a result of all the help from the forum. Tommorow i am setting up my second tank which is second hand and is a 200l baby lol. I am really enjoying my new...
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    Gold Fish Quick Answer

    proberbly best to bag them up and take them to a pet shop then
  3. M

    Gold Fish Quick Answer

    i have a sister who just bought an aqarium but already has 3 gold fish, they would like to know if the goldfish will be ok at aquarium temps and so use them to assist a with fish cycle, i do not know and am doing a fishless cycle. thanks
  4. M

    Friendly Bottom Feeder

    so you would suggest a minimum of 3 cory's and would these be alright with gravel or are they particulary partcial to sand.
  5. M

    Friendly Bottom Feeder

    nice link, very informative, thanks
  6. M

    Friendly Bottom Feeder

    Can anyone suggest a friendly bottom feeder, not a tat fish because they hide a lot, and not to big, perhaps 2-3 inches fully grown. Any ideas and a pic would be nice. Thanks Pete
  7. M


    i have seen some "red eye" Tetras today and they look well nice, greyish with black through rear thin with sensational red eyes. Regards
  8. M

    My New Tank

    thank you
  9. M

    My New Tank

    i will therfore not be tampering with the waters ph I will soon be taking suggestions for first fish, I have read numerous threads of folk putting Guppy's first and Molly's but will be looking for other suggestions, I will be looking for my tank to reflect me lol. So would like some unusual but...
  10. M

    My New Tank

    super thanks, will leave the PH alone Once again thanks
  11. M

    My New Tank

    i am now having sucess in with the amonia levels they are on the verge of zero - these charts are not the best with 43 year old eyes looking at them my readings are yellow lol. I am thinking about dropping my PH alittle to maybe mid 6 at present it is at 7.5 we live in lincolnshire the water...
  12. M

    My New Tank

    NitrIte got another test to buy, for nitrate haven't i wow thers a lot to take in
  13. M

    My New Tank

    today,s readings PH 7.6 NIT 2.0 AMO 0.5 Thanks Pete aka Tash :good:
  14. M

    My New Tank

    yep got amonia added 2 live plants today tank crystal clear adding filter start every 2 days
  15. M

    My New Tank

    ok thanks
  16. M

    My New Tank

    yes i am going for the fishless cycle, i am so glad i resisted temptaion to drop some fish in, i need to pick up the additional testing equipment
  17. M

    My New Tank

    Festive Greetings from Grantham My lady bought me an aquarium for christmas. I washed my gravel I rinced the tank I Boiled the drift wood I washed the Plastic Plants Filled the tank Added Filter start Added Tap Clear Tank filter started PH Reading 7.5 After 3 days I have reisisted...