Friendly Bottom Feeder


New Member
Dec 28, 2008
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Can anyone suggest a friendly bottom feeder, not a tat fish because they hide a lot, and not to big, perhaps 2-3 inches fully grown.

Any ideas and a pic would be nice.


cory's :) just google for a pic and it will give u lots of pic of different species of cory :)
nice link, very informative, thanks
Ohh I was going to ask this earlier :p

Any suggestions for a community tank (15Gal) involving some substrate turners like corys? they all seem to need to be in groups of 5 or 6 which is a fair few isnt it?

you can get pygmy corys which you could have a group of 8 in there that would be fine even with other friednly fish that arent too large
these grow to about an inch - their pics are on the link i gave
i have lots of these pygmys they are really cute fish
as sand turners i would also get some malaysian trumpet snails and maybe a group of 6 khuli loaches 0- these add vertually 0 to the bio load on the tank
so you would suggest a minimum of 3 cory's and would these be alright with gravel or are they particulary partcial to sand.
Hi mrtash :)

Corys do like sand, but fine gravel is OK too. It's important to avoid a substrate of large gravel since since food can settle between the pieces and provide food for potentially harmful bacteria. Since corys spend a good amount of time on the ground, they are sensitive to this.

Here's a picture that shows marks the corys made while digging in the sand.


This is a mature, wild caught, female C. aeneus (bronze). If you look carefully under her nose you will see her long barbels. They are sensory organs that the corys use to find their food. If you use sharp or large gravel you risk damaging them.


Three of them is fine, but the more you have, the happier they will be. You will find them to be very social among themselves. If you would like to learn more about this fascinating fish, visit the corydoras section. The members will be happy to help you. :D

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