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  1. Q

    Bit of Oscar help please

    I have always used salt in my aquariums even when I had oscars. It never seemed to bother them. Sometimes they would even eat it when I was dropping it in the tank.I have always heard that it was a good thing to add salt. I couldn't really tell you if it is a good thing or a bad thing because I...
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    Striped talking cat SPINES

    here are a couple of websites that give some info about them. Hope this helps. It doesn't say anything about them being poisonous
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    I would ahev to say that turtles are one of the easier animals to care for. I had 3 red eared sliders for about 3-4 years and they were about 2 1/2 inches when I got them.. The were really cool to watch. I wish I still had them but I had to give them to a friend with a bigger tank. They don't...
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    Post a cichlid tank

    I have a cichlid tank. You can goto the website in my signature and see how I have it setup. Hope it helps -Chris
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    Peacock Bass

    I was just wondering if anyone here has ever had one of these fish. I currently have 2 of them. They are great fish and pretty easy to care for. They are not to picky about water condition. They go crazy when they see me because they know they are going to be fed. They love feeder fish and...
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    Trapping Methods

    I usually ise a small bucket or a large cup depending on how big the fish is. I think it is a lot easier and better for the fish than using a net. -Chris
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    My Colors are dull

    I know that there are some special cichlid foods that enhance the color. I am not sure what they were called. But I am sure you can goto your local pet store and ask them and they can tell you what it is. -Chris
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    New to Board! Here is my Aquarium and Fish

    I would have to say that he is about 5-6 inches. He really hasn't grown to much in the past couple months. But he is a great fish. -Chris
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    Archer Fish

    I bought one of these for my girlfriends tank. They are good fish. It is really cool to watch them spit water. You can hang a piece of string just above the aquarium and put some food on it (dried food, insects) and he will spit it off. Very cool. I think it was only about 8-9$. But jus like...
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    New Arrivals.............

    I would love to have another one of those pike cichlids. The local fish store does not get them in anymore. If only you were closer to Ky. Nice fish though. What do you think of the pike cichlid? I think mine is great. I used to have 2 of them but one succumbed to ick. But when I did have 2 of...
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    battle of the cichlids!!!

    No offense taken SMB. I am trying to learn just as much as you are. I learn new things everyday about these fish and I would love to learn more. I am just speaking from my experiences. In my opinion after owning 2 oscars is that they can be aggressive at times with other fish. I am not saying...
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    Why did my old Pleco disapear?

    He could just be hiding somewhere in the aquarium. I now when I first got my pleco he was pretty small and it took me forever to find him. Especially if you have some driftwood in your aquarium. My would be on that and he would belnd right in. I would look right past him many times before I...
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    Does Aquarium Salt Work?

    Since I have some catfish I usually only put in about half of the recommended dosage. Also just like they said oly add more salt when you do water changes. To much salt can be really bad for your fish. I would recommend to use it. It is pretty cheap so why not use it if it recommened. -Chris
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    I figure I will addin my 2 cents. I, not to long ago, owned 2 oscars. I started out with just one in a 55g and a few other fish. But after a few months I wanted to get another one. By this time the one that I had was a pretty decent size. So I bought another one that was only about 3 inches...
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    battle of the cichlids!!!

    I think that I am going to have to say that my favorite fish is either the pike cichlid or the peacock bass. Obviously you can tell that I am into the more aggresive fish. I have owned oscars and I currently own a green terror. For some reason the oscars would get a disease all the time they...
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    Newbie here. This board is excellent!!!

    I do like the aggressive ones. But one would think with all of these aggressive fish that there would be some fights in the tank. But there have been no fights at all. All fish get along great. I have had the peacock bass for about 3 months and they haven't really grown that much. I just...
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    Newbie here. This board is excellent!!!

    Well just thought that I would say hello and introduce myself. My name is Chris and I am a 22 year old college student from Kentucky. I have been into fish keeping for the past few years. I have a couple interesting fish in my tank. I posted the pics of my aquarium and my fish in the appropriate...
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    New to Board! Here is my Aquarium and Fish

    Ok guys sorry about that. I don't know why it wouldn't work for some of you. But anyway I put the pictures on my yahoo photo section. So that should be easier to use. Hopefully it will work this time. Let me know what you think Oh and by the way the Peacock...
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    New to Board! Here is my Aquarium and Fish

    Well here are a few pics of my aqaurium and my fish. The aqaurium is a 55g. The first pic is of the aquarium. The second one is of my pike cichlid. The 3rd is of the 2 peacock bass, and the 4th is of a green terror. The pics were taken about 3-4 weeks ago. The peacock bass have gotten a little...
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    hole in the head

    i have 2 oscars, 2 catfish, pike cichlid and a pleco in a 55g. My oscars both have hole in the head disease. they seem to get this on and off. it sually goes away pretty fast so i usually dont worry to much about it. now they have had it for awhile. one of them has pretty much stopped eating...
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    hole in the head

    i have 2 oscars, 2 catfish, pike cichlid and a pleco in a 55g. My oscars both have hole in the head disease. they seem to get this on and off. it sually goes away pretty fast so i usually dont worry to much about it. now they have had it for awhile. one of them has pretty much stopped eating...