Archer Fish


Fish Fanatic
Aug 3, 2003
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Hi :D at my local fish shop they have archer fish at resonable prices ( I hope these are resonable ;) $40 for a large $10 for a small) I was wondering first if they are compatible with my fish (in signature) and if anyone has them or has some info on them, are they hard to breed, etc.. Any help would be much appreciated. :)

VCG :fun:
Hi Henry :)

m8 I wouldn't put anything else in your tank if its only a week old - it will still be cycling and susceptable to spikes of ammonia and nitrite... :/

I bought one of these for my girlfriends tank. They are good fish. It is really cool to watch them spit water. You can hang a piece of string just above the aquarium and put some food on it (dried food, insects) and he will spit it off. Very cool. I think it was only about 8-9$. But jus like wetwetwet said you should wait awhile until you get him. Let you tak cycle a little bit longer and then get it.

Aren't these brackish fish?

And unless you want a dead $40 fish, wait till the cycle is done like they said ;)
:nod: Definately brackish, but have seen them "survive" in freahwater. They are usually darker in FW, but don't recommend it at all. Ten gallons isn't really big enough for these. They should also be kept in groups of about 3-5 or more. Keeping these fish in a paludarium with some branches sticking out of the water is very cool. You may even be able to keep with Anableps (4-eyed fish) and mudskippers. All three enjoy crickets, and the archer fish will shoot them out of the "trees." Good filtration and subdued lighting are a plus. I would really research these before you buy. They can and I repeat CAN be difficult to feed, especially without live or frozen food. They are rather unique fish that can be kept in a rather unique environment with rather unique tankmates. Good luck and good fishing. :thumbs:
Thanks for all your help :) i'm going to wait until my tank has finished cycling :D I might buy a tank just for angel fish B) i'l grow them from when they are young in anycase :) thx again

VCG :fun:
You might want to check out the link in Impur's signature. Basically, a tetra rep went on the CBS Morning Show and was instructing on setting up a tank, a saltwater tank. They proceed to put two false percula clown fish, one blue tang (I think that's the name, it's like Dorry off Finding Nemo), a couple of sea horses, and a brittle star. That's not all that bad except the tang will annoy/kill all the others. But the main problem was that they put all those fish in a five gallon tank! :crazy: They also didn't mention anything about cycling.
You might want to check out the link in Impur's signature. :thumbs: Basically, a tetra rep went on the CBS Morning Show and was instructing on setting up a tank, a saltwater tank. They proceed to put two false percula clown fish, one blue tang (I think that's the name, it's like Dorry off Finding Nemo), a couple of sea horses, and a brittle star. That's not all that bad except the tang will annoy/kill all the others. But the main problem was that they put all those fish in a five gallon tank! :crazy: They also didn't mention anything about cycling.
You might want to check out the link in Impur's signature. :thumbs: Basically, a tetra rep went on the CBS Morning Show and was instructing on setting up a tank, a saltwater tank. They proceed to put two false percula clown fish, one blue tang (I think that's the name, it's like Dorry off Finding Nemo), a couple of sea horses, and a brittle star. That's not all that bad except the tang will annoy/kill all the others. But the main problem was that they put all those fish in a five gallon tank! :crazy: They also didn't mention anything about cycling.
You might want to check out the link in Impur's signature. Basically, a tetra rep went on the CBS Morning Show and was instructing on setting up a tank, a saltwater tank. They proceed to put two false percula clown fish, one blue tang (I think that's the name, it's like Dorry off Finding Nemo), a couple of sea horses, and a brittle star. That's not all that bad except the tang will annoy/kill all the others. But the main problem was that they put all those fish in a five gallon tank! :crazy: They also didn't mention anything about cycling.
You might want to check out the link in Impur's signature. Basically, a tetra rep went on the CBS Morning Show and was instructing on setting up a tank, a saltwater tank. They proceed to put two false percula clown fish, one blue tang (I think that's the name, it's like Dorry off Finding Nemo), a couple of sea horses, and a brittle star. That's not all that bad except the tang will annoy/kill all the others. But the main problem was that they put all those fish in a five gallon tank! :crazy: They also didn't mention anything about cycling.
You might want to check out the link in Impur's signature. Basically, a tetra rep went on the CBS Morning Show and was instructing on setting up a tank, a saltwater tank. They proceed to put two false percula clown fish, one blue tang (I think that's the name, it's like Dorry off Finding Nemo), a couple of sea horses, and a brittle star. That's not all that bad except the tang will annoy/kill all the others. But the main problem was that they put all those fish in a five gallon tank! :crazy: They also didn't mention anything about cycling.
You might want to check out the link in Impur's signature. Basically, a tetra rep went on the CBS Morning Show and was instructing on setting up a tank, a saltwater tank. They proceed to put two false percula clown fish, one blue tang (I think that's the name, it's like Dorry off Finding Nemo), a couple of sea horses, and a brittle star. That's not all that bad except the tang will annoy/kill all the others. But the main problem was that they put all those fish in a five gallon tank! :crazy: They also didn't mention anything about cycling.

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