Striped talking cat SPINES


Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2003
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moving around my fish and managed to get a spine stuck intoo my finger.... they are stinging like h*** and there was a lot of green stuff covering my fingers are they poisonus.

someone help please
None of my books indicate there is any danger from getting stuck by a catfish prickle. However, I expect like most spiny creatures they have some caustic substance on them to make it painful.

There is a species known as the Stinging Catfish but as you don't give the Latin name I can't be certain what you actually have. All the books say is to avoid picking the catfish up with a net.

Clean the wound as much as possible and put ice on it (wrapped in a cloth, of course, to avoid ice burns). If it swells up a lot, go to the hospital. If you could identify the actual species of fish it would make the doctor's job a lot easier in trying to work out if you've been poisoned.

I suspect the worst that will happen is that you might need a course of antibiotics. Good luck.
Platydoras costatus.... cant find anything on the net but will get some ice

They are not actually venemous but the wounds can get infected from bacteria in the water.Make sure you "bleed" the wounds well and use a anticeptic to kill any germs,if your tetnus isnt up to date it might be a idea to get a booster jab from the doc just to b safe,who knows what tropical bugs might be dwelling in our tanks :sick:
THANKS FOLKS feel a bit better now have bled the wound and there is no swelling, i will consider the tetnus in the morning thanks again

rab :no:

thanks for the links

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