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  1. ElusiveMuffin

    Fin Rot?

    Alright I can see If I can bring it down on this one. I'll do the tights method no matter what though
  2. ElusiveMuffin

    Fin Rot?

    I have the aquatec model 5-15 power filter. I have 5 plants. 2 are medium and the others are small in a 5 gallon tank. I can twim some down You may be right he swims very close to the filter and so his fins may have gotten sucked up :(
  3. ElusiveMuffin

    Fin Rot?

    He doesn't live with any other fish. He used to swim back and forth in the front of the tank, but now he does it in the back all of the time. He's very active. I think he chases his reflection all of the time.. Yeah, from what I can tell he lost it overnight. Before he had a piece already...
  4. ElusiveMuffin

    Fin Rot?

    Not sure if this is posted anywhere else.. It looks like my fish has lost pieces of his fins last night. Does this look like fin rot? This was him before:
  5. ElusiveMuffin

    Best Betta Tank Ever Seen For Me

    I saw that one too :hyper: I just need a bigger tank...
  6. ElusiveMuffin

    Betta Water Temperature?

    I keep mine automatically at a 78 F, and he's extremely active, but I heard they prefer 78-81 F.
  7. ElusiveMuffin

    Snail Creatures

    I think I saw him eat one today :D
  8. ElusiveMuffin

    Snail Creatures

    Thank you all for your replies they were all informative and helpful. I got rid of extras, but there's 2 in there (visible to the eye that is) I do not overfeed, because I feed by hand and I rearranged and cleaned off my plants. In the future I may go for a an apple or assassin snail if needed :P
  9. ElusiveMuffin

    Your Betta's Usual "dance"

    I had mine for only a week and when I go near his tank he comes up to me (for the most part) and sometimes will swim rapidly across the tank. "hey hey hey" Don't know if this is bad, but I finally got him to flare when I put a colored magic marker cap near, but he never flares at me. I was...
  10. ElusiveMuffin

    Lets Hear Your Betta's Names

    I couldn't really think of anything, but the one day "Mr waffles" was blurted so amusingly, I call him that. My friend likes to call him "Gilbert" poor poor fish
  11. ElusiveMuffin

    Snail Creatures

    I found this little creature in my bettas tank: I'm figuring it's a pond snail and I must have gotten it from the plants I got at petco. There are more of these things that I've noticed, but I've only noticed two tiny ones and this is the biggest I saw. Good or bad? Advice? Thanks
  12. ElusiveMuffin

    Do bettas normally avoid the filter current?

    My little fish tends to swim behind it, however I heard there are some exceptions and some love it, but I also heard too much could stress it out and lifespan could be shortened. I tried putting plants to somehow reduce it, but if it seems like a problem I'll use the stocking idea.
  13. ElusiveMuffin

    Post Pics Of Your Bettas Want To See Whats Out There As I Want One

    I recently bought a Veil Fin male Betta and he is my first fish. I took advice and bought a 5 gallon tank with a 3-10 filter, and a sub-mersive heater that goes up to the high 20's Celsius, as well as a thermometer just to make sure the heater works at a respectable level. It has a light in...