Search results

  1. G

    Found - Black Toraja Goby

    here you go gill (its paul from nuneaton) got two pr of them early in the year they say u can keep them with fish of their size but nothing smaller load of rubbish put one pr in with my large swords and they ripped them to bits had thousands of eggs from mine and hatched but fry died within two...
  2. G

    Bristle-Nosed Plecs Help Please

    I have a problem this year with bristle-nosed plecs I have bred quite a few of these the past couple of years (in upvc tubes with one end blocked off) but just lately I get the male and female do there courtship dance about the tubes female lays her eggs male fertilizes them and the day after...
  3. G

    My Home Made Fry Trap

    yes biulu young fry end up in juwel filter box as im only a simple breeder i dont have the luxery of a fish house with plenty of tank space the fry r then moved to a 36 x18 x15 inch to grow on
  4. G

    Tank Idea

    I made one of these over 20 years ago something like image (pic 1) to stop fish going into next tank I used plastic canvas the stuff women use for crosstich comes in large sheets of different gauge made into boxes which I then filled with filter wool which helped filter all tanks as didn’t know...
  5. G

    My Home Made Fry Trap

    My home made fry trap for fry to small to be seen As with most of small cichlids and gobies I came across a problem catching fry before they get eaten peacock gobies always seem to hatch a night or got nowhere to put parents so this is what I came up with and works just great for a few quid...
  6. G

    Mugilogobius Sarasinorum

    i got myself a couple of pr of these stunning gobies last week and i must say i have magic water got first pr last wednesday and the spawned on friday so got another pr on sat from diff suplyer and the spawned sunday does anyone know incubation time and how to feed young and take perants out or...
  7. G

    Red Lizard Whiptail Cats

    this is my shrimp tanks
  8. shrimp (Medium).jpg

    shrimp (Medium).jpg

  9. G

    Red Lizard Whiptail Cats

    this is my red lizard setup (1 mtrx18x18)sorry about pic not used to camera yet in there i have yellow labs/giant swordtails/limia's and other livebeares/whiptails/cories and plecs all with no trouble at all has been set up now for 4 yeats +
  10. red lizard tank  (Medium).JPG

    red lizard tank (Medium).JPG

  11. G

    Red Lizard Whiptail Cats

    Hi there hope someone can help I brought a pair of these whiptails had them spawn twice with no joy then 14 days ago they hatched 40 odd fry I took 25 out of the tank and put them in a trap in the top of same tank as parents and left aprox 12 in the tank to see if they would survive but they...
  12. G

    Bogwood Pre-Soaked?

    scot its paul the guy u got frogbit off can u call me got a nice bit of bogwood if u want it
  13. G

    Identifying Cichlids
  14. G

    Identifying Cichlids

    i have a freind with a problem she came home today with some fish that had been attacted she thinks it these ones caused problem see images dot verry good but hope someone can help thanx godfather2
  15. G

    Anyone Identify Make Of Tank

    hi therecan anyone throw some light on make and model of the tank see image tank size is 24x13x13 inch hope some one can help thanx for looking paul
  16. G

    Diy Co2 Bottle Top

    try here m8 if its for standard air line these fit most bottles hope this helps
  17. G

    Brine Shrimp Cabinet

    hi there does anyone use a cabinet to house their brine shrimp hatchery if so could u please help me im making one for myself (x 2 coke bottles)i need to know what size of bulb to use to keep temp up at the moment im thinking of using a normal bulb like the old (egg)incubators had in normal...
  18. G

    Diy Help Please

    this i what i used hope this helps only use one heater /pump/light how cheap can it get for £2.55 thanx paul
  19. G

    Brine-shrimp Problem

    so then m8 how do i sort it out what do i need to get as im a bit dumb when it comes to addatives thanx paul
  20. G

    Brine-shrimp Problem

    yes m8 used tap water and was told to leave it for 24/48 hours (so i left it for a week) before adding salt then brine shrimp eggs and that should do it but still all dead (never used any water conditioner) thats why im asking cause i dont know where im going wrong this is all new to me when i...
  21. G

    Brine-shrimp Problem

    hi folks just finnish third lot of eggs all hatched but no good (all dead) could someone out there help me as i must be doing something wrong water temp is 76-78 see pic what i made can someone let me know what amounts of stuff is needed and when to add them <a...
  22. G

    Identifying Fish

    does anyone know what fry these r thanx for reading
  23. G


    thanx for replying love4aquatics it is one of those just found it on planet catfish thanx again
  24. G


    hithere here is a pic of a catfist i had gave me in a job lot of fish its about 6 inch long can someone identify it for me