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  1. P

    Bloodspots On Frog...

    one of my african clawed frogs suddenly (within a few hours) has red splotches on his underbelly. it looks like (on a human) if you get pinched and there is blood underneath the skin. this one is the only one out of three that has the spots. i have already quarantined the frog from the others...
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    Snakey Feeding Time

    beautiful snakes. i will post my pics of "Susan B. Anthony" my late reticulated python asap. RIP
  3. P

    New Oscar Might Be Sick?

    my oscar did the same thing when i got it. i was told that that was his way of adjusting to his new surroundings. it died a few days later. so i guess im saying be careful.
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    Kinda Confused...

    for my three ACF's i have them in 3 gallons of water. they are all small... the size of a quarter at most. i also have live plants in the tank, bamboo and some other live "bush like" plants... there is no filter to this tank because i keep the tank very clean. water change every 2 to 3 days. i...
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    What Would Be Better?

    thanks all.
  6. P

    Could I Put A Turtle In The Same Tank As Piranhas?

    i dont know anything about mixing turtles and piranhas... can you buy piranhas at lfs?
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    What Would Be Better?

    just wondering if anyone has had any experience with feeding ACF's live food. I have access to feeder fish and glass shrimp... or ghost shrimp... whatever they are called. I have three ACF's and I take pride in keeping them healthy. Is one food source better then the other? thanks...
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    Advice From The Snakehead Experts Please

    i had heard of these fish but have never looked at them until now. i think they are awesome and would love to see some videos posted of them feeding. good luck with them.
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    Any Ideas...

    im having to hold one of my clawed frogs head out of the water bc it is too weak to swim to the surface. if i let him go he sinks to the bottom and can not make it back up then goes to laying on its back. i knew he was sick when i got him but id figure i would see what i could do. id feel bad if...
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    Bettas and African Clawed Frogs...

    we have had our beta in with our 3 african clawed frogs for months and they all get along just fine. however our beta is larger than most
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    Walmart And Albino Clawed Frogs!

    what exactly is that supposed to mean? he's nursing the little guy back to health. and how would ten more die when you ask them to treat them better?
  12. P

    Walmart And Albino Clawed Frogs!

    this is his wife.. not so sure he was 'going at the business'.. just saying dont be heartless and not say something when you see fish and frogs suffering. dont just walk on by. you clearly misunderstood the point.
  13. P

    Walmart And Albino Clawed Frogs!

    Keep an eye out at your local WalMart for albino clawed frogs. WalMarts reputation for any type of water pet is horrible. I have purchased three from WalMart as of today... the latest i bought last night. They are usually underfed and always not properly taken care of. My first two frogs have...