Walmart And Albino Clawed Frogs!


New Member
Sep 22, 2009
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Keep an eye out at your local WalMart for albino clawed frogs. WalMarts reputation for any type of water pet is horrible. I have purchased three from WalMart as of today... the latest i bought last night. They are usually underfed and always not properly taken care of. My first two frogs have made a wonderful comeback and are finally looking like they will be ok. The one i bought last night is very sickly... skin and bones. The WalMart employee even said to me, "You don't want that one!" So ofcourse i bought the little guy. I hand fed him shrimp and he seems to be doing alright so far. Anyways the point of all this was that if you see sickly little frogs and fish at WalMart say something to a manager and they will usually atleast feed them better. thanks
so what is the point in this post? just to have a go at a business? you cant complain about a fish/inverts not doing very well when you were told not to buy it.?

there are so many of these posts venting anger at aquatic businesses but it goes down to one simple fact. They are not there to make firends, they are there to make money and that is what they have done from you. i always find, the small family run places to be better than the large chains.
welcome to the forum!!!
glad you are taking such good care of the little guy.
i usually avoid walmart at all cost for this reason. but i have several other options for livestock in my area, and some folks may not. the only thing they are good for IMO, is cheap equipment (little heaters and airpumps, lighting fixtures, etc. for new smaller tank set-ups)...they cost a lot less at wallyworld than in the fish stores.
this is his wife.. not so sure he was 'going at the business'.. just saying dont be heartless and not say something when you see fish and frogs suffering. dont just walk on by. you clearly misunderstood the point.
this is his wife.. not so sure he was 'going at the business'.. just saying dont be heartless and not say something when you see fish and frogs suffering. dont just walk on by. you clearly misunderstood the point.
this is not a personal attack but more of my opinion.

you missed the point in buying the thing, would you rather 1 frog die or 10 or more die? what are they going to do when you buy one? replace it with another!
what exactly is that supposed to mean? he's nursing the little guy back to health. and how would ten more die when you ask them to treat them better?
what exactly is that supposed to mean? he's nursing the little guy back to health. and how would ten more die when you ask them to treat them better?
because walmart will continually stock their tanks with more frogs!

if you leave them, then they will all die and they wont buy anymore in.
yep, truck is dead on here, if a product doesnt sell, why get more stock in, but if you buy them then they think its selling so will get another batch in. simples.
come on everyone, it was done with the best intentions!!!

and i know if i was that frog, i'd be really glad i got bought - the guy's tryin to help the little fella - give him SOME credit!
come on everyone, it was done with the best intentions!!!

and i know if i was that frog, i'd be really glad i got bought - the guy's tryin to help the little fella - give him SOME credit!

True but they shouldnt be outraged if they did actually buy from them. It just adds to the demand. Its like "rescuing" a puppy from a cruel puppy farm, it just creates room for another puppy .

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