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    hey tom tiger barbs need to be in a shoal of around 8 and need a 100cm long tank. same idea for danios i believe. corys are better in a shoal - 4 to 6 if possible my corys love bloodworm but IMO half a cube is too much for your stocking, 1/4 may be better. i cut the cube with a scissors and...
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    Removing Plants For New Ones.

    could be brown algae which is easily removed gently with your fingers. if its just algae remove the pots and plant them in the substrate, if not do as waterdrop said
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    Juwel Aquarium Rio 240 Lighting Problem

    Heres the link:
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    External For Rio 180

    Excellent man, thats exactly what i need. 2 quick questions though. I am still pretty new to fish keeping but thought that keeping the water was vitally important. I have read threads about moving house and they advised to put all the water in containers to transport it?, even though I read in...
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    External For Rio 180

    Just picked up my new rio 180 (they wouldnt have the aquaone tank in for at least a month). Gotta say its a cool looking tank. I actually think the black box looks way better in the rio 180 compared to the record 800. It seems to be around the same size which now looks way smaller in the 180...
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    External For Rio 180

    Yea i clean the filter weekly (floss and 1/4 of sponge) but i still think they need some extra help. But i do think a rio with and extra external as well as the internal should be a pretty good setup(its going to be a heavily planted tank so from all my reading a good turnover is an advantage)...
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    External For Rio 180

    Hopefully im going to pick up a new rio 180 tomorrow. Looking forward now to setting it up but just started thinking how am i going to transfer everything. My plan is to buy a new bag of tropica substrate, a few bags of gravel and then transfer all the gravel from the 110 litre tank. I also plan...
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    External For Rio 180

    Cool. I didnt realise that the rio had 2 slots as I have a record 800 and it has only 1 slot on the right hand side so to fit an external would have involved cutting the lid. I havent ever owned an external though and am not sure how big the pipes are and wasnt sure if there was an esay way to...
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    External For Rio 180

    Thanks for all the advice. I looked up the Juwel website there and it looks like on the new lids there is a gap on both sides which is great. Yea i have seen the tetratec for a good price and read some good reviews so might get that one. Does anyone for sure if the pipes will fit in through...
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    External For Rio 180

    Yea i find the flow is hugely reduced without a partial clean every week. What i am mainly wondering though is how much alteration will have to be done to the tank lid in order to fit the pipes for an external filter. Is there any way to fit an external to a rio without cutting something (and...
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    External For Rio 180

    Hi, I am hoping to upgrade to something around the 180 litre mark and am thinking probably Juwel or possibly aquaone. I would probably favour a Juwel Rio 180 but am not totally happy with the water clarity in my 110 litre juwel tank at the moment so would like to add an additional external. I...
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    Ceratopteris Thalictroides

    Cool, nice one aaron. I'll have to do some pruning later. Every night when I get home from work the plant seems to be a good couple of cm's bigger.. Cheers
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    Ceratopteris Thalictroides

    Hi, have some Ceratopteris thalictroides which has grown unbelievably big in just over 2 weeks so its needs to be pruned and I am hoping to replant the cuttings to fill in more gaps. Just wondering whats the best part of the plant to cut to keep the main plant healthy and ensure the prunings can...
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    Stocking Advice

    Cheers Tokis, yea im now thinking 6 neons would probaly be the best option too. Thanks
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    Caterpillars In My Tank

    Could be planaria - small white worms. If they are planaria they are harmless, my tetra ate them all in a few days ;)
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    Java Moss

    I put the moss in a lunch box with some luke warm unchlorinated water. I didnt actually think it would arrive until tomorrow so i was a bit unprepared. I have the moss and lunch box wraped in a big bit of cloth on the radiator but after reading your posts i think maybe thats a bit of overkill...
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    Java Moss

    Will do straight away, thanks drewry :good:
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    Java Moss

    Hi, Just got some java moss delivered to my work there and am wondering how long it will be ok out of water. Its in a sealed plastic bag. It was posted on monday - so been out of water about 4 days. Do I need to find a container or something to keep it wet until tonight or what would be the...
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    What Is This

    Hi Colin, Sorry about the late reply. Didnt want to start posting that iv no hydra only to post a question the next week on how to get rid of hydra :lol: .. The good news is that i am now completely 100% sure that i dont have a single trace of hydra left. The Flubendazole totally eradicated...
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    Stocking Advice

    Hi, Just looking for a quick bit of stocking advice on my 110 litre (29 us gallon) juwel reckord. The tank is pretty well planted and has been running now for 3 or 4 months without many problems (except for an outbreak of hyrda which has thankfully been wiped out with the help of BigC.. thanks...
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    Tropica Plant Nutrition Liquid

    Hey Aaron, Once again thanks for your reply and advice. Well appreciated :good: Cheers
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    Tropica Plant Nutrition Liquid

    Hi I am going to pick up the Tropica Plant Nutrition liquid or liquid+ tomorrow and was looking for a bit of advice on which one to get. I was going to get the tropica + as i have a low stock of fish and also read on this site that it was a better product. Only problem is I also have a bit of...
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    Info On T6 Bulbs

    Cool man, ill have a read of it when I get home. Ill go match the bulb then to the ballast. Nothings straight forward eh :S ... Thanks for all your help AC, definitely cleared up a lot for me :good:
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    Info On T6 Bulbs

    Hey supercoley nice one for the reply. This is confusing stuff :blush: I purchased a single 30 W t8 ballast. I didnt realise the technical stuff behind it so i presumed that was plenty of power to run a 18 or 20 watt bulb (is this correct or am i in trouble running a lower watt bulb and need...
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    Info On T6 Bulbs

    Hi Nick or anyone who might be able to answer this. I had already ordered the t6 bulbs before i knew about the ballast power on my juwel record 800 system and the fact that they may not get the max out of the t6 bulbs. So now i was thinking i could hopefully install one t6 in my new starter...
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    Toning Down An Elite Stingray 5

    Hey Declan, im no expert but when i add loads of filter sponge to my juwel it really slows the flow. I had the exact same problem as you when i first got a tank with almost the same filter (might be a size down from yours) and the only thing that slowed the rate for me was when i sent the flow...
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    Info On T6 Bulbs

    Thanks for the replies, just ordered them now. Hopefully with this setup: 2 x 20 watt t6 and either one t8 juwel 18 watt or one t8 power-glo 20 watt ill be able to get some good plant coverage. Im also using the nutrafin co2 & just started dosing with nutrafin plant gro today as it came free...
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    Info On T6 Bulbs

    Cool man, think ill go order one of each then. Anyone know why t6's are not more well known, not much info on them anywhere and not many places selling them. Quick question, if i had 2 20w t6's with reflectors and one diy 18w with reflector on a 110l tank (29 us gallons) how many watts per...
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    Info On T6 Bulbs

    Hey Nick thanks for the reply. Do you find them good. I was thinking of adding 2 as a cheap way of finishing upgrading my tank (cheap compared with getting a new high lite set up :rolleyes:). Oh and would the existing juwel reflectors stay on the tube (are they much smaller) or would i have to...
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    Info On T6 Bulbs

    Hi has any got any info on these bulbs. I have read that they will fit an existing t8 set up without modification. Is this correct as its pretty hard to find any detailed info on these. I fitted a 3rd t8 bulb to my record 110 tank today but am still trying to get more wattage somehow as with the...
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    Peppered Cory Eggs

    Hi StrontiumDog no problem at all. Thanks for the advice, worked out perfect. The tank temp is 24c and it took almost 6 days i think to hatch. Now have 6 baby corys that are a week old. Just bought them a small 7 liter tank from argos and will pick up a little heater aswell and hopefully put...
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    Peppered Cory Eggs

    Hi StrontiumDog, The 4 corys are in a 110l tank on their own with no meds. I also have 6 tetra in a 60l quarantine tank which i asked about adding meds to yesterday but have still not added any today as i still dont know exactly what is wrong. As far as i can remember i have stated occupants...
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    Peppered Cory Eggs

    Hi, My Peppered Corys have laid another 22 eggs this morning. It turns out i have 2 males & 2 females. Im not actually trying to get them to breed, they just wont stop. I am feeding them pellets, bloodworm & krill pellets(i think). Only problem is that none of the eggs have hatched so far. I...
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    Glowlight Tetra

    isnt changing that much water in this much time bad, 50% of the good stuff gone in 4 days I decided to do both those water changes as i got 3 tetra last sunday & then waited until thursday(sorry changed 20l on thursday not friday) to add the other 3. Changed another 10l just there as a...
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    Glowlight Tetra

    Hi, I have 6 glowlight tetra in my cycled 60l quarantine tank at the moment. I have had them for a week now and they are eating well and have a pretty good colour (feed bloodworm, flake and small pellets). The problem is i have started to notice at least 3 of them shake vigorously every now and...
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    Hydra Attack, Hercules Needed

    My quarantine tank is blooming with hydra :grr: and the tank is spotless (Stripped down 2 weeks ago and fully cleaned) Hydra must of been on the filter media or something as that was the only thing that wasnt cleaned so i think they tend to thrive in clean tanks :D I was advised to use...
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    Blue Ram Pair

    Hi Pleccy, Thanks for your reply. Yea i read that bolivian rams are harder alright but my lfs only ever has blue rams. So many different websites state so many different temperatures for rams. I dont want to upset my corys by changing the temp so maybe i might have to forget the ram idea. Any...
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    Blue Ram Pair

    Hi, I have 110l(29 us gallon i think) that has been running for about 4 months. It was fishless cycled and has 4 peppered corys in it for the last 2 months or so. I also have 6 glowlight tetra in a 60l quarantine tank and am hoping to put them in the 110l this week. Now i am hoping to get a...
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    What Is This

    Hi drobbyb yea they're a bloody pain. Im constantly trying to wipe down the glass and suck out them out but they just always seem to come back. I want rid of them now though as the cory ave laid eggs. Do you know of any brand of fluke tabs and are they readily available as they may be my best...