Glowlight Tetra


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2008
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I have 6 glowlight tetra in my cycled 60l quarantine tank at the moment. I have had them for a week now and they are eating well and have a pretty good colour (feed bloodworm, flake and small pellets). The problem is i have started to notice at least 3 of them shake vigorously every now and then. Some of them also appear to yawn slightly to one side (but have looked this way since i got them) and they all kind of harass each other rather than shoal if that makes sense.

I checked the stats there and got Ammonia = 0; Nitrite = 0; Nitrate = 5ish and just changed 10litres of water (Also changed 20litres on friday).

I was thinking it could be worms or something but not too sure. I know that they must be healthy because they were in the lfs for nearly 3 weeks before i got them.

Any ideas?


I have 6 glowlight tetra in my cycled 60l quarantine tank at the moment. I have had them for a week now and they are eating well and have a pretty good colour (feed bloodworm, flake and small pellets). The problem is i have started to notice at least 3 of them shake vigorously every now and then. Some of them also appear to yawn slightly to one side (but have looked this way since i got them) and they all kind of harass each other rather than shoal if that makes sense.

I checked the stats there and got Ammonia = 0; Nitrite = 0; Nitrate = 5ish and just changed 10litres of water (Also changed 20litres on friday).

I was thinking it could be worms or something but not too sure. I know that they must be healthy because they were in the lfs for nearly 3 weeks before i got them.

Any ideas?


might be ich- if they are rubbing and shaking, isnt changing that much water in this much time bad, 50% of the good stuff gone in 4 days
The good news is that they are in the quarantine tank, if it turns out to be whitespot then you can control the problem without it spreading to the fish in your main tank. I would raise the temperature slightly (increase the aeration as well as warmer water is less capable of holding dissolved oxygen) and add a general tonic such as eSHA 2000.
are they constantly shaking if you only seen it once i wouldnt worry sometimes animals just have a spasm lol
isnt changing that much water in this much time bad, 50% of the good stuff gone in 4 days

I decided to do both those water changes as i got 3 tetra last sunday & then waited until thursday(sorry changed 20l on thursday not friday) to add the other 3. Changed another 10l just there as a prevention when i noticed 3 of them having a good old shake (its weird, they shake their head from side to side rapidly almost like a dog :) ). I though the yawning was a bit weird too (most of them when still are not perfectly strait but yawn to one side almost like a boat when the ballast is not right :rolleyes: ).

Dont think its white spot though as they are not flicking off objects or anything.

Aeration - I have a airstone already set up in the tank but only have one airpump so ill move it from my main tank now to increase oxygen.

I have intrepid general tonic and was thinking of using that but would definitely rather find out what it is and treat for that if possibly (could be just strange aggressive shaking glowlight tetra ;) )


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