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  1. VanillaShake112

    Finished Cycling, But...?

    I use the API Fresh water Master Test Kit and it had two pH tests. One just says High Range pH and the other just says pH. Sorry about that. :)
  2. VanillaShake112

    Finished Cycling, But...?

    I finished cycling and I added my first three fish, male guppies Saturday. I did my testing and here is what they read. Are they good? Freshwater High Range pH 8.2 Freshwater pH 7.6 Nitrite 0 ppm Nitrate...
  3. VanillaShake112

    Slightly Bloated Guppies?

    I just finished cycling my aquarium and added my first three guppies Saturday. But lately I've noticed that they look kind of bloated, you can hardly see but if you look close you can tell. Is this normal? They seem to bleat a few hours after eating. I feed them tropical crisp food and...
  4. VanillaShake112

    Good Food Choices?

    Any input would be great! :)
  5. VanillaShake112

    Good Food Choices?

    Yes, those are the correct links, thank you! :)
  6. VanillaShake112

    Good Food Choices?;pcatid=4267 How about now? I suppose I don't need the sinking wafers, LOL! :P But if I offer the other two foods along...
  7. VanillaShake112

    Good Food Choices?

    I'm feeding Guppies, and I will add my Neon Tetras in a few weeks. Here are the ones that I baught. Are they any good and are they the right kinds? And will I need any others?;pcatid=4267
  8. VanillaShake112

    Can I Add My Fish With 0.25 Nitrite?

    I've been cycling with fish food and my nitrite is at about 0.25, would it be alright to get my fish tomorrow as the ones that I am getting are quite hardy?(guppies/neon tetras) Because if not I will have to wait another week or more before I am able to get them.
  9. VanillaShake112

    Cycling With Fish Food

    Ammonia is at 0ppm Nitrate is at 20ppm Nitrite is at about 1 or 2 ppm About how much longer will it take before I'm done? :unsure: I REALLY want to get my fish! :shout: ...patience, LOL! :lol:
  10. VanillaShake112

    Cycling With Fish Food

    Great! So them almost there then! B-) :) :D But is the ammonia supposed to be at 0ppm? And when my fish are in there, how much nitrate should be in there to be at a safe range?
  11. VanillaShake112

    Cycling With Fish Food

    I have been adding shrimp often and it has been in there for days. But the ammonia just will not go up, it is at 0ppm and stuck. And the Nitrite is at 5ppm and stuck. What should I do?
  12. VanillaShake112

    Betta Tumor?

    Could he have somthing else?
  13. VanillaShake112

    Betta Tumor?

    A few months ago my betta Seaweed got this bump......... I've tryed Maracyn, and Maracyn II, but neither worked. I also tryed Jungle brand Fungus medication. That seemed to stop it from getting worse, ut then it seems to all at once get even more inflammed. And ever since then I havn't done...
  14. VanillaShake112

    Betta Tumor?

    A few months ago my betta Seaweed got this bump......... I've tryed Maracyn, and Maracyn II, but neither worked. I also tryed Jungle brand Fungus medication. That seemed to stop it from getting worse, ut then it seems to all at once get even more inflammed. And ever since then I havn't done...
  15. VanillaShake112

    Cycling With Fish Food

    YES! My ammonia is at 1 ppm! :hyper: My mom will get some shrimp the next time she is at the store. It will be about a week so I will have to use the fish food until then.
  16. VanillaShake112

    Is This Heater Any Good?

    It is supposed to be at 78 F. and it is positioned right under the filter.
  17. VanillaShake112

    Cycling With Fish Food

    (This is probably a weird question :rolleyes: ) but what is a prawn? :blink: Can I use a defrosted eating shrimp?
  18. VanillaShake112

    Is This Heater Any Good?

    It's this one......The coldest temperature in the room is about 70 F. It goes up when it gets hot out.
  19. VanillaShake112

    Is This Heater Any Good?

    Darn it! The heater says that it keeps the water at 78 F. but last night it dropped to 74-75 F and it keeps going up and down between those numbers??? :unsure:
  20. VanillaShake112

    Cycling With Fish Food

    Well, it has been three days so far and the ammonia readings are STILL 0ppm!!!!!! I wish I would have been able to have gotten some ammonia. :angry: :/ And the entire tank really stinks. :sick:
  21. VanillaShake112

    Cycling With Fish Food

    I added the crumbled fish food today, and flakes the night before and the ammonia is stil 0.25 ppm. So then I should just wait until it reads 4-5ppm and then count that as the starting point of the cycle? ~Thanks for the link angel.o.d.! But I already started with the fish food.
  22. VanillaShake112

    Cycling My 10 Gal.?

    Try P.S.P. for ammonia? Yes I did try them for the ammonia and they didn't have any either. :/
  23. VanillaShake112

    Cycling With Fish Food

    Anyone have any idea on how much to add? I added some last night but it wasn't nearly enough as today the ammonia is onl 0.25ppm. Should I just add it until it reaches 4-5ppm? Thank you! :)
  24. VanillaShake112

    Cycling With Fish Food

    I searched EVERYWHERE! for pure ammonia but out of all of the stores I couldn't find any. So I decided to use fish food. Here is what I have, you do the exact same things that you would have done with ammonia. I started earlier and I'm waiting to test it. 1) set up the tank with clean...
  25. VanillaShake112

    Cycling My 10 Gal.?

    From what I heard, the acromin binder is like a dye to make the ammonia cloudy. Darn it!!!!! :( So I guess I should just use the fish food then. :( ??? Do I just add it how I would the ammonia? Just a little at a time until it reaches 4-5 ppm? Thank you
  26. VanillaShake112

    Cycling My 10 Gal.?

    Ok, I just got the bottle of ammonia from the store. The ingredients are not listed, so I called and they said that the ingredients are......anhydrous ammonia, water and acromin binder (forgive me if the spelling is wrong). Will this work? It is the purest ammonia that I can lay my hands on...
  27. VanillaShake112

    Cycling My 10 Gal.?

    I know, I really hope that I can get some ammonia from somwhere. My mom and sister ran into wall-mart for ammonia and they got a bottle, but it has surfactant in it. I just HOPE HOPE HOPE that the bottle waiting at the store will work for me.
  28. VanillaShake112

    Cycling My 10 Gal.?

    Update: I went to town yesterday and I got everything I needed for the tank including a Hornwort plant. The plant was so big I had to almost cut it in half in order to fit it into the tank. So I got the whole thig set up yesterday. The only thing that I couldn't find, was ammonia! I went...
  29. VanillaShake112

    My Beardie

    I havn't taken him on a walk outside yet, but indoors I have. She doesn't seem to mind at all. :) I've heard mixed reviews on the leash before, but I always keep in mind that the each and every beardie has their own personality and some will love the leash and other not at all. So it really...
  30. VanillaShake112

    Cycling My 10 Gal.?

    Thank you!!! :):):) I will start my cycle today. I've aged some water overnight and I will add it to my tank. But should I add my water conditioner before the ammonia? Or best not at all?
  31. VanillaShake112

    My Beardie

    I have a Bearded Dragon also! I handle her as often as I can! She is SO sweet! They say that they are the best lizards to have. Mine will put up with walks on the lizard leash, Barbie clothes for pictures :P And anything else that you can think of! :)
  32. VanillaShake112

    Java Fern?

    Is it necessary to add any vitamins or anything to the water while keeping this plant? Or will it do fine without it? <>And what are some other plants that are also easy to care for like the Java Fern?
  33. VanillaShake112

    Cycling My 10 Gal.?

    Thank you everyone for your help and patience! I really appreciate it! :) :good: So, (for example) if it takes 4 drops of ammonia to reach 4-5ppms. and one day the ammonia is 2 ppms. Then you just add the ammonia one drop at a time and test it after each drop until it reaches 4-5ppms...
  34. VanillaShake112

    Is This Heater Any Good?

    I bought it for About $16.50 it is a 50 watt. and it is going to be used to heat a 10 gallon. tank
  35. VanillaShake112

    Cycling My 10 Gal.?

    Yes you did help waterdrop, quite a bit actually (I really like when members give lots of details :) ) ok, this is alot more simple to follow now, but did I cover everything? 1) set up the tank with clean, dechlorinated water. 2) add your ammonia to raise the level to 4 to 5 ppm. 3) Test...
  36. VanillaShake112

    Cycling My 10 Gal.?

    Am I only supposed to add the ammonia once and then wait? Or is there another time than I should?
  37. VanillaShake112

    Cycling My 10 Gal.?

    During the process were it says, "add your ammonia to raise the level to 4 to 5 ppm. And simply wait on the ammonia to drop back to around 1 ppm" Does this mean that I add the ammonia only once, and then(while testing it daily)just wait until it reads 1ppm? And it could take aproxx. 4 weeks+...
  38. VanillaShake112

    Cycling My 10 Gal.?

    I'm setting up my 10 gallon tank for guppies, Neon Tetras, a female betta, a snail. (maybe some ghost shrimp) This is the chart that I came up with using this... Thanks! :) Here it is.......... 1) set up the tank with...
  39. VanillaShake112

    Starting Up A 10 Gallon Tank

    I will check another store for the ammonia, but if they don't have it how would I go about adding the correct amount of fish food? And what fish food should I use? I have gold fish food and betta food(they are both flakes) The only downfall that I've heard of from a cycle with fish food is...