Search results

  1. J

    Polypterus breeding

    I've managed to find someone in Germany who breeds P. senegalus and P. ornatipinnis, but I was hoping that there would be someone here in the UK.
  2. J

    Polypterus breeding

    Does anyone here have experience with breeding Polypterus (specifically P. senegalus, but any will do). I may need to set up some breedings at some point, and am intereested in general conditions etc.
  3. J

    Monster fish

    "Jurassic Fishes" by Haruto Kodera is good for info on bichirs, sterlets, gars, bowfins and bony tongues. Doesn't cover the more recent stuff obviously, but a good book none the same.
  4. J

    Shortnose gar

    Seems to have settled in a bit more now...doesnt always take fish from me when I offer it, but will usually eat it if it is left on the bottom. He usually sits in the plants and hardly moves, although when he does he paddles with his pectoral fins rather than use his tail, and just kind of...
  5. J

    Shortnose gar

    Gar is nocturnal. Much more active at night and has a very cool, stealthy swimming style. Got him to take a bit of dead fish this morning.
  6. J

    Shortnose gar

    Hes apparently never eaten live fish in his life. Should be used to the frozen fish, since thats what the shop fed him, but perhaps I'll have to experiment with presentation.
  7. J

    Shortnose gar

    Gar is now hanging about at the surface, hiding in the plants. I've tried to tempt him with food, but he just ignores it. I'm sure he'll eat when he gets hungry though...
  8. J

    Shortnose gar

    I walked in on him when he wasn't expecting it and he was swimming around. He kept swimming for a little while, then went back to the bottom. Is this the usual resting place for Gars? I've never seen them stationary before...
  9. J

    Amia calva

    Yes, Arowanas are different to Amia. Arowanas are Teleosts, whereas Amia is a Holost like the Gars.
  10. J

    Shortnose gar

    Next day and he's still sitting on the bottom. Sometimes when I go to check on him hes in a different position, so hes obviously moving around sometimes. I've been wondering that he might be lonely since he's on his own now and was in a tank with other Gars in the shop. I may buy another...
  11. J

    Amia calva

    I don't think they are on CITES. As far as I know they are common as dirt in the USA.
  12. J

    Amia calva

    Anyone know where in the UK it is possible to get hold of the Bowfin (Amia calva)?
  13. J

    Shortnose gar

    At the moment he is about 6", so the tank is great for him. I will eventually move him into a much larger tank. I got him from a tropical shop, where the water temp was about the same., but if anything mine is colder than theirs was.
  14. J

    Shortnose gar

    I bought a Short-nose gar today (Lepisosteus platostomus). Hes in a 4 foot tank, with plenty of vegetation for cover. pH and everything else are fine. Temp is 24oC. Since I put him in hes been sitting on the bottom of the tank. He doesn't move from one spot, just sits there. Only know he's alive...
  15. J

    Bichir Eel

    Best place for general info is Where is a good place in the UK to get Polypterids? I'm also after Reedfish (Erpetoichthys) if anyone has any advice...