Polypterus breeding


New Member
Oct 16, 2003
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Does anyone here have experience with breeding Polypterus (specifically P. senegalus, but any will do).

I may need to set up some breedings at some point, and am intereested in general conditions etc.
Well im at school and working hard as you can see! :rofl: Its a same coz the book i would recommend i have at hoe! Its entitled "Jurassic Fish" and is a translated copy from the original Japaneese print and can be hard to get hold of. So tell ya what, im going away for the weekend, (HURAY) and if you cant find it ill make a special post on tuesday. The article specifically focuses on P.senegaulus and tells tank set up, sexing, water and dietary needs to breed them.
I have not personally tried this so im not sure whether it will work, as reports on breeding pollys is slim to none.......... so try and look it up or i'll be back about tuesday
Good luck
I've managed to find someone in Germany who breeds P. senegalus and P. ornatipinnis, but I was hoping that there would be someone here in the UK.
Breeding bichirs is a pretty hit and miss afair it seems, though it is do able. All i know is that they scatter their eggs over plants and that they dont practice any brood care, as with most fish fish i would asume the breeding is initiated by large regular water changes and good quality live food. Good luck with your breeding project and let us know how it goes.
LUCKY DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :hyper:

I have a M/F poly pair, unfortunately far from being sexually mature. It would be a dream to have them eventually breed, but like CFC said, it really is hit and miss. My father has successfully bred many kinds of fish, perhaps some Bichir species... I'll give him a call and see what he knows. From what I read, their eggs are somewhat adhesive and scattered in bushy plants like CFC mentioned.

Good luck with them! :cool:
Hey all found a quaint little internet cafe over here (aren't they great?) and from what i can gather these guys find a bushy plant such as Java Moss. The male swims alongside the female, passing through the fern and scattering their eggs over the bushy plants.......

Thats all i got for now but will provide more on tuesday
JohnFM said:
Does anyone here have experience with breeding Polypterus (specifically P. senegalus, but any will do).

I may need to set up some breedings at some point, and am intereested in general conditions etc.
:D look in new bie
Sorry this oddball got way laid so its late...............but better late than never eh?

the tank and water need to be as follows:

27-30 degrees C
Clear water (native water is clear)
start at 6.0 (native water pH in the dry season) and raise to 7.0 to represent the start of the rainy season (takes place from august to september)
for fish from the upper Volta region [renamed to Burkino Faso] (such as senegaulus) the hardness szhould move from 5 during the dry season to practically 0
SBV is 0.35ish

suggested plants are Nymphaea lotus and Ceratophyllum

tank bedding should be fine gravel, some mopani wood that has been tank treated (so it dosent stain the water)

Hope this helps
Hi ;)

I have a pair of Senegals and is currently spawning, I have caught them on video camera.

If anyone is interested to have a copy please email me :rolleyes:

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