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    What am I?

    Yup...I know that one to be a sail fin pleco also. Marble Sailfin Pleco. :thumbs:
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    iridecent shark

    -_- Hello there. Did you notice their pointy stomachs after feeding? I can tell you that from my observations that whenever mines eat their stomach become fairly pointed looking (almost like they are carrying eggs...but I highly doubt it.) Coult it be their natural shape....their whole body...
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    Synodontis Angelicus

    I'm also very fond of the Synodontis Angelicus. :wub: I've never owned one yet though. Not to mention they are very rare around here and in high demand. I'll just add this question (in hopes that someone might read and answer this at the same time.) :P Is it true that synodontis fight among...
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    Feeding experience anyone?!

    :thumbs: Congrats to all those out there that ever got their eel to eat frozen foods. I'm so envious of those lucky eel owners who can feed frozen or non-moving foods. :P (This might sound like I'm from the planet Mars :alien: or something but I've never seen a live blackworm, or a...
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    Hmmmm what loaches for my new tank?

    :D Loaches Woo Hoo! :hyper: What about a Hora Loach (Skunk botia) or one of those Sun Loaches? Simple patterned...but it's a pretty cool simple patterns. Or...a Striped Zebra Loach (botia striata)? I love the pattern in these ones...wicked awesome. Or, Dojo Loach, the albino...
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    Clown Loach Coloring...

    Proud owner of Clown Loaches here. :D I was just wondering. I've read in a previous post that they loose color when something might be wrong. :look: Is this true? I've spotted some in the LFS that were so faded looking, kinda like their color was washed away (not to mention they were...
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    Feeding experience anyone?!

    Alright, I've contacted the good ol' LFS. Turns out that they had him for only a short period of time but were feeding them flakes. No one actually witnessed the eel eating though. :/ Good news though...I've noticed while feeding my other Fire Eel the newer one also started trying to...
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    oh geeze

    :crazy: Eek. Those poor fish. :sad: Owner:Nikki Tank size:37 gallon Fish in the tank: 2 ID Sharks 2 Bala Sharks 2 Black Sharks 1 Diamond Shark 1 Blue Gourami 2 Golden Gourami 1 Goby 1 Catfish 1 Pleco This is pretty harsh ^.
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    Gold(en) Barbs

    I've read (though I don't know how reliable the resources are) that Gold Barbs are one of the more humble members of the barb family. (I also know that this is entirely dependent on the fish also.) However, my experience has proved other wise. I've had these fish for over a year now, and I...
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    Irridescent Sharks and Ick

    I know that most catfish are prone to ick...but are they able to grow out of it or some tolerance to getting infected by it. Particularly the irridescent sharks (Pangasius hypophthalmus) I've noticed seems to catch ick almost as frequently as clown loaches. In fact when I purchased mine they...
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    Help with syphoning

    Whenever I try to use the good ol' gravel vac in my tank (with sand substrate) it sucks up a whole bunch of sand with the poop. Heh...I should try the swishing method. :huh: I tried the hovering method too...with some success...but still a whole bunch of sand.
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    Feeding experience anyone?!

    :X They don't like brine shrimp either. *Frustrated*.
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    Anyone out there has had reoccuring ich that never seems to have gone away? :X I've been treating my tank with the Jungle Brand Ick Cure tablets and it seems to always come back...kind of like it just haults the process. :sad: I don't know what to do. I can't use bigger dosage because I...
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    Identify This Eel?

    Hmm...what kind of markings does it have? If it were a Peacock Eel then it would have spots (kind of look like ringed spots more like) on the dorsal fin.
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    Feeding experience anyone?!

    :huh: Brine shrimp...might work, never thought of that. -_- :D Well lucky me, I got me so live brine on hand also. I'm going to try that out. Picky indeed though these awesome creatures. I really hope he isn't starving though. :sad: Just a thought...but maybe perhaps he isn't too...
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    rainbow shark

    I don't think that it's a problem that you have 3 in your tank. You're just a lucky owner of mellow sharks (if there ever is such a thing) that don't bother no one. :cool: When it comes to sharks...isn't the more the better to limit aggression among each other (of course, that is if there...
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    Feeding experience anyone?!

    :D Hello out there everyone. I've got me a new friend. :hyper: The problem I've come across now is...I don't think he's eating. :/ I've tried everything I have...frozen blood worms, flake food, shirmp pellets, another type of flake food...but still no luck. :unsure: The other...
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    Clown Fish dieing because of finding nemo

    The movie was awesome. :D They should've put a disclaimer and some information about clown fish in the previews or some thing though. It's a simple fact that people probably got overwhelmed by the movie characters though and in that wanted a 'Nemo' for their very own. There is always...
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    Iridescent Sharks

    :blink: Wow, timpvjr you tank sounds strikingly similar to mine, in fact almost identical minus the angels. :P I particularly love the shark species with aquarium fish, however I must agree with Ryan in pointing out that irridescent sharks are indeed not intended for the even the larger home...
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    Help my Clown Loach!

    :sad: I think I've seen this before. I brought home some sick irridescent cats (with a bad case of ick) and treated them for the ick alone. Over the next week or so one of them developed the same "white line" apprearance as the clown loach in the picture. I was told my the LFS that it could...