Help with syphoning


Fish Crazy
Mar 5, 2003
Reaction score
Welshman exiled to Scotland
Ive recently changed all my substrate from Sand/Gravel Mix to all sand (quite fine grade). Now when I do water changes and try to suck up the poo :sick: it doesn't lift up the pipe as well.

So it takes me ages just to catch a little poo :X

Does anyone have any special techniques to this poo catching game? Please tell me your secrets!
I've tried hovering the gravel vac over the sand but it doesnt work to well.

I'm curious too, so BUMP :p
I have one sand tank, and actually find it easier to clean than gravel! I swish the vac back and forth about a 1/2" to an inch over the sand. This causes the poo to swirl up and into the vac! Easy, peasy, Japaneasy!
Whenever I try to use the good ol' gravel vac in my tank (with sand substrate) it sucks up a whole bunch of sand with the poop. Heh...I should try the swishing method. :huh: I tried the hovering method too...with some success...but still a whole bunch of sand.
Try the vac n' net approach - sometimes the poo will suck into the big part but not the little tube, so before lifting the siphon outta the tank, put a net under it to catch the floating debris.

Or you can net and suck simultaneously. B)
I just did my 160 litre tank, it's easy enough. I also just hold the vac just bouve the sand. Remember if you suck up any sand by mistake it will not go out of the bucket when you pour it down the drain. Just put it back in.


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