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  1. G

    Leporinus Compatable With Sharks Or Cichlids? Need Advice:)

    lol petsmarts are funny, sometimes here locally they dont know jack, other times they have someone there who knows more about fish than I do, guess its pretty hit or miss:)
  2. G

    Red Terror Killed My Dempsey

    red devil (8 inches) jack dempsey (5 inches) jewel cichlid (3 inches) yellow lab cichlid (5 inches) green severum (7 inches) cobalt blue cichlid (4 inches) RTBS (5 inches) black shark (6 inches) CAE (3 inches) oscar (6 inches) Tank size is 125 Gallon, most likely Im going to rehome the oscar...
  3. G

    External Vs Canister Filters

    Cannasters in my opinion, Eheim's specifically are the BEST filters you can buy.
  4. G

    Red Terror Killed My Dempsey

    Personally Ive had a lot of luck housing large agressive cichlids togeather. ive got 1 of each of these: red devil jack dempsey jewel cichlid yellow lab cichlid green severum cobalt blue cichlid RTBS black shark CAE oscar Just for the record the Devil and the Black shark wow, never seen...
  5. G

    Red Devils Or Red Terrors A More Agressive Cichlid?

    Anyone have experience with both?
  6. G

    Leporinus Compatable With Sharks Or Cichlids? Need Advice:)

    Well a leporinus gets twice as big as a RTBS but a black shark gets twice as big as a leporinus. If I were to add a leporinus to my tank Id be more woried about him than anything else. I have a red devil that is pretty big too in addition to the black shark, might pick on the leporinus more than...
  7. G

    Would A 125g Tank Be Big Enough To House A Single Arowana?

    Ive always been curious about these guys, dont have any plans to get one as my 125 is already stocked as much as I can go. Still if in the future I were to ever get an arowana I was wondering if the tank size would be sufficent? Also just for giggles would an arowana be compatable with a large...
  8. G

    Would A 125g Tank Be Big Enough To House A Single Arowana?

    Just curious thanx!
  9. G

    Leporinus Compatable With Sharks Or Cichlids? Need Advice:)

    Black sharks are VERY cool fish:) And not to be messed with either!
  10. G

    Leporinus Compatable With Sharks Or Cichlids? Need Advice:)

    lol at your last comment heheh My RTBS might be in trouble anyway once my black shark really starts growing lol
  11. G

    Leporinus Compatable With Sharks Or Cichlids? Need Advice:)

    That was really helful, thanx! So Leporinus have teeth huh? I didnt know that. Dont Devils have teeth too?
  12. G

    Leporinus Compatable With Sharks Or Cichlids? Need Advice:)

    Wow you really think it would take out a devil huh? How about a black shark?
  13. G

    Leporinus Compatable With Sharks Or Cichlids? Need Advice:)

    I wonder how they would do with an RTBS and a red devil and several other similarly tempered fish..
  14. G

    Leporinus Compatable With Sharks Or Cichlids? Need Advice:)

    Leporinus is one of the few fish Ive never had nor have any experience with, I was wondering are they compatable with Red tail Black Sharks and Plain Black Sharks? And how about Cichlids? (Central + South American and African) How well do these guys defend themselves? Are they tough enough to...
  15. G

    Finally Got My Black Shark!

    The Oscar is not 95 percent healed and is fitting in wonderfully! Happy ending after all!:)
  16. G

    Finally Got My Black Shark!

    Thank you very much! Ill definantly keep you posted with any new pics. A bit of good news, at 1st I was sure the new Oscar was going to have to be removed because nearly every fish in there attacked him. I went ahead and isolated him for awhile and reintroduced him, while he is still a bit beat...
  17. G

    Finally Got My Black Shark!

    Here ya go my friend:) 1st the yellow lab, he is about 5 inches, full grown: Next is the Dempsey, also about 5 inches not quite full grown: Next I have a pic of the Severum, he's a big guy, approximatly 7 inches: Next up, the RTBS, full grown, approximatly 4.5-5 inches: Next...
  18. G

    Members New World Cichlids Tanks

    Wow, no one else has pics to share?
  19. G

    Finally Got My Black Shark!

    Well, here is a pic of mine, he was 12 inches when I gave him to a friend:
  20. G

    Members New World Cichlids Tanks

    Well Mine isnt totally new world either, Ive got a mix but ill post what Ive got. 1st the yellow lab, he is about 5 inches, full grown: Next is the Dempsey, also about 5 inches not quite full grown: Next I have a pic of the Severum, he's a big guy, approximatly 7 inches: Next up...
  21. G

    Finally Got My Black Shark!

    Yup, here in Phx AZ you can only get them as babies unless someone takes a larger one back to a LFS and you get lucky enough to be in the right place in the right time to get him. I tried one of the little ones at ist and he dissapeared, later I found out he was sucked up into my powerhead:( Got...
  22. G

    Finally Got My Black Shark!

    Thank you much! Ive been wanting one of these guys for awhile now, getting one of these guys though was much more difficult than I thought it would be! They dont exactly carry them in every corner LFS:)
  23. G

    Finally Got My Black Shark!

    No doubt! Mine is currently only 4 inches but he has 125 Gallons of tank to grow into, he should be a happy camper:)
  24. G

    Finally Got My Black Shark!

    You really have to see one of these to truly appreciate how cool they are!!
  25. G

    What Else?

    Probably just 1 red tail shark, they wont tolorate their own kind:)
  26. G

    What Else?

    Red Tail Black Sharks work GREAT with africans as long as you dont get them as babies. Id say anuthing from 3-6 inches and you are golden! My RTBS actually chases some of my africans around so he is definantly not at the bottom of the food chain in an otherwise all cichlid environment:)
  27. G

    Assorted African Cichlids

    I got a great looking cobalt blue out of an assorted tank:)
  28. G

    Is It Possible To Cross A Discus And A Severum?

    Thought that might be an interesting hybrid if even possible.
  29. G

    Just Curious About The Description Of This Forum?

    PETA is all you had to say lol I love animals just as much as the next animal lover but PETA people and others like them are insane. :crazy: Thanx for the reply:)
  30. G

    Just Curious About The Description Of This Forum?

    Why would anyone want to flame here in particular?
  31. G

    Discus And Severum's Compatable?

    Ill be the 1st to tell you, I know nothing about discus, Ive always avoided them due to the fact that they are such a delecate fish. I also have no desire to get into keeping discus, that said, I was in a local fish store recently and saw some discus in with green severums and just out of pure...
  32. G

    So Pissed, Lost A New Fish Tonight:(

    To the power head of all things, he got sucked up in the powerhead arrgg!!!
  33. G

    Oscar Company

    You are absolutly correct, I did consiter doing that, definantly would have given it a better chance of success.
  34. G

    Oscar Company

    I can tell you that I recently tried to add a good size oscar to my cichlid tank and had to remove him in the 1st 24 hours because nearly every other fish I have in the tank attacked him. Here is a list of fish that attacked the oscar, each one of these fish took multiple bites out of him...
  35. G

    Blue Shark?

    Im 100% certain its a Blue White finned rainbow shark. Ive done a lot of reserh on them because I was really interested in getting one before I decided to go with a black shark instead due to its much larger size.
  36. G

    Bully Barbs!

    Wait till the RTBS gets large, the tiger barbs will be too busy running to think about terrorizing other fish :good:
  37. G

    What Is Your Favourite Barb?

    Tiger Barbs are too small so Id go with Tinfoil Barbs as my fav, look great as adults. If they were ever able to breed a larger Tiger Barb then that would probably become my favorite.
  38. G

    Blue Shark?

    We've already established that it is a blue white finned rainbow shark new since 2004. Check out this link for pictures of of one:,%20Red-Tail.htm
  39. G

    Blue Shark?

    Just out of curosity, where abouts do you live that you were able to find a blue rainbow shark?
  40. G


    RTS are definantly not knows for their kindness towards other fish lol