Would A 125g Tank Be Big Enough To House A Single Arowana?

probably for a while. I believe they need somewhere betwwen a 240G and 600G as an adult, depending on which method you use to figure the min tank size.
Ive always been curious about these guys, dont have any plans to get one as my 125 is already stocked as much as I can go. Still if in the future I were to ever get an arowana I was wondering if the tank size would be sufficent? Also just for giggles would an arowana be compatable with a large oscar? Thanx!
There are quite a few different types of arrowana, growing to different sizes, i think with the 125gal thing a lot would depend on the tanks actual dimensions.
nope, unless the tank was only 2 feet high and extremely wide and long. Those guys need lots of swimming space. I'm keeping mine in a 275g and plan to move it to a 600g later on.

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