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  1. halfmoonbetta

    Maroxy Or Meth. Blue

    I'm getting ready to TRY and spawn my betta's, should I put maroxy or methylene blue into the spawning tank. Or I'd be happy to take other suggestions.
  2. halfmoonbetta

    Betta Deprived!

    No problems here! musta been your pc.
  3. halfmoonbetta

    Bettas First Spawn

    Thats too bad...... :-(
  4. halfmoonbetta

    Moey And Sparkle Are Wrapping Again...

    Congrats!! Is this a first for you?
  5. halfmoonbetta

    Bettas Are Spawning

    good pictures and video. Keep us posted. :good:
  6. halfmoonbetta

    I Has Baby Guppies!

    It's my reccomendation to get the fry into a seperate tank so they can get the care they need. Theres a very, very good chance (or probability) that some will get eaten, if left with adults. If you had fry once you will most likely have another drop next month.
  7. halfmoonbetta

    New Betta...sick Or Stressed Out?

    Try a small piece of indian almond leaf, or blackwater extract. Put him in a quiet place for a couple of days.
  8. halfmoonbetta

    Keeping Females Together?

    I've raised tropical fish for awhile, but not betta's. I have 4 females that are currently in a 10 gal tank and they seem to be doing fine. I have heard arguments both ways. should they be kept together, if not how.
  9. halfmoonbetta

    My "black Dragons".

    Have you checked aquabid?
  10. halfmoonbetta

    New Addition To The Family?

    I was looking at that silver and red dragon myself. He is something! I've never bought a fish from overseas, are they usually ok being shipped?