Search results

  1. galacticfern

    Please help me identify these worms!

    I found these in my gravel. There’s been no new additions to the tank for about 9 months, but I’ve never seen them before. Possibly tubifex, red worms, or camallanus? Or something else?
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  3. galacticfern

    Please help me decipher what’s going on with my African Dwarf frog

    Thanks so much. I thought about trying to drain the fluid with a syringe to make her more comfortable but I’m wary about hurting her if I do anything incorrectly. I’ll check back in if anything changes.
  4. galacticfern

    Please help me decipher what’s going on with my African Dwarf frog

    Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. Everything has been totally stable so I’m going crazy trying to figure out what’s going on with her.
  5. galacticfern

    Please help me decipher what’s going on with my African Dwarf frog

    Thank you SO much for the reply. I always dechlorinate my water, and the pH has been stable at 8.2 since I started the tank a few years ago. I’ll definitely try some big water changes this week. The average GH is quite high (180ppm) in my city, but I converted to a blackwater setup with lots of...
  6. galacticfern

    Please help me decipher what’s going on with my African Dwarf frog

    Over the last few days she’s become very lethargic and bloated, and her eyes have turned a milky white color. There’ve been no changes to food, feeding schedule, or tank inhabitants (tank mates are endlers, cories, and a mystery snail, lots of plants). Water tests are all normal (8.2ph, 0ppm...
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  8. galacticfern

    Searching for a tank mate

    Awesome, thank you so much for your input! I appreciate your help (:
  9. galacticfern

    Searching for a tank mate

    Thanks so much for the reply! I was thinking of transferring over a part of my large male endler school from my 20g into this tank... but I really liked your suggestion about the catfish! To go even smaller, what do you think about possibly a small school of pygmy (habrosus) corys? And yes, I...
  10. galacticfern

    Searching for a tank mate

    Awesome! You’re going to love it, it really provides such an awesome space to work with
  11. galacticfern

    Trying to figure out what nutrient deficiency this is...

    Thank you so much for your reply! I figured it wasn’t an iron deficiency, and it didn’t look like any other consistent signs or deficiencies Ive experienced in the past or have seen online... I will definitely start dosing more often though based on your suggestion. And yes, my water is...
  12. galacticfern

    Searching for a tank mate

    Pretty consistently hard water, no matter how I try to tweak it the tap prevails haha
  13. galacticfern

    Searching for a tank mate

    Thanks so much! You’re too kind! Thanks for your suggestion (:
  14. galacticfern

    Searching for a tank mate

    Consistently hard water, the footprint is 11.8x11.8
  15. galacticfern

    Searching for a tank mate

    Upgraded my shrimp tank from a janky 3.5 gallon from Petsmart to a just over 7 gallon rimless UNS tank. Don't mind the messy scape, things are still settling in plant wise. Low tech, with an air stone on the way as the new filter is not moving as much water as I had hoped. When considering tank...
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  17. galacticfern

    Trying to figure out what nutrient deficiency this is...

    These spots have developed on my El Nino fern and my Anubias Nana, which causes erosion in the leaves. It doesn't scrub off, it is embedded in the leaf which makes me think it is a nutrient deficiency. My tank is low tech but high light, dosed with Seachem Flourish once a week. pH is a...
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  19. galacticfern

    Leaves browning and dying

    Thanks so much for the reply, it was very helpful! As for the root tabs and liquid ferts, do you have a certain kind or brand you recommend? And the intensity of my lighting is ok, but I have reduced to 6 hours a day and shaded my anubias. Do you think that will be sufficient, or should I move...
  20. galacticfern

    Endler only tank?

    Preferably at least 6! I have all males and they do great together, and can't beat those colors.
  21. galacticfern

    Endler only tank?

    Nice tank! I can't speak as an expert, but I have a small school of Endlers in a 20g community tank with snails, a dwarf gourami, and some ADFs. They have always done great and haven't been in any competition for food, nor have they been picked on. Before this tank I had them in a species only...
  22. galacticfern

    Leaves browning and dying

    Hey all- the plants in my 20g (5 months old) have been getting brown, presumably with diatoms, but I can only scrub off the surface build up. The brown has been embedding into my anubias and killing the leaves. I have lost four other plants completely to the same thing. Rooted plants are planted...
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  25. galacticfern

    Hello there! Long time reader, finally joined.

    Hey guys, I'm Hannah! Currently have a 20g with some endlers, a dwarf gourami, a snail and some ADFs, and a 3.5 gallon with some blue velvets. I've attached some pictures as well. :fish:Happy to be here, always learning!
  26. galacticfern

    Dropsy in African Dwarf frog?

    Interesting, thanks. She’s a lot more active in this tank than in the last. Normal behavior overall.
  27. galacticfern

    Dropsy in African Dwarf frog?

    She’s fed sinking ADF pellets and bloodworms as treats, the fish are fed tropical flakes and occasional bloodworms as well; same as the old tank.
  28. galacticfern

    Dropsy in African Dwarf frog?

    I had them in a species only tank with smaller substrate, but I was worried that they were ingesting it along with their food. The only other fish in the tank are some endler guppies, a snail, and an extremely docile dwarf gourami. They are fed sinking ADF pellets and frozen blood worms. They...
  29. galacticfern

    Dropsy in African Dwarf frog?

    Recently moved her into a 20g community tank. There is a male in there with her, so i’m not sure if she’s egg laden, too chunky from eating the fishes’ scraps along with her own food, or if it is dropsy after all ): any advice is appreciated
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