Endler only tank?


Fish Gatherer
Aug 4, 2020
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Hi I'm getting a new bigger tank (Clearseal 36" x 18" x 12" & 34 gallons) and will move my current stock (2 adult Platy & 6-9 fry) there. I've 4 neon tetra too but they're going back to fish shop as my water is 307ppm, so too hard.

Anyway I like Endlers but seriously fish says not to keep in community tank. Do you think they'd do well in a species only tank? Current tank is 24" x 12" x 13" & 16 gallons.

I'm not sure I'll keep the two tanks running but floating this idea.


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Nice tank! I can't speak as an expert, but I have a small school of Endlers in a 20g community tank with snails, a dwarf gourami, and some ADFs. They have always done great and haven't been in any competition for food, nor have they been picked on. Before this tank I had them in a species only tank, and they were happy and healthy there too. I think they'll do great either way :)
Cool, thanks. I think I'll negotiate here about whether I can keep the second tank. If they're ok as a community fish I'd add them to new tank. Do you know how many I should keep together?
The colours are lovely! I saw some today and they look like the went to a festival and got covered in glo paint :rofl: I'll definitely put them on the wish list. They're happy in my hard water.
SF does say they can be kept in a community of small fish - it's mixing them with big fish it doesn't recommend, especially if you want to breed them.
I do not want more breeding :rofl: the Platy fry are everywhere! I think I'll just pull the trigger and order the tank. I've great advice from others here about lights, filters, heaters and it's not having a lid that's stalling me. But if I order it, once I have it I'll have better idea of the space & kind of lid I need to DIY. Really wish I could find a 36" x 18" top cause I'm nervous I'll mess it up and the lid will cave in :eek:
Ah but you could have all male endlers plus some of the other fish suggested by SF :D
I'd happily keep both tanks I just need to show my husband that we do actually have the space for them. He likes to use countertops as "staging areas"... Meaning something that had to be put away "rests" there for a while :rofl: a 58l and a 127L would be much more beautiful and efficient use of space :wub::rofl::fish:
(Edit typo)
I had the exact same sized tank.

Endlers definitely can be kept in a community tanks no problem, just not with large fish like angels who might make snacks out of endlers.

Just find other species of fish that are around the same size and same water hardness and that should be fine. Lots of choices if you look and do a little research;)

I had all male black bar endlers as did not want a population explosion of endlers!!

Kept them with CPD and lambchop rasboras, shrimps and snails oh and a whiptail catfish in planted tank with sand substrate.

No issues at all.

By the way my tank was open top, no lid or cover and did not have any jumpers at all. Maybe was lucky!
I had the exact same sized tank.

Endlers definitely can be kept in a community tanks no problem, just not with large fish like angels who might make snacks out of endlers.

Just find other species of fish that are around the same size and same water hardness and that should be fine. Lots of choices if you look and do a little research;)

I had all male black bar endlers as did not want a population explosion of endlers!!

Kept them with CPD and lambchop rasboras, shrimps and snails oh and a whiptail catfish in planted tank with sand substrate.

No issues at all.

By the way my tank was open top, no lid or cover and did not have any jumpers at all. Maybe was lucky!
The top is more about keeping the toddler from putting stuff in than keeping the fish from jumping out. I've started putting a list of fish together. Once I've the tank in my home I'll pop back into a thread and get the community sorted. I won't rush adding them all. Also I've a limited choice with fish supply so have to work with that too. Your Clearseal was gorgeous. I'm really looking forward to getting my set up
Hi I'm getting a new bigger tank (Clearseal 36" x 18" x 12" & 34 gallons) and will move my current stock (2 adult Platy & 6-9 fry) there. I've 4 neon tetra too but they're going back to fish shop as my water is 307ppm, so too hard.

Anyway I like Endlers but seriously fish says not to keep in community tank. Do you think they'd do well in a species only tank? Current tank is 24" x 12" x 13" & 16 gallons.

I'm not sure I'll keep the two tanks running but floating this idea.
If SF says that endlers shouldn't be kept in a community tank than they should give a motivation. They're perfect to keep in a community tank if the other tank mates are friendly. SF should be a bit more clear about things like that.
But in general, I do have to say that not all information that Seriously Fish is posting is correct. A lot is correct but there are some flaws as well.
Lovely fish.
Mrs Lurch has 6 male endlers in her home office. Loves em. Very active around the tank. They suit our hard water perfectly.

Im considering a 120L liquid rock nano tank. WCMM, Least Kilifish, EDR, Medaka, pseudomugils, dwarf pea puffers etc
Unfortunately WCMMs temp top end is Endler bottom end Temp wise Otherwise they’d be straight on the list.
SF actually says "not suitable for a general community due to their small size and should be kept alone if breeding is to be attempted". I think it is warning against keeping them with fish big enough to eat endlers. They do suggest other small fish as suitable tank mates.

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