Not sure if its dropsy or something else. Frogs tend to get food obstructions And or bloat and most food for the fish isnt good for them and they need more than scraps. Not only that but keeping them on gravel increases chance of bacterial infection as food gets stuck between gravel and rots where the frogs always are. Not to mention its harder for them to find. ADF are basically blind and find their food by smell, theyre also shyband light sensitive so not only are they losing out on competition for food but the fish in the tank stress them out as well, increased stress increases chance for disease. ADF really dont belong in community tanks. They belong in species only tanks in groups and on sand with specialized food. Not only will this be healthier and safer for them but by keeping them with fish one misses out on their unique social behavior. They live in large groups in the wild and are very social and when in groups in tanks with themselves they can be heard croaking to each other( little audible chirps) they also readily mate and easily breed where as in community tanks they are continuously stressed and usually die prematurely.
Rehome them in a tank of at least 4, the more the merrier, use sand not gravel, get sinking adf frog pellets or thawed frozen brine shrimp and youll be able to enjoy this fun little frogs and theyll be healthier and less stressed.