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  1. Slaphppy7

    Hi all

    Welcome to TFF Agree with the above, 23L (a little over 6 USG) is not large enough for any tetras
  2. Slaphppy7

    from the good old days...

    Link doesn't work for me...
  3. Slaphppy7

    Bald eagles adopt baby hawk in California nest

    How cool is that!
  4. Slaphppy7


    Welcome to TFF
  5. Slaphppy7

    Do hillstream loaches actually need river biotopes?

    Let's keep the discussion civil here please, name-calling will not be tolerated. Differences of opinion are fine, but personal attacks are not.
  6. Slaphppy7

    I just wanna know...

    Shrimp are scavengers, they'll eat whatever they can find that appeals to them. If you keep fish with the shrimp, the fish food will be eaten by the shrimp, as well. I've kept shrimp for 10+ years, and they thrive w/out "shrimp food". I highly recommend botanicals in ALL tanks with shrimp, for...
  7. Slaphppy7

    How’s the weather?

    Summer solstice still over a week away, but this...very humid, too...not for the faint of heart, or those who aren't used to it ;) AND, hurricane season started June 1, so there's that
  8. Slaphppy7

    can't keep neocaridinas alive [spoiler: no survivors]

    From post #1: "I used to use tap water from where I was, and now I use RO+equilibrium, so I guess the problem is problem somewhere in that." The shrimp thrived in the OP's tap water source, and now they do not with RO + added minerals The (new) identical source water is obviously not adequate...
  9. Slaphppy7

    can't keep neocaridinas alive [spoiler: no survivors]

    UNLESS the source water is very different from the tank water; in smaller tanks, it's even more of an issue. I suspect the new source water as causing the issues with the neos.
  10. Slaphppy7

    Hydra in shrimp tank

    They WILL kill baby shrimp. Have a look at this:
  11. Slaphppy7

    changing water with plants

    Is your tap water treated with chlorine, or chloramine? Regardless, it shouldn't need dechlor for just plants...after all, we water our other plants with chlorinated water, with no harm to them
  12. Slaphppy7

    Concerned for these fish

    Otocinclus will not do well in newly setup tanks; they need to constantly feed on algae to survive, which will not be present in a new setup. The one pictured may have worms, hence the bloated stomach, but I am no fish disease expert, by any means; not sure what's going on with the cory, either...
  13. Slaphppy7

    First Shrimp Setup

    Welcome to TFF 2 issues with the single oto: They are a social fish, that need to be in groups of 10 or more; a 5G tank is much too small for an adequate group of these fish. Secondly, they constantly forage for algae, and will starve to death if there is not enough natural algae present in...
  14. Slaphppy7

    Planted 40g Aquarium Journal

    Looking good, Rocky 👍
  15. Slaphppy7

    Gravel and out!

    Sand > gravel Sand holds nutrients, gravel holds gunk
  16. Slaphppy7


    Welcome to TFF
  17. Slaphppy7


    Welcome to TFF
  18. Slaphppy7

    Python broke.

    I'm a valver.
  19. Slaphppy7

    Mistakes I made ordering Otos from a wholesaler

    Otocinclus constantly forage on algae; they won't accept most commercially prepared foods. Otos often are received from the vendor in a near starved state, which makes them vulnerable to health issues; if they are not introduced to a tank with an abundance of algae (green), they usually will...
  20. Slaphppy7


    Welcome to TFF
  21. Slaphppy7


    Welcome to TFF
  22. Slaphppy7

    Approach for planaria

    "These worms move on slime trails, much like snails. However, the worms’ trail contains a toxin that will stun and paralyze any shrimp or snail touching it. That gives the planaria free reign to eat your precious inverts alive" Source:
  23. Slaphppy7

    Pre cycled filter media

    Agree with the above; if you are wanting to use "cycled" filter media (the media itself isn't exactly cycled, but contains the beneficial bacteria we need to maintain a cycled tank), it's best to get it from another established tank of your own, or from a friend's tank that you know is safe from...
  24. Slaphppy7

    Pondering an online order...

    My fish bags from TWS always contain a small bit of sponge-looking's an ammonia absorber...that may be what the "pellet" was...
  25. Slaphppy7

    Pondering an online order...

    Congrats on the newbies, glad to hear all is well so far.
  26. Slaphppy7

    Sick fish

    This thread is a near duplicate of the one below, now closed.
  27. Slaphppy7

    Black neon tetras

    BNP = "Bristle Nose Pleco", see here: Sorry to hear about the change of plans in upgrading your tank, but all is not lost, and IMO, the 6 black neon tetras in a 10G tank, although not ideal, can be sustained for a while until you can...
  28. Slaphppy7

    What is the largest fish you own?

    The one mounted on my wall...9 pound 13 ounce largemouth bass my Dad caught in the 70's
  29. Slaphppy7

    Got to Have a Fishtank Room

    I see...thanks for the's a rarity to be able to keep both hard & soft water fish using the same source water, with no additional additives or RO/DI're fortunate
  30. Slaphppy7

    Got to Have a Fishtank Room

    You keep an assortment of soft and hard water fish. Is the same source water used for water changes in all of the tanks?