I just wanna know...


May 15, 2023
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I just wanna know - do you feed your shrimp? Because Im here literally INDIVIDUALLY feeding my 6 ghost shrimp with TONGS. They do like the flakes though
Hello. Hikari has some very small shrimp pellets. Years ago, when I had a few shrimp, I just dropped a few of these small pellets into the tank every couple of days. The pellets sink when they get a little water logged and the shrimp feed the same way Corydoras, Plecos and other bottom feeders eat. I never considered feeding the shrimp by hand. That's sounds like a lot of work.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
I just wanna know - do you feed your shrimp? Because Im here literally INDIVIDUALLY feeding my 6 ghost shrimp with TONGS. They do like the flakes though
Sometimes I drop in an algae wafer for a little while. But I think they get enough to eat with the leftover fish food and ambient algae in the tank.
Shrimp are scavengers, they'll eat whatever they can find that appeals to them.

If you keep fish with the shrimp, the fish food will be eaten by the shrimp, as well. I've kept shrimp for 10+ years, and they thrive w/out "shrimp food".

I highly recommend botanicals in ALL tanks with shrimp, for the natural biofilm that will grow on the surfaces of the botanicals, shrimp love grazing on this; Indian Almond Leaves are an excellent choice, readily available, inexpensive, and easy to deal with.
I have a few red cherry shrimp with a single betta. The betta food doesn't normally get to the bottom because the food floats. There's a lot of plants in there though so they do eat the dead plants. I also occasionally put in a piece of an algae wafer for them.

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