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  1. Brightestdai

    What's Happening? :(

    What's going on with my Phantom? He's also swimming weird, swims fast then around in a circle then fast again. He lives with 4 female opaline/3 dot, 2 platy and 5 croaking gourami. 20G all levels are on point, I do a 20% w/c once a week, I do a 50-75% once a month
  2. Brightestdai


    Thank you :)
  3. Brightestdai


    I was wondering how or where to post for fish of the month/week?
  4. Brightestdai

    Usually Know Male From Female But...

    Oh ok. Thanks :)
  5. Brightestdai

    Usually Know Male From Female But...

    With the intense coloring being all the time, is that gunna stress her out?
  6. Brightestdai

    What Color Is She?

    I have 1 male in there with them, he keeps to himself unless they bug him This is my full tank
  7. Brightestdai

    What Color Is She?

    Thanks :-) I will take great care of her! She's doing much better in the tank, and is now accepted into the "girls group" Free-Bee, Solè and Tigra
  8. Brightestdai

    Usually Know Male From Female But...

    I've had her for about 2-3 months, when I got her she was pretty beaten up. Now that she's better she acts like my male, semi chasing my females. Hangs out with the male and has no interest in schooling with the females
  9. Brightestdai

    Usually Know Male From Female But...

    I'm usually good at sexing Gourami's but this one I bought as a female and now it looks male. Any guesses? Sorry for blurry pics, it won't stay still lol
  10. Brightestdai

    What Color Is She?

    So what are the rare ones?
  11. Brightestdai

    What Color Is She?

    She's very shy right now, I've only had her 3 days. And thank you :)
  12. Brightestdai

    What Color Is She?

    Never seen this coloring in an opaline gourami before, any ideas?
  13. Brightestdai

    Sick Gourami

    It could be gourami disease, is she just bobbing there going back and forth?
  14. Brightestdai

    Phantom's Gill

    That he is, and vey lucky too
  15. Brightestdai

    Sick Gourami

    Is there anything else wrong with her other than the swimming?
  16. Brightestdai

    Phantom's Gill

    Just wondering what y'all thought about my male 3 spot. His left gill has always looked like this. I got him when he was a baby. He is now a year old.
  17. Brightestdai

    Female Jumbo Eye Pop

    Update: medusa has survived her ordeal but at a cost, she is now blind in her left eye :(
  18. Brightestdai

    He Just Won't Heal

    What kind of betta? I've had this problem with crown tails with Gourami's and his fins never grew back. I find with the fancier Betta's there are more problems with them and more up keep. Aquarium salt is great for all fishes, I have a 55g and use a 1 ounce cup to hold the salt. I change it once...
  19. Brightestdai

    Murdered Mate

    I have tons of hiding spots, and the female was the same size if not a little bigger then the male
  20. Brightestdai

    Murdered Mate

    Yes he's killed his female, and I hadn't planed on keeping the angel once it was bigger
  21. Brightestdai

    Murdered Mate

    Please help, my male 3 dot "Phantom" has been acting aggressive lately. He's injured my female jumbo betta and killed one of his mates today. I've watched him do this multiple times, and I don't understand why he's doing this? He's in a 55g tank with 1 3 dot and 2 opaline female, 1 small...
  22. Brightestdai

    Female Jumbo Eye Pop

    I've had these fish together for a little over a year. Madusa (betta) has always been a picker but not towards my Gourami's. I now know it was my male (phantom) that did this, he ended up killing his mate
  23. Brightestdai

    Female Jumbo Eye Pop

    Hey ppl, my female betta got into a fight with my either male or female 3 dot gourami and now her eye looks like it is popping out. I have since removed her and started using "bettafix". Is there anything else I can use?
  24. Brightestdai

    Growth Please Help

    well, my dwarf died, but not due to the infection... he got stuck in the coral in the tank. had to take the whole thing out and used tweezers to get him out. Question for you tcamos: do you know what rocking back and forth is in a gourami? ive had 3 leucystic three dots do this and they also...
  25. Brightestdai

    Growth Please Help

    Update: my male seems stronger today, he at least swam across the top. I think after this I'm going to stick with 3 dot, opaline and pearl gourami, they seem to be the heartiest of all gourami
  26. Brightestdai

    Do I Have 2 Male Pearls?

    I have no problem with my angels being with Gourami's. in my tank they get along very well. And it looks like you bought 2 males, males have an orange/red cheek where as the female doesn't. You can also tell by the top fin, males are long and pointed and females a short and round.
  27. Brightestdai

    Growth Please Help

    Well I brought my male into my local pj pets; since the growth hadn't really done much and it kept spreading to my other fish. They did a water test and my,sorry I get confused, nitrates/ nitrites were high( it was purple) so they advised me to do yet another water change 25-50%. They even did a...
  28. Brightestdai

    Planting Suggestions For Dwarf Gourami

    It's always best to feed your plants, fish waste only has so much nutrients.
  29. Brightestdai

    Growth Please Help

    It seems to be working, my pearl has completely gotten rid of hers, just waiting to see if helps my male dwarf, it has gone down quite abit. 2 more days to go. * crosses fingers*
  30. Brightestdai

    Planting Suggestions For Dwarf Gourami

    If you're going to do the tree with the moss, all you need to do is twirl it around the wood. That's how I got mine to stick :)
  31. Brightestdai

    Planting Suggestions For Dwarf Gourami

    Can always go with Christmas moss, u can either plant it or let it float
  32. Brightestdai

    Growth Please Help

    Yes it's a bacterial med, it's called T. C. Tetracycline
  33. Brightestdai

    Growth Please Help

    It's gotten worse, it has now spread to my pearl. I picked up some meds so hopefully it works
  34. Brightestdai

    Are There Any Rare Types Of Gourami ?

    Could always go for albino, they are hard to get. And you got to make sure they're not leucystic (black eyes, white body)
  35. Brightestdai

    Growth Please Help

    He's in a 20 gallon with 3 female, a pleco and couple neons
  36. Brightestdai

    Growth Please Help

    I have a dwarf gourami that has a pinkish/red lump growing near his mouth. Any ideas as to what it is? Sorry it's not a better pic, as soon as I get one ill post it
  37. Brightestdai

    Something Growing

    I have a dwarf gourami that has a pink/red growth growing near his mouth Dies anyone know what this might be?
  38. Brightestdai

    Dumbo Betta

    Does anyone know where I can find a dumbo betta in Canada?