Growth Please Help


Fish Fanatic
Oct 17, 2012
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I have a dwarf gourami that has a pinkish/red lump growing near his mouth.
Any ideas as to what it is?


Sorry it's not a better pic, as soon as I get one ill post it
It's difficult for me to see in the photo. What other fish are in there with it? Is it possible this is a wound?

It's gotten worse, it has now spread to my pearl. I picked up some meds so hopefully it works
Is the medicine anti-bacterial? I'm thinking this is a bacterial disease.
I am familiar with tetracycline. If it's bacterial it should respond. Let us know how it turns out. I'm very interested.
It seems to be working, my pearl has completely gotten rid of hers, just waiting to see if helps my male dwarf, it has gone down quite abit. 2 more days to go. * crosses fingers*
That was fast. I'm glad to hear it. Sounds like that it was bacterial then. Sick fish are stressful. I even get stressed hearing about other people's sick fish!
Well I brought my male into my local pj pets; since the growth hadn't really done much and it kept spreading to my other fish. They did a water test and my,sorry I get confused, nitrates/ nitrites were high( it was purple) so they advised me to do yet another water change 25-50%. They even did a mini surgery on him ( rubbed off the growth) and told me to use API Pimafix instead of the Tetracycline because it turned my water beat red. This new stuff seems to be working a lot better with my other fish, but I think my male was shocked after what happend to him, so he's just staying in a corner of the tank

Update: my male seems stronger today, he at least swam across the top. I think after this I'm going to stick with 3 dot, opaline and pearl gourami, they seem to be the heartiest of all gourami
I've always loved and struggled with gourami. I'm glad he seems to be doing better!
well, my dwarf died, but not due to the infection... he got stuck in the coral in the tank. had to take the whole thing out and used tweezers to get him out.

Question for you tcamos: do you know what rocking back and forth is in a gourami? ive had 3 leucystic three dots do this and they also starved them selves to death :(
No, I can't say I'm familiar with that but perhaps I would if I saw it. Sometimes descriptions can be hard to convey.

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