Search results

  1. LeopardPerch

    90Gal Needs New Stock Options

    Why not try rainbowfish like boesemanis rainbowfish or what ever
  2. LeopardPerch

    Cool Fish For 70 Gallon

    Hello, I was wondering if their are some Interesting ideas for a 70 gallon planted with white clouds, rosies, and Cory cats What would be interesting for my tank?
  3. LeopardPerch

    Male And Female Bettas In A 70 Gallon

    okay then i'll take out my german ram as i heard otherwise so what else could i put in there then? i love south american fish (and more specificly catfish) but all answers welcome thanks for replying cheers
  4. LeopardPerch

    Male And Female Bettas In A 70 Gallon

    How about 1 male and 3 females?
  5. LeopardPerch

    Male And Female Bettas In A 70 Gallon

    Hello I have a 70 gallon heavily planted with 7 panda cories, 7 white clouds, 3 fathead minnows, a German ram and Bolivian ram. I was wondering, if it would work to put 2 male bettas and 4 female bettas. Would it probably work then. Cheers
  6. LeopardPerch

    Micro Predators

    Thanks allot but I already have a similar species of ctenopoma acutirostre
  7. LeopardPerch

    Micro Predators

    Hi I'm looking for a small predator fish that's less than 3 inches long and is peaceful. Kinda like apistos, German rams, Dario Dario (chameleon fish) and scarlet badis This for a planted 75 gallon with a Bolivian ram, German ram, 6 white clouds, 3 fathead minnows, 7 panda cory's and I want 3...
  8. LeopardPerch

    Stocking 50G Planted

    Sorry I just realized I said pygmy gourmari instead of Pygmy Cory's And I wanted to add glowlight tetras and I thought I did but I guess I missed them
  9. LeopardPerch

    Stocking 50G Planted

    I just added the glowlitgh tetras And currently I have the gourami, angelfish, and 2 Cory's
  10. LeopardPerch

    Stocking 50G Planted

    It's a powder blue gourami And thanks
  11. LeopardPerch

    Stocking 50G Planted

    Hello, I am thinking 4 angels, 1 dwarf blue gourami, 5 beosmani rainbowfish (2 male 3 female) an apisto gramma cocoutides (dwarf cockatoo cichlid) and 6 Pygmy gourami What do you think ? I will do water changes every second day if that's what's needed. I heavily planted this tank and I would...
  12. LeopardPerch

    Angelfish Tank Mates

    At the lfs they only had male cockatoo cichlids so other wise I would have
  13. LeopardPerch

    Angelfish Tank Mates

    The only discus I have ever seen for real were in this espensive, high end, and FAR away store sooooooo, no discus Instead I got 1 cockatoo cichlid and 1 powder gourami and they seem to be coexcisting. I might be able to upgrade soon and was wondering? What is a good size for a planted tank? I...
  14. LeopardPerch

    Snakeskin Guppy

    I've got like 60 guppies like that from Craigslist with plant and cherry shrimp for $50 Canadian
  15. LeopardPerch

    Angelfish Tank Mates

    Do you think that 2 dwarf cockatoo chichlids would work because I love them.
  16. LeopardPerch

    Angelfish Tank Mates

    Yah I know that most barbs and tertras are a schooling fish I don't really like cherry barbs that much they are kinda bland to me I made this topic just to see some ideas and thanks for yours already! I love neon tetras, but wouldn't the angels eat them?
  17. LeopardPerch

    Angelfish Tank Mates

    I was going for a show tank in my living room and just looking for some interesting fish P.S. I thought angels would eat neon tetras
  18. LeopardPerch

    Angelfish Tank Mates

    Hello, I have an 50 gallon planted tank and I am wondering what can go into this tank with a pair of snakeskin guppies (so the angelfish can hunt down and enjoy the babies) and 2 Pygmy Cory's (I'm going to get 4 more as soon as I find some) and I'm going to get 4 angelfish, I am wondering what...
  19. LeopardPerch

    Paradise Fish Tank Mates

    I might just make it a catfish tank as I really do want some medium catfish. but thank you any way P.S. i was going for a regular pardise at the time because my lfs just got like 50 of them last tuesday but I was going to wait.
  20. LeopardPerch

    Paradise Fish Tank Mates

    I have spare 20 gallon tank with some sand in it and I want to put a paradise fish in it without a heater what would be a few good tank mates? I don't want live plants but I don't want plecos I love bottom level fish Thank you!
  21. LeopardPerch

    My tanks 90 and 30 gallon saltwater tanks 3 breeder tanks 20 gallon personal pet tank 40 gallon...

    My tanks 90 and 30 gallon saltwater tanks 3 breeder tanks 20 gallon personal pet tank 40 gallon planted
  22. LeopardPerch

    Spotted Climbing Perch

    Hello, I, am am new to this forum. Am am part of another forum but it's primarily saltwater. I am looking for a couple of tank mates for my spotted climbing perch, (my current tank is a 20 gallon with soft slightly acidic acidic water) I was think either 3 Congo tetras or 3 Odessa barbs Maybe...