Stocking 50G Planted


Fish Fanatic
Mar 26, 2012
Reaction score
Vancouver bc
Hello, I am thinking 4 angels, 1 dwarf blue gourami, 5 beosmani rainbowfish (2 male 3 female) an apisto gramma cocoutides (dwarf cockatoo cichlid) and 6 Pygmy gourami
What do you think ? I will do water changes every second day if that's what's needed. I heavily planted this tank and I would love these fish
Thank you
That sound good but even dwarf ciclids are territorial but if there is enough space that should be fine if you never give it a mate.
sounds reasonable, although I dont know what a pygmy gourami is......could they be sparking gourami?
I have 56g, very heavily planted as well, with 1 Angel, 1 Dwarf Gourami, 6 Tiger Barbs, 4 guppies, and 6 neon tetras, and the tank already feels crammed full. Rainbowfish grow bigger than Tigers, Angels are much bigger than guppies, and Pygmy Gouramis are larger than Neon Tetras.
My nitrates are always borderline (25-30) and reach that level within days of water change. You'd probably have to do water changes every other day to keep the levels down.
Thats is about 120% stocking (According to my calculator thingy) It says you should do 40% changes weekly so perhaps 25% twice a week to maintain good water? It is pretty heavily stocked but you should be alright
Sounds fine to me. The apisto shouldn't have territory issues in there if it's a loner.
Sorry I just realized I said pygmy gourmari instead of Pygmy Cory's
And I wanted to add glowlight tetras and I thought I did but I guess I missed them

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