90Gal Needs New Stock Options


Fish Fanatic
Feb 17, 2012
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90gal need stock ideas
Recently my 8yr old Oscar dies so I have pretty much an empty 90gal available other then a bristle nose Pleco currently residing still. I don't want another Oscar again right now too soon.

Sooo I need ideas for a good community tank.

For bottom dwellers I was thinking:
6-8 Cory cats
1- Raphael catfish
And the bristle nose

The rest I'm open for suggestions good mid level and top level fish and something to be the centerpiece of the tank.

I'm open to any and all suggestions so fire away.
With 90G i would up the Corys they will look a lot nicer in a big group
15 Corys
1 Raphael catfish
1 Bristle nose
6 Angel fish or Festivum ciclids
4 Geophagus on of the smaller types or maybe a pair of something like Acara or even a big group of 1 or several dwarf cichlids
15 Tetra or Rasbora i would go for something like Lemon tetra
15 Hatchets these will stay at the very top of the tank making it look like theres fish in each level
Updated bottem dwellers:
-small school of 8-12 cory cats specific species not sure
-raphael catfish
-my bristlenose pleco (thats already in there)

Mid level I'm thinking penguin tetras, rummynose tetras, or something similar.

For something all level some kind of rainbow fish

Still missing that centerpiece fish..

The festivum cichlid I hear wreak havoc on plants and I have Anacharis in the tank.
yeah those are nice fish i was considering those, or i also you used to keep a school of australian rainbows when i first got an oscar
Was also thinking about a pair of German blue rams
8-12 cory cats
1- raphael cat
1- bristlenose pleco
2- german blue rams
20- rummynose or penguin tetras
6- rainbow fish (specific species uncertain either boesemani or australian)
andd either a festivum, severum, acara, "inca stone fish" or another cichlid pair or single

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