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  1. B

    Crossing fingers on MONDAY!

    Alright I'm screwing up the conditioning process. I've followed 90% of it (feeding, cleaning, etc) but I was away from very important business for fundraising for cancer and so i missed like 3 days total during the 2 week period. Well monday, which is 3 more days, the pair that has been...
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    How do you say it?

    Alright the most commonly ask question will be answered...most people call it Bay-ta like me but the REAL pronounciation is BE-TA (like better in 'ghetto' language)
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    Can bettas breed with

    I agree with Kiarra. The betta genus can breed with it other like Imbellis with Bellica and so on.
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    Oh snap! Very nice. Here's something that I found which I shall post up later, gotta go study for the dreaded F word....FINALS :crazy:
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    I need help FAST!

    Thanks for the mustard gas. I couldn't really explain it so I put as temporary "...with yellow colorings with other colors such as green, blue, etc"
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    Can bettas breed with

    Typical of Yeevia so ignore him :P . I think you should post this in the hybrid section but here's my opinion: No. Bettas are a bit aggressive and their breeding habits are different.
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    I need help FAST!

    Alright here's the dealio: I'm working on a powerpoint presentation for my class that is due TOMORROW and the subject that I chose was bettas. My questions are pretty simple but I cant find the answers anywhere: 1) What is the definition of a platinum betta? 2) What is the defintion of a...
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    Just want to show my "KOIs' pond" LOL

    WHOA! How big is that tank? It looks like it's barely 10 gallon :o
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    Just want to show my "KOIs' pond" LOL

    Don't forget the grey steels ;)
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    Can 'crownmoon'

    Well here's what the caudal fin looks like: (this is not my betta) but the rest of the fins look normal. That was before his caudal fin starts looking more like this: (this is not my betta)
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    Can 'crownmoon'

    Here's something odd. My male betta used to have 'crownmoon' tail (delta/super delta tail with crowntail in him) but right now his tail looks more and more roselike each day but the crown is still there. What the heck is going on?
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    Caves - what do YOU have?

    PVC PIPES!! That's when you're broke like I am :P . But seriously, PVC works GREAT and you can choose any size you want. When I placed the PVC in my male betta's container, it looks like a little white tree and he would wait IN the PVC for the food! Such a great invention ;)
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    Tips and Tricks in breeding bettas

    Step 1: Visit [] Step 2: Album [BettasRFriends] Password is [Jason] Step 3: The first two picture (the female's tail is actually a mixture of red, blue, purple-ish) and the male's tail turned rose-like so it's no longer rounded with his 'crownmoon' :/ Step 4: :drool: [:P]...
  14. B

    omg what do i do

    Yeah, VT are a touchy subject. You CAN breed VT at your own wish because that's your opinion. We all have different opinions so please don't be offended. mm_simb is right though, breeding any betta with VT in them will produce VT because VT are dominant.
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    Tips and Tricks in breeding bettas

    Ah the problem is I'm an impatient person. 1 WEEK till school ends YIPPEE! I just hope I can cope with all the bettas :D
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    omg what do i do

    No matter how calm they look, TAKE THEM OUT! I remember I had two females...very peaceful...then one night....the horror began. Trust me, just take them out, they'll be better that way :D
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    Tips and Tricks in breeding bettas

    Yup yup. Ah I cant wait to spawn them. The day after school ends it'll be a wild night...for them not for me :P
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    Tips and Tricks in breeding bettas

    'Get busy' LOL :lol: The pair flares at the each and the male rams his head straight toward the female. Very odd behavior but I hope they 'get busy' as soon as I release the female ;) *Edit after seeing Cation reply Yeah, I've noticed that whenever it rains, all my bettas get very...excited.
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    Tips and Tricks in breeding bettas

    Well I am going to breed my first spawn in a few days and I was wondering if there is any tips or secrets I should know. I've heard of playing Larry Brown music while they spawn. I've also heard of putting a fan near their tank. I've seen newspaper wrapped around the tank. And I've heard...
  20. B

    Betta prices

    Regular Females - $1.00 (includes cambodian, red, blue) Over 2 inch females - $1.00 (includes cambodian, red, blue) Male VT - $.98 Male Crowntail - $7.99 Male Super delta and deltas - $7.99 Plakats - $3.99 I believe
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    Couple questions on breeding

    Here's something weird. Some of you have seen Mayo, my male betta and now that I've taken a closer look at him, his delta/super delta tail (rounded before) is now looking more rose-like. This is my first spawn so I want everything to be recorded and perfected even if it's not successful, I can...
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    Couple questions on breeding

    Alright, first off please dont tell me to go to the Pinned topics because I already did. I just want to know if what I'm doing is correct. I am currently conditioning my two bettas for a week and a half. Today is the first day. I plan to do 100% WC every 3 days while feeding them live...
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    Giant female bettas

    There were over 20 females in there. No dead ones mind you. Anyways, there were like 2 cambodians and the rest were red, blue, mix, and thats pretty much it. They looked like male plakat (thick body) but are actually females.
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    Giant female bettas

    Here's the odd thing: My lfs has 3 tanks of female bettas. The first is the regular kind (1 inch or so) and so was the second tank. But the third tank...there were over 20 females all well over 2 inches. They were GI-NOMROUS!! It was so unblieveable. I should've bought some but well my male...
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    Culturing Blackworms

    I went to my LFS to buy some live bloodworms. When the cashier took out a white tub full of black worms from the fridge, I was a bit confused. So here's my questions: 1) Are bloodworms black? 2) How do you culture blood/black worms? 3) What do you feed blood/black worms?
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    Feeding bloodworms

    Ah yeah now that I think about it, it does. So admin, move it wherever you please, just get me some answers :P *Edit Are Bloodworms suppose to be black?
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    Feeding bloodworms

    So anyways I went to my LFS and got a dollar worth of bloodworms. At first I thought the black thing was mud until I got a closer look. Anyways, what do you feeed them? How do you house them? Right now they're in a clear plastic cup with 2 icecubes in the fridge.
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    Worst conditions I've ever seen

    Yeah I've seen something like that once. There were like 4 bettas, each in a seperate 32 oz? containers, with 2 inch of brown water. Guess what happened to the betta? All shriveled, no eyes, no scales, some had just bones. It looked as if they were there for months without food or water changes.
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    Mini Spawn Diary; version 2.0

    Yeah, if you plan to cull, i would love the unwanted ones :D
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    Indian Almond Leaf

    I believe I have THE cheapest indian almond leaves possible. 1 USD = 3 LARGE LEAVES. This very small lfs from my house sells them. You know how people sell like 100 bucks for 75 leaves or something? I probably could make a profit from this ;) . But yeah aquabid is your choice for indian...
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    Mini Spawn Diary; version 2.0

    It's been such a long time since I've been back to TFF. CONGRATULATIONS ON THE FRIES!! I've been wondering what happen to the mini spawning. I hope they all turn beautiful like their father ;)
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    Crowntail crossed with Halfmoon?
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    Betta colors

    WHITE WHITE WHIIIIIITE! I just love white for some reason. Appealing colors, unique, and just WHITE! :D
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    Want to see my Giant.....

    Comment on the G4. I don't know much about mac but have you considered the G5 pc? Very beautiful babies by the way. I've never seen a giant betta in real life but in the pictures, they are huge! Do you plan to sell them anytime soon? :D
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    Powerhead equivalancy per gallons

    That's what I meant. I couldn't really explain it but the 5x and hour thing was what I was looking for. I read online about 5 or more complete water movement x aquarium gallons = gph or something like that. Thanks.
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    Powerhead equivalancy per gallons

    What is the equivlancy for powerheads gph? For example, for a 5 gallon aquarium, how many gph is needed for the 5 gallon tank?
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    Houseplants in Tank?

    Yup the leaves do grow underwater. When I first put the pothos in, there was a young unopen leaf sticking on the side and then about a week later it sprouted...and sprouted...and finally opened up.
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    Houseplants in Tank?

    I've had pothos in my 30 gallon tank for my guppies and it's been great. It used to be outside hanging but my dad cut some and threw it inside the aquarium and it thrived. A couple of months ago I added some to my 5 gallon for my bettas and it flourished like crazy. The only drawback was my...
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    Grand female

    LOL! Wow that's the first I've heard of a female betta takin on the dad's job. I hope mine isn't like yours :lol: No offense ;)
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    More pics

    WOW! What a difference there is with flash! Call him Flash :thumbs: