Tips and Tricks in breeding bettas


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Jan 17, 2005
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Well I am going to breed my first spawn in a few days and I was wondering if there is any tips or secrets I should know. I've heard of playing Larry Brown music while they spawn. I've also heard of putting a fan near their tank. I've seen newspaper wrapped around the tank. And I've heard splashing water stimulate breeding.
Splashing water? :huh: That's a new one.

I do think that music helps a lot. I keep it going in my fishroom all day so my fish spawn with metal playing in the background (my kinda fish :hey: ) heh heh.

If your pair don't 'get busy' right away,try a water change and a feeding. That usually does the trick.
wuvmybetta said:
Splashing water? :huh: That's a new one.
Kinda makes sense to me. Bettas get extra horny when a storm comes in, right? I know part of that is due to the pressure changes, but maybe the like it rainy, too. If so, the splashing of the water might simulate rain hitting the water's surface.

I know, it's a stretch... :p
'Get busy' LOL :lol: The pair flares at the each and the male rams his head straight toward the female. Very odd behavior but I hope they 'get busy' as soon as I release the female ;)

*Edit after seeing Cation reply

Yeah, I've noticed that whenever it rains, all my bettas get very...excited.
cation said:
wuvmybetta said:
Splashing water?  :huh:  That's a new one.
Kinda makes sense to me. Bettas get extra horny when a storm comes in, right? I know part of that is due to the pressure changes, but maybe the like it rainy, too. If so, the splashing of the water might simulate rain hitting the water's surface.

I know, it's a stretch... :p
No,not a stretch, I believe that's the obvious explanation :p The water change will aid that along. I believe the clean water would be more stimulating than just a splash on the surface.

Good luck wth the spawning!! They sound hot for eachother :thumbs:
Yes ONE BIG SECRET is don't rush them to many people ask why are my bettas not doing this and that as it says in the books, just leave them to it and if they are WELL conditioned they will spawn for you i have had another spawn hatch today and i have had them in the tank 4 days so i didn't even know they had spawned just saw dad racing around picking up fry and the female was helping, but have taken her out now as if i leave her they would spawn again as have had that before two lots of fry at seven days apart in one tank......BEST ADVICE IS BE PATIENT............ :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
If they get distracted by things outside the tank, you could cover the tank with a towel... that's what I had to do for Mini, otherwise she would have just begged me for food all day :p
Step 1:
Visit []

Step 2:
Album [BettasRFriends]
Password is [Jason]

Step 3:
The first two picture (the female's tail is actually a mixture of red, blue, purple-ish) and the male's tail turned rose-like so it's no longer rounded with his 'crownmoon' :/

Step 4:
:drool: [:p]

Step 5:
Go back to step 4 :D

Well that's it for now WOT WOT! (Those who read Redwall <---)

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