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  1. Oblio

    Random Discussion
  2. Oblio

    Good snails to clean the tank but look nice.

    Just remember that no fauna will remove the requirement for you to occasionally clean the tank.
  3. Oblio

    Red alert weather warnings

    Some related dark humor From Dr. David L. Goodstein’s States of Matter (a book published in January 1985)
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  5. Oblio

    Red alert weather warnings

    Correct! - It will be (assuming equal heat pump efficiency) about the the same as running a water cooler. The laws of thermodynamics are a ***
  6. Oblio

    Names that mean the same

    De-chlorinator is a water conditioner. It's Venn diagram circle would be wholly contained in the Conditioner circle.
  7. Oblio

    Red alert weather warnings

    91 F / 113 F Heat index just past noon. We have A/C so it just costs me about $0.50/hr to stay cool.
  8. Oblio

    Meet WhistlingBadger!

    Being an intro thread, I hope this is not too hijacky ... This alternation is caused by a historical palatalization of /k/ which took place in Late Latin, and led to a change in the pronunciation of the sound [k] before the front vowels [e] and .[2][3] Later, other languages not directly...
  9. Oblio

    Meet WhistlingBadger!

    One of my English pet peeves - In Greek, the C is a alternate form of Sigma and pronounced as an S in English. K uses the hard pronunciation. I'm unsure of how or when the C pronunciation ambiguity krept into English.
  10. Oblio

    Red alert weather warnings

    But here is the rub If you exhaust air out the window, you will form a partial vacuum (or a lower pressure) in the room compared to outside. As pop science says, "nature abhors a vacuum", and air will now flow into the room from ... The hot outside
  11. Oblio

    Red alert weather warnings

    This is correct - The exhaust air* is just a bit warmer than the intake air (due to inefficiencies of the dehumidifier system), it does overall make the room air less humid, and therefore more comfortable, but it is not cooling the air inside the closed system of the room. * - In addition, the...
  12. Oblio

    Red alert weather warnings

    Any closed system will undergo an increase in entropy (heat). This is Thermodynamics 101. You must remove the heat from your system (home) via pipes or ducting.
  13. Oblio

    Random Discussion

    So I bought a box of Cracker Barrel* Mac & Cheese with great anticipation. I carefully opened the box top noticing the expected macaroni and foil bag of artery clogging cheese. Searching for the directions on the box, all over, finding none, I nearly sprained my neck as I discovered them on...
  14. Oblio

    English Slang

    I can't recall if there was any English slang, but I loved Red Dwarf, need to re-watch it.
  15. Oblio

    Red alert weather warnings

    Why not Siberia?
  16. Oblio

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

    The molecular mass?, I looked it up. Of course if I had worked it out I would may have caught my earlier error :)
  17. Oblio

    Red alert weather warnings

    Can we all not just move to Canada and Siberia? 💡
  18. Oblio

    Rising temperatures could cause an ancient beast to rise again...

    Imagine the jumbo versions of all the dangerous Australia fauna :o
  19. Oblio

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

    Hah, I always make that mistake, that is why I am a EE and not a ChE - lol
  20. Oblio

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

    And for those that want to do the math, there is Avogadro's number, which is is number of particles in one mole of a substance. One mole is equal to the atomic mass of that substance in grams. e.g. Carbon ~16 g L = 6.02214076×10^23 which is a very big number. Molecular mass of SiO2 = 60.08...
  21. Oblio

    Rising temperatures could cause an ancient beast to rise again...

    Finger crossed for some serious Brisket
  22. Oblio

    How should i test Nitrates

    There seems to be some debate/uncertainty in the questions/comments on Amazon if this works for freshwater, or possibly the color chart is for saltwater only. Can you advise?
  23. Oblio

    Fun Facts We Didn't Need To Know

    That is true but it is not the reason, the real reason is much more spooky and has to do with transmission line theory and Poynting Vectors.
  24. Oblio

    Tank without hood?

    I'm thinking of replacing some of my cover panels with this, I believe you can cut with diagonal cutters.
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  26. Oblio

    Tank Tests OK But Something Not Right?

    Your params are fine for Corys and Neons
  27. Oblio

    venus flytrap care

    Nah, I just let the locals live - Or if they are about to be exterminated by the local 'eeektoids' I relo them outside.
  28. Oblio

    venus flytrap care

    I use spiders to trap flies
  29. Oblio

    Air Stone change from Filter

    An HOB with a cover on the filter and the tank would probably solve the problem. If it doesn't, at least get a internal filter with a decent flow. Aside: I don't think a sip or two from your cats is going to cause an issue.
  30. Oblio

    Fluval Spec tank lighting hack (for planted tank)

    The fixtures themselves almost certainly have 3.3v or 5v power rails and are safe. Even if they dropped in the tank and shattered the current would be minimal (but don't do this :) ). The power supply (Deck of cards looking thingum) which converts mains to the low voltage looks to be potted...
  31. Oblio

    Air Stone change from Filter

    Since you did a full tank 'clean', and assuming you don't have a test kit, do the following: Change 80% of you water with conditioned water daily. Vacuum substrate when you change the water (WC). If bare bottom, remove any uneaten food, poop (or mulm as we call it) at each WC. Feed minimally...
  32. Oblio

    Air Stone change from Filter

    No worries :) We all started somewhere. We have everyone from beginners, novices like myself, and others that either have or could publish books and papers.
  33. Oblio

    Air Stone change from Filter

    The bottom bits, gravel, sand etc Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH via a test kit. Also GH and KH but these can usually be obtained from your tap water supplier
  34. Oblio

    Thoughts on black skirt tetras

    I have a school of 9 Black Skirt (Glofish) along with 6 Buenos Aries and 10 Corys with no issues. Every once in a while they get a little feisty but the tetras actually cross shoal a bit. This is however in a 6' 125 gal tank, so that may be a factor. I should add that it is usually the BA that...
  35. Oblio

    Air Stone change from Filter

    Welcome to TFF! Is this an internal sponge filter with an airstone? How long has your tank been set up prior to the change? What substrate do you have in the tank? What are your water parameters?
  36. Oblio

    How should i test Nitrates

    Thanks, I recall reading that, along with some discussion as to the pH WRT dissolving the crystals (IIRC). My stock pretty much ignores the roots after a quick look see if I add new plants.
  37. Oblio

    How should i test Nitrates

    Yes, Pothos and Bamboo in my case, and thanks!
  38. Oblio

    How should i test Nitrates

    @Byron Can you comment on Riperian plants WRT the above and if they will take up nitrate?
  39. Oblio

    How do I use a siphon?

    I've had this happen before. You can get a vapor lock if there is air in a rising loop. Assuming the tube is not clogged, make sure the hose is laying flat on the floor and the lower end of the hose (the outlet) is as low as possible, the lower the better. Off a back porch, down the stairs...