English Slang

Lancashire dialect is Middle English. It's full of 'thee' 'thou' and 'thine' for example. There are very few speakers now though. My grandparents (born 1890s) were, my parents (born 1920s) spoke a bit, but I know very little.
"I'm gona grab a couple of kegs for the barbi on the weekend the boys are poppin around to watch the footy"
I’d grab a crate for the barbecue on the weekend for the lads to come watch to footy
Lancashire dialect is Middle English. It's full of 'thee' 'thou' and 'thine' for example. There are very few speakers now though. My grandparents (born 1890s) were, my parents (born 1920s) spoke a bit, but I know very little.
Crazy how such a small island has such a diverse language and accent change , where I live just north of Birmingham is very diverse you have generational gaps my parents generation is what you expect to hear .yam yam . My generation is somewhat mixed from the Jamaican influence that poured into Birmingham in the 50s/60s
Lots of modern slag in Birmingham has Caribbean heritage
The word haffi is used in Birmingham meaning i have to or iv got to from the patois language
Here near Newcastle we have our own language of slang - see sentence below

A went to the boozer with me marra’s to watch the toon on the tele. Seen these proper munter lasses walking on the other side of the street! Even the spuggies pegged it. Proper belta

Yeah translate that one
No one using the term “marra” would be seen dead watching the toon.
I love Scottish, Irish, and English slang. I’m starting to read James Bond, and I’m hoping this will have some slang. The only tv shows I watch are British spy thrillers, or the occasional show that is hyped up from my friends. My favorite British spy thriller show is Bodygaurd. Only 6 episodes, but the cockney accent is amazing. When I’m old enough and have the money, I am moving there. Not just because of the accents. Better people, better food, better prices, better housing, and a whole bunch of other reasons.
I love Scottish, Irish, and English slang. I’m starting to read James Bond, and I’m hoping this will have some slang. The only tv shows I watch are British spy thrillers, or the occasional show that is hyped up from my friends. My favorite British spy thriller show is Bodygaurd. Only 6 episodes, but the cockney accent is amazing. When I’m old enough and have the money, I am moving there. Not just because of the accents. Better people, better food, better prices, better housing, and a whole bunch of other reasons.
I just discovered Endeavour . Lots of earlier episodes for me to binge catch up on. That guy Fred Thursday is a bad mother . . . . ! ! !
I love Scottish, Irish, and English slang. I’m starting to read James Bond, and I’m hoping this will have some slang. The only tv shows I watch are British spy thrillers, or the occasional show that is hyped up from my friends. My favorite British spy thriller show is Bodygaurd. Only 6 episodes, but the cockney accent is amazing. When I’m old enough and have the money, I am moving there. Not just because of the accents. Better people, better food, better prices, better housing, and a whole bunch of other reasons.
I can't recall if there was any English slang, but I loved Red Dwarf, need to re-watch it.

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