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  1. S

    Post A Pic Of Your Fish And Rate Fish Above You

    severum gets a 9/10 very nice. here is one of my dads dwarf rainbows.
  2. rainbow_paint.JPG


  3. S

    My Dads Tank.

    hehe, he had a few of my plattie fry b4 they got re-homed, he really loves his albino cories, as there mental and so full of activity. he still has a few orange fish though.
  4. S

    My Tank Almost Happy.

    thank you, i think i am finally happy.
  5. S

    My Dads Tank.

    here is the tank it was his xmas pressie, and no i didnt get it free! wish i did. and another shot thank you.
  6. tank_2_paint.JPG


  7. tank_1_paint.JPG


  8. S

    Why Bullmastiffs Should Be Banned!

    Hi kathy, his name is chezney, he is 3 years old now, but still looks like a pup. he is gorgeous but can be a right little bugger at times and truly loves to play, and if he gets the chance will go for the lick attack. thx by the way, your pooch is lovely too.
  9. S

    Few Of My Fishies

    i have 2 plattie fry, there mother died giving birth to them, and a baby rainbow cichlid donated by mr jayjay kindly
  10. S

    My Tank Almost Happy.

    hello again, so i went to but some more plants for the right hand side of the tank, but saw a nice rock that i had to buy, so here is the tank now. hope it's an improvment. here is the rock close up.
  11. new_rock_paint.JPG


  12. tank_with_rock_paint.JPG


  13. S

    Few Of My Fishies

    yes kim, here is the full tank, not all of my fish though, looking after a few for a friend at the mo. but anyway here it is. and i would say the loaches are about 2" big at the mo.
  14. tank_with_rock_paint.JPG


  15. S

    Why Bullmastiffs Should Be Banned!

    with regards to farting, this little one looks cute, but when he lets one go, the missus blames me, and mine really stink!! so for a 1 foot tall dog, his stink ratio must he HUGE!! anyway here he is.
  16. chez_paint.JPG


  17. chez_2_paint.JPG


  18. S

    My Pooch

    He is a paterdale, but there is a bit of lakeland terrier in him from down his family tree, so he gets a cute little beard. if you look at the top you can see my washing thats about to go in the machine, sorry if it smells. lol. being inquizitive (not sure on the spelling there)
  19. chez_2_paint.JPG


  20. chez_paint.JPG


  21. S

    Few Of My Fishies

    1 of my boesmani rainbow fish couple of my clowns
  22. boesmani_paint.JPG


  23. clown_loach_paint.JPG


  24. S

    Post A Pic Of Your Fish And Rate Fish Above You

    no, no just joking. he is alive and well, will get a better shot later
  25. S

    My Tank Almost Happy.

  26. S

    Post A Pic Of Your Fish And Rate Fish Above You

    he is dead, and i am very sensitive about it! nobody stipulated it had to be alive! lol only joking. here are my rams. and one ram on its own, with one of my boesmani 8 for betta and 9 for arowana, very nice pics.
  27. new_pic_ram_paint.JPG


  28. rams_nice_paint.JPG


  29. S

    Your Tank Shot Please!

    hello, here is my latest pic.
  30. new_pic1_oaint.JPG


  31. S

    My Tank Almost Happy.

    hey jay, was just being nice to you in my reply to stang, i will use more of the larger plants at the back there, it is bare as that is where i had the bamboo where my twig catfish got caught and dies. so it looks a little bare, was thinking some sort of rock structure? the barbs move around...
  32. S

    My Tank Almost Happy.

    thanks stang. nice sig by the way, shame i have the net and box in the pic, but it has improved i think from this when i last posted a pic, i have to say thanks to jayjay as i have a baby rainbow cichlid in the box thanks to him and it is doing really well. here is how it looked last time i...
  33. main_pic_paint.JPG


  34. S

    My Tank Almost Happy.

    what do you think? thanks in advance for any replies
  35. new_pic1_oaint.JPG


  36. S

    Post A Pic Of Your Fish And Rate Fish Above You

    got to say 10/10 there kitty here is 1 of my yoyo's
  37. yoyo_1_good_paint.JPG


  38. S

    My Lonely Panda!

    Its not a skunk cory. Its a Corydoras melini... most definatly, looking at the pictures on the link. your lonely fishy is the melini
  39. S

    New Fry And First Time At Taking Photos

    Cool, nice one, the 2nd picture is cool. good luck.
  40. S

    Is This Angel Fish?

    i agree i think there are 4 fish in there!! does look like a danio top right