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  1. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    Im going to try my hardest...I've just tested my water and all is good accept Ph which is 7.99 so will add a little buffer, my worry is that it has been dropping at night?? Im going to battle this to the end!lol Thanks again for your help
  2. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    Seren Your a great help and I really appreciate the time you've taken in advising me here. I've chosen to keep them in the main tank for the time being as I feel that removing them treating them and then returning them is stressful in its self and could cause future white spot. Im going to...
  3. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    Thanks for the info guys! I havent yet replaced the be honest Im having further issues with what Im sure is white spot for sure. The gramma and CB have white spots all over and the gramma is rubbing against the back wall a lot....Im banging my head against a wall her....just seems...
  4. CoMan

    Fragging Toadstools

    Cheers, I was thinking... If I just cut the head off the stem about half way down and attach it to a bit of rock, would it survive and would a new head grow on the stem left behind?
  5. CoMan

    Fragging Toadstools

    Ok, Im guessing the whole thing will have to go into a new tank then...The original toadstool and the frags? Would this need to be a complete setup?(skimmer, Live rock, chemical filtration, good lighting etc) I saw a demo on utube where the dude just cut a chunk off whilst it was in his main...
  6. CoMan

    Coral Of The Month - Capnella, Kenya Tree Coral

    That looks great...Think I now what my next softy is going to be
  7. CoMan

    Fragging Toadstools

    Cheers...think I'll leave it for a while longer as you suggested.
  8. CoMan

    Thinking Of A Feather Duster

    Cheers guys your the best!
  9. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    Cheers Seren I was gutted with the cleaner. Jed was def a character, he would always come to the front of the tank in the morning when the light was off to say high. KH is 10 now and I'm looking to keep it there for the future. Cheers Seffie. I never really gone, just work makes it hard to...
  10. CoMan

    Thinking Of A Feather Duster

    Ive not seen him really, he messes with the hermits sometimes and makes the shoot into there shells...but doesn't touch the toadstool or xenia but I cant imagine they are very appetising :lol: I guess it will be a case of suck it and see... Whats is phyto? Cheers...sorry for all the Qs...
  11. CoMan

    Fragging Toadstools

    The head is about a 5 x 3 inch rectangle shape and its stem is about 4 inches long and about 1,5 inches thick To be honest Im unsure how its attached? Where the stem meets the live rock there is a slightly darker stem base, Im unsure if this darker bit is part of the toadstool or a glue/putty...
  12. CoMan

    Fragging Toadstools

    One day I'd like to frag my toadstool. How long should I have him before I attempt this? He's been in for just under two months...Im guessing its still too early? Anyone? Cheers
  13. CoMan

    Thinking Of A Feather Duster

    Good skills Seffie...hope it was a good night! :lol: I was working? boo boo :sad: ! lol...oh well my drinking days are slowing down now anyway. Ive got a Coral Beauty, royal gramma and 2 clowns...check my signature lol I feed new era flake one day and then frozen garlic brine the next day...
  14. CoMan

    Thinking Of A Feather Duster

    Hi all, I've been looking at feather dusters. Some look amazing but I've always thought that my orca nano 550 would be too small. How hard are they to keep?
  15. CoMan

    What Temp Do You Run Your Tank At?

    28.5 I read that it can help to reduce white spot as the parasites life cycle is sped up?...I hope!
  16. CoMan

    From The Bay To The Reef

    Really nice LPS and angle....Ive got a feeling your tank is going to premo! I'm not sure on the uv I've done some reading, as Im sure you have and I think it removes more good stuff than bad??? But Im not 100% on that so I have mine turned on. Would love for someone to put me straight on that...
  17. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    Its been a little while since I last posted due to work etc but quite a bit has happened since. I added a really small Green Ric that came on a rock with a mushroom, the two were growing over each other so I separated them and they seem to be growing a little each day. Then things went down...
  18. CoMan

    My Little Reef

    Thanks thats very kind! just let me know if and when. A red sea biotope would be the bomb! but like you say getting stuff may be hard? I'd say get the river reef going and it will inspire you further into the hobby! Im already thinking of a bigger
  19. CoMan

    My Little Reef

    Seren if you ever want to frag it send me a MP as id love to own one! would be happy to exchange if I have anything you want at that time or give cash money for it!!! coolio! just a thought... Glad to hear you tank is going well, when you looking to upgrade? what you thinking of going to?
  20. CoMan

    Black Slug?

    I hear ya...thanks for the help buddy
  21. CoMan

    Black Slug?

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: hope he does survive, would hate to loose him :sad: guess he has made it so far, I mean it pretty likely he has been there since the beginning! thats over three months now!! Im going to keep my fingers crossed. Is there anything I could add that he would eat? what...
  22. CoMan

    Black Slug?

    Cheers Seffie heres a some better pics I would say he's about 1.25 inches long in this photo, but he changes shape quite a lot. I've done some googling and I think he may be a species of Dorid Nudibranch in particular Dendrodoris nigra. From what I read they are ok as long as they dont die as...
  23. CoMan

    Pink Xenia Dieing?

    Mine didnt open up fully under high flow either. I moved it to med/low flow and it has almost doubled in size in just over a month! good luck with yours mate
  24. CoMan

    Black Slug?

    Hi all. Found this weird black slug in my tank last night? 1st time I've ever seen him...Any idea if he's good or bad? I watched him for a while and he moves quite slow and has a white dot on the end of his tentacles Cheers CoMan Ps sorry for the grainy Pic
  25. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    Seren Yeah both fish had some spots but I dont know if it was the dreaded white spot as they disappeared really quick? I just dont know if Im honest and am counting my stars everything looks ok at the mo...touching wood as I type! Morri thanks for the info, very helpful!
  26. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    Morri thanks for the reply...At the mo I have a xenia and toadstool, I dont suppliment the water at all and use red sea coral pro salt and do 20% change once a week. If I was to get a hammer, would I need any extra stuff to add to the water??? Cheers
  27. CoMan

    Is This Salt Ok?

    I use red sea coral pro. No complaints so far
  28. CoMan

    My Orca Nano Tl-550 Journal

    Hey all Just a little update as I've not posted for at while. I had a bit of a worry last week as my coral beauty had some white spots. I've been observing him and he seems fine now and worry is over. Tank is generally looking pretty sweet(IMO) all in all and the corals seem to be doing well...
  29. CoMan

    Help Please. I'm Really Confused.

    Ok guys thanks for all your help and advise on this you've all been really really helpful and patient!!! All fish are touch wood as of today spot free! Swiming and eating loads! Over the last 48 hours I have fed loads of garlic brine shrimp mixed with new era flake. I tuned lights off for most...
  30. CoMan

    Help Please. I'm Really Confused.

    Water quality is fine as tested all today. I have a royal gramma in the qt and it is still hiding behind the pump. Had the coral beauty about 5 days. I should of qt'd them to start with but I guess I can't go back now. Maybe should have waited to with coral beauty but with the royal gramma...
  31. CoMan

    Help Please. I'm Really Confused.

    I've taken so many pics but none come out good enough to see the spots. I've put in treatment after speaking with a Friend but not the coral beauty doesn't look so good. He's not swimming around very well and has rapid gill movement. Im scared! I just wanted to get him better but I'm really...
  32. CoMan

    Help Please. I'm Really Confused.

    Hi all last week I posted about White spot on my royal gramma. I had good responses and thank you for those that gave advise. I took the decision to set up a qt and wait to see if the gramma developed further spots. Well in a week the gramm has still only got the one spot and is showing no...
  33. CoMan

    Boyu Tl 550

    Sweet! Prob will grab it when I get paid
  34. CoMan

    1 Gallon Pico Micro Rio 400 Reef Build Thread

    Yeah man! Gis an update. Would to see a pic of that bad boy up and running!
  35. CoMan

    My Little Reef

    Hi Seren just wondered how your tank is getting on? How's the torch. I'd love one! They hard to keep?
  36. CoMan

    Boyu Tl 550

    Im thinking of getting it. I've seen it on amazon for about £29. Is that a good deal?
  37. CoMan

    Egg Crate

    As above. Very normal. Once cycled you can add cuc and they will munch it. Snails did it in my setup. Just looks ugly for a while
  38. CoMan

    Egg Crate

    Don't know if this of any use now but i just wanted to agree with SH. I have egg crate and though yes it does a good job of keeping the rocks off the glass I find my cerith snails can't manover around it as it too high and they tend only to borrow at the sides of my tank where there is no egg...
  39. CoMan

    1Gal Clown Tank

    Hey buddy. Its really great your into this and you've def come to the right place for help but I think your missing the point a little. If you want a clown...the 1 gal tank will just be too small in swimming/living space for it. It won't matter how many gallons you have in a sump type...
  40. CoMan

    White Spot?

    Ok so the hosptial tank is setup and ready for action the salinty is about 1.017. Can't get it any lower as I ran out of fresh ro water. Anyhow will buy some later. The gramma is looking exactly the same with just the one spot. No change in behaviour, seems happy and eating.