Black Slug?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 25, 2010
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Hi all.

Found this weird black slug in my tank last night? 1st time I've ever seen him...Any idea if he's good or bad?

I watched him for a while and he moves quite slow and has a white dot on the end of his tentacles

Cheers CoMan

Ps sorry for the grainy Pic
Stomatella - a good guy or a nudibranch, its hard to tell from the photo and not sure how big it is as there is nothing I can scale it to in the photo - google them and let us know :good:

Seffie x
Stomatella - a good guy or a nudibranch, its hard to tell from the photo and not sure how big it is as there is nothing I can scale it to in the photo - google them and let us know :good:

Seffie x

Cheers Seffie

heres a some better pics I would say he's about 1.25 inches long in this photo, but he changes shape quite a lot. I've done some googling and I think he may be a species of Dorid Nudibranch in particular Dendrodoris nigra.

From what I read they are ok as long as they dont die as they can give off nasty toxins?? anyone know what I can feed this guy to keep him? he looks quite cool!


If you have ID'd it correctly the poor blighter is doomed, this species feeds on sponges apparantly.

Regarding keeping sponges they filter masses of water to obtain their food, it seems to be hard to culture the food and therefore very hard to culture sponges.
Think they eat just about anything but like sponges in particular - cool looking little dude though :good:

Seffie x
Fingers crossed for you mate, he does look cool.
The intresting part of this hobby is so many things look like other species and each species differs alot.

Maybe he will turn out to be an algae eater, I just did some more Reading on keeping sponges and it looks to be easier now then it used to be (who would of thought!) so maybe he came with a food source :)

edit - it's reported that this species (if it is that species) eats Halichondria dura sponges.
Some of them are carnivors :crazy: but assume they only eat dead things - can't really see him flinging himself off a rock and catching a fish :look: mind you, maybe they are like those flying squirrels :rofl: now that would be something :rolleyes:

Seffie x
LOL imagine your fish and shrimp running away from a very slowly approaching doom!

*pant* *huff* "guys, wait!" *pant* "I don't want to hurt you" *wheeze* "I just want to be your friend"*gasp*
Some of them are carnivors :crazy: but assume they only eat dead things - can't really see him flinging himself off a rock and catching a fish :look: mind you, maybe they are like those flying squirrels :rofl: now that would be something :rolleyes:

Seffie x

LOL imagine your fish and shrimp running away from a very slowly approaching doom!

*pant* *huff* "guys, wait!" *pant* "I don't want to hurt you" *wheeze* "I just want to be your friend"*gasp*
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

hope he does survive, would hate to loose him :sad: guess he has made it so far, I mean it pretty likely he has been there since the beginning! thats over three months now!! Im going to keep my fingers crossed.

Is there anything I could add that he would eat? what are these sponges? can I culture them? or am I just being a complete newbie?

Cheers guys!
If they are in your tank they may just happily grow by them selves, that is if this id is right the critter may be an algae eater for all we know.
If they are in your tank they may just happily grow by them selves, that is if this id is right the critter may be an algae eater for all we know.
I hear ya...thanks for the help buddy

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