Search results

  1. B

    Check out my newest betta!!!

    Please don't be mad, I promise that I will never do it ever again, I only did it, because I don't know how to take pictures :-( :-( :-( :-( , but he really does look just like that really :-( :-( :-( :-( Please, I promise that I will never do it again, I now see, that I have done wrong...
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    Check out my newest betta!!!

    Okay, cool, but what is redwash, is it the regular red coloration :/ :/ :/ :/ ???
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    Check out my newest betta!!!

    Okay Auratus, I will save him for a special femal betta ;) , but about a month ago, they had a female that looked just like him, but she turned out to be a regular red, so I didn't buy her :no: :no: .
  4. B

    How do I spawn betta plakats???

    Okay, I will :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: .
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    Check out my newest betta!!!

    LOL :lol: Yeah, he really is great isn't he LOL :lol: , and thank you for the nomination FanOFish :thumbs: :thumbs: .
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    fighter fish

    :no: :-( :no: :-( :no: :-( :no: :-( I agree with what RSZ said, because a cichlid would shred a betta.
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    How do I spawn betta plakats???

    I just bought this new betta plakat, and I was going to spawn him with one of my betta splendens. Do the betta plakats do the same courtship, like the betta splendens??? P.S. I have a photo of him in the photo forum :D :D :D :D .
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    My Tank

    Cool aquarium, your fish should love it :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: !!!
  9. B

    Is it healthy for aquarium fish to eat bugs???

    Yes, they love their bugs, but I agree with what addict said, because I feed the bugs to my bettas, and my bettas love them :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: .
  10. B

    Check out my newest betta!!!

    Thank you all, ^_^ I think that I will spawn him :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .
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    Check out my newest betta!!!

    Thank you :wub: , do you think I should spawn him -_- ???
  12. B

    Check out my newest betta!!!

    Thank you very much RSZ ;) , and yes, I think that he is a betta Plakat :D :D :D :D .
  13. B

    Check out my newest betta!!!

    I thought that he was a female betta at first :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .
  14. B

    Check out my newest betta!!!

    This is my newest betta, his name is Casper, I hope that you like him ^_^ . The people at the pet store, said that he is a rare betta, called a betta embellis ^_^ :lol: :lol:.
  15. fwbettaswt1079765632.jpg


  16. B

    Is it healthy for aquarium fish to eat bugs???

    Wow, really :lol: well I guess I will only feed bugs every once in a while, I guess that would be okay, thank you for the good info ;) .
  17. B

    Is it healthy for aquarium fish to eat bugs???

    :sick: I know this is kind of gross, but every so often, I will feed my aquarium fish, crickets, and other bugs, from under rocks, and things, from my back yard, is this healthy for them, they seem to love them :lol: . Thank you in advance...
  18. B

    Batlle of the livebearers!!!

    I just LOVE platys :wub: :wub: ,they're the best!!!
  19. B

    New Female betta

    Well I put my new albino female betta in my 20 gallon community aquarium today, and she did GREAT ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ .There was a little flaring at first, and a few nips , but everything turned out okay :D :D :D .I was a little nervous at first but once I saw that there wasen't going to be a...
  20. B

    New Female betta

    Well she has short fins, and she is in a tank with other female bettas, but she stands out from all of the rest ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ . I'm going to bring her home tomorrow so that she can meet her new tankmates :nod: :nod: :nod: ...
  21. B

    Hey, new here

    Hi it's great hear that you love bettas :# :# :# !!! I do too, they're really cool aren't they. I have bettas myself, I have four females, and two male bettas 8) 8) 8) .Welcome to the site!!! Betta Lover
  22. B

    New Female betta

    Yesterday at my lfs, they had a beautiful albino female betta for sale.The only problem, is that my current four female bettas don't take very well to new fish especially female bettas. I'm afraid that my current female bettas will attack her, and damage her fins :-( :-( :-( . Does anybody...
  23. B

    New Tank mates

    I saw a new fish at my lfs, and it was called a spike tailed paradise fish.When I looked it up online, it said that it was in the same family as a betta.Would it be okay for me to put a pair of them in my 20 gallon aquarium, or will they shred their tank mates, including my four female bettas...
  24. B

    Platy Behavior

    Do platies pick their mates? Because one of my male platies, mated with one of my female platies, and now he won't let my other male platy come near her. Is this normal behavior :/ :/ :/ ??? P.S. Before he mated with her, he didnt really care about her...
  25. B

    I went and bought new fish

    Don't freak out, your cherry barbs are fine. The male cherry barbs are always red when they are in the mood for a spawn, unlike the females that are a very dull shade of brown. Unlike other barbs, the cherry barb is a very nice fish that dosen't normally nip fins. ^_^ ;) ^_^ ;) ^_^ ;) ^_^...
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    Molly In V-Trap Now?

    Does she seem plumper? If so then you should put her in the trap, but just to be safe, I would keep an eye on her for a day or so. ^_^ :nod: ^_^ :nod: Betta Lover P.S...
  27. B

    Dwarf Green Puffer Fish

    Your puffers are so cute :wub:!!! How long have you had them??? How many do you have??? Betta Lover
  28. B

    Dwarf Green Puffer Fish

    I love Dwarf Green Puffer Fish. I especially their little fins that move in an ever constant rhythm. Plus, they even eat those pesky snails that thrive in your tank. Even if they do nip fins, I still love :wub: them :wub: ^_^ :lol: B) :# :nod: :fish: ...
  29. B

    Platy Problems

    I have two female platies in the aquarium with them. Usually when they fight, they will swim in a small circle, and then start to nip, and bite each other. The fighting has settled down for a short while, but it won't last that long. :( :no: :( :no: ...
  30. B

    Platy Problems

    For the past four days, my two male platies have been nipping, and chasing each other around my 10 gallon aquarium. I think that they might be fighting for the right to mate with my two female platies, but I'm not sure. Usually during the day, they will display for the female platies, and then...
  31. B

    Guppy Problems

    Thank you both very much for the great info. I've done a small water change, and raised the temperature a small bit. She has also had a rapid loss of appetite in the last 24 hours. She has been acting a bit skiddish, and fearful of other fish. (Which is not normal.) This probably means that...
  32. B

    Guppy Problems

    I have a little problem, My female guppy has been acting very strange lately. She has been eating more often, spending more time close to the bottom, acting like she is looking for something, and she has been spending most of her time in the patch of live plants. I'm not very sure why she is...
  33. B

    Fish Behavior

    :-( HELP HELP HELP :-( , My fish started to battle each other last night for no reason :-( :-( . I'm so confused :S. I'm not really sure why this is happening, but I think it might have something to do with my new power blue dwarf gourami. Just to let you know, my gourami has been building a...
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    It's me ^_^, Hey, can anybody give me some info on the Kribensis fish? I've been thinking about getting a young pair of them, but I don't have a single clue about them :/!!! Could anybody help me out on this subject :unsure...
  35. B


    Hi everyone :) , My passion is for all types of tropical fish, because each and every one of them, is special, and beautiful in their own way :wub: B). I'm currently caring for 3 bettas, 6 fancy guppies, 3 mollies, 2 dwarf puffer fish, 3 dwarf frogs, and 3 endler's livebearers. It may not...