Guppy Problems

Betta Lover

New Member
Mar 27, 2003
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I have a little problem,

My female guppy has been acting very strange lately. She has been eating more often, spending more time close to the bottom, acting like she is looking for something, and she has been spending most of her time in the patch of live plants. I'm not very sure why she is acting like this, but it sure is strange :huh:???

Betta Lover
hi! i have been breding guppies for a while now, the best way i foud is, if you look at her belly, you will see an air bubbles at the top, when you barly see it and it turned almost back, she will have them in the nxt couple of days. you can increase the tempature by a few degrees and make a partial water change. this will help her have the babies. when she has them, she might try to eat them(it happened to me). it is best to put your female in a mesh cage untill she has them, then put her in a different cage for a day so the males won't harasse her. if this is your first time with babies, check the cage often, every day. the babies are extremly small. you will need to feed them very often. i find if you leave the aquarium light on all the time, the babies grow quicker. i currently have 30-40 babies, expecting more soon!!
enjoy :)
hi! i have been breding guppies for a while now, the best way i foud is, if you look at her belly, you will see an air bubbles at the top, when you barly see it and it turned almost back, she will have them in the nxt couple of days. you can increase the tempature by a few degrees and make a partial water change. this will help her have the babies. when she has them, she might try to eat them(it happened to me). it is best to put your female in a mesh cage untill she has them, then put her in a different cage for a day so the males won't harasse her. if this is your first time with babies, check the cage often, every day. the babies are extremly small. you will need to feed them very often. i find if you leave the aquarium light on all the time, the babies grow quicker. i currently have 30-40 babies, expecting more soon!!
enjoy :)

sorry for some odd reason it got posted more then once.
Also if you look at her belly from behind sometimes it goes abit squarish rather than round this usually indicates that she will drop her fry within 24 hours.

It's a good sign to see that she is hunting places amongst the plants ready, glad she has a good appetite!!!

Pregnancy period is usually every 28 days but can be up to 40 days!!!

Bubbles is quite right in saying that raising the temperature and make partial water changes can contribute to her releasing her babies.

Let us know how you get on. Keep us posted!!!!
Thank you both very much for the great info. I've done a small water change, and raised the temperature a small bit. She has also had a rapid loss of appetite in the last 24 hours. She has been acting a bit skiddish, and fearful of other fish. (Which is not normal.) This probably means that she will give birth soon.
Secondly, her gravid spot has darkened a bit more, and she also looks squarish from the back just as you mentioned.
Betta Lover
P.S. Is her rapid loss of appetite and fearfulness normal???
Betta Lover said:
Thank you both very much for the great info. I've done a small water change, and raised the temperature a small bit. She has also had a rapid loss of appetite in the last 24 hours. She has been acting a bit skiddish, and fearful of other fish. (Which is not normal.) This probably means that she will give birth soon.
Secondly, her gravid spot has darkened a bit more, and she also looks squarish from the back just as you mentioned.
Betta Lover
P.S. Is her rapid loss of appetite and fearfulness normal???
yes her losing her appetite is very normal do you have her in with the other fish if so I would meve her pretty fast because your babies will get eat and the mother will eat them to you need to act fast.
Betta Lover said:
Thank you both very much for the great info. I've done a small water change, and raised the temperature a small bit. She has also had a rapid loss of appetite in the last 24 hours. She has been acting a bit skiddish, and fearful of other fish. (Which is not normal.) This probably means that she will give birth soon.
Secondly, her gravid spot has darkened a bit more, and she also looks squarish from the back just as you mentioned.
Betta Lover
P.S. Is her rapid loss of appetite and fearfulness normal???
yes her losing her appetite is very normal do you have her in with the other fish if so I would meve her pretty fast because your babies will get eat and the mother will eat them to you need to act fast.
Hey guys,

Bubbles I agree with most of what you wrote - except for keeping the light on all the time. I have several fry tanks and yes they do grow quicker if you keep the light on for longer than normal (and turn the heat up, and feed them 4 times a day (at least), and change water every 2 days)- but you really shouldn't keep it on all the time - at least give them a few hours of shade (and darkness). I usually keep the fry tank lights on for 18 hours a day.


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