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  1. R

    newbie in distress........sorta

    wow, thanx for the advice everyone. I had no idea that the danio would do that to my bettas, the male danios are so nice to them, they sometimes congregate in the same area of the tank and socialize, lol, i think it's cuz they are trying to get away from the female danio. But i am going to...
  2. R

    newbie in distress........sorta

    so i've got 3 zebra danios and 2 female bettas in a 10 gal tank right now. I've recently purchased another 10 gallon tank and i'm thinking of moving my bettas into there (I plan on purchasing more). I have a few questions about the danios though I have 2 smaller thinner danios that i'm asuming...
  3. R

    lunar light replacement?

    I've heard of people using blue x-mas lights at night for their fish, has anyone done this? is there any validity to it?
  4. R

    heya :D

    I think i'm sick in the head, lol...............we went to go check out another local LFS and i bought another 10gal tank cuz it was onsale for like 10 bux, i also found a place that sold white male bettas for 1.99 i was so tempted to buy one but i don't have proper housing for the poor guy yet...
  5. R

    betta pic. whata you think?

    that is a beautiful betta, i hope to have one like that one day. Sucha lovely red color, you are sooooooo lucky :kewlpics:
  6. R

    Hi everyone

    greetings to a fellow canuck :D
  7. R

    heya :D

    ^ yeah i know the tanks are small, but i live with my parents, my bedroom is literally the size of a shoebox, lol. I was originally only going use the 5gal, but i quickly got caught up in the world of aquariums and i managed to get an alright deal on a secondhand 10 gal. :D Now i'm thinking...
  8. R

    heya :D

    vancouver, bc :D and you?
  9. R

    Betta Food

    when you say hand feed, do you mean that they'll actually eat the food from my hand?? :) that's pretty cool. If i just drop the pellets in, won't the danios eat the food, i got this one plump danio who likes to eat all the food before anyone else can get to it :/
  10. R

    Betta Food

    It was my understanding that bettas eat tropical flakes, my bf was told by someone at petcetera that we have to buy betta pellets, the fish have been in the tank for about 20 hours or so now and they seem to be fine eating the tropical flakes, do i still need to get the betta food pellets?? -_-...
  11. R

    heya :D

    again, thanx for the welcome people. :D Today was supposed to be a day where i wasn't supposed to focus on fish, sure enough i wake up and my bf has bought me two beautiful white/pink/purple female bettas, i was kinda mad at first cuz i had to break the no new fish for a week rule & the tank is...
  12. R

    starter snails for a newbie

    lol, forgive me, i'm new, i saw the word "invertebrates" and kinda posted without looking :*)
  13. R

    starter snails for a newbie

    Hi, I've got a 10gal freshwater tank currently housing 3 zebra danios. I was interested in getting a snail to add to the environment. I don't have any live plants in the tank yet, it's been running for about a week and i just got the fish yesterday. I was wondering when would be a good time to...
  14. R

    heya :D

    ^ thanx for the welcome :D i never realized how much of a tight knitted community fish owners were, and soooooo helpful too, they approach you in the aisle and start talking to you out of nowhere, i've gotten more help from strangers than actual pet store employees :nod:
  15. R

    heya :D

    thanx cutechic, i'm a total newbie at this whole aquarium thing, but i'm totally into it. My poor bf, i think i've dragged him to every pet store and aquarium related store within a 50 mile radius the past week :P
  16. R

    heya :D

    hi, i was just given a 10 gallon tank, it's been empty and running for about a week now, and i decided to get 3 zebra danios from walmart as starter fish (looks like 1 female, 2 males). planning on getting some bettas & tetras as well. I also have a 5 gallon tank on standby. I plan to add the...