Betta Food


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2004
Reaction score
British Columbia, Canada
It was my understanding that bettas eat tropical flakes, my bf was told by someone at petcetera that we have to buy betta pellets, the fish have been in the tank for about 20 hours or so now and they seem to be fine eating the tropical flakes, do i still need to get the betta food pellets?? -_-

I'm also still confused as to when i should feed my fish, is once per day suffice or should i feed them two times per day, i've got 2 female bettas and 3 danios in one tank.
I would recommend Hikari Betta Bio-Gold (pellet food), it can be found in pretty much any lfs. I like it because 1. A lot of bettas owners use it and recommend it and 2. You can control how much food they are getting. I like to feed my bettas twice a day and pellets make it easy to do. Hope this helps.

EDIT: Didn't see you had the Bettas and Danios together. You could easily hand feed your females bettas (with pellets).
when you say hand feed, do you mean that they'll actually eat the food from my hand?? :) that's pretty cool. If i just drop the pellets in, won't the danios eat the food, i got this one plump danio who likes to eat all the food before anyone else can get to it :/
Once in a whille, I'll put a pellet between my fingures. Then the Bettas will jump up and snatch it off my fingures :lol: . Soo you can feed them what they need by doing that. Worth a shot. :dunno:
I've never used betta pellets. I've always fed my bettas tropical flakes, granules, live blackworms and frozen bloodworms. All my fish bar my eels are all handfed, I hold the food, they come running. This way I know all are fed and besides which, it's fun :) I don't think the pellets are necessary for my fish since they are getting such a varied diet and hell, I bet my fish are more vibrant and conditioned than alot of people's. When I got them from the lfs they were alot drabber and tattered looking, pretty ordinary really. A few weeks later and they looked like a million bucks. I really think that a varied diet is of the utmost importance for bettas to look their best and heck, it don't really cost a hell of a lot for frozen bloodworms and blackworms here in Oz, not sure about other places though.
so far i've been feeding my bettas tropical flakes and they seem to be enjoying it very much :D i tried feeding them that tubifex worm cube stuff, but they just looked at me like they didn't know what to do with it. I was gonna by some of the betta pellet stuff but one of the owners at the LFS told me that i didn't really need to if my fish were responding well to the flakes.

I would like to try feeding them some live foods, i heard that you can feed them earthworms?? which would be excellent cuz they are in abundance around my house..........i just need to get over my fear of touching them, lol.

are there any particular veggies that bettas are fond of??
Hi all,I've been told using pellets such as Hikari Betta Bio-Gold will bring out the colours in your bettas, I'm picking up my first Betta on Wednesday. ( Can't wait :D )
Fat Boy said:
Hi all,I've been told using pellets such as Hikari Betta Bio-Gold will bring out the colours in your bettas, I'm picking up my first Betta on Wednesday. ( Can't wait :D )
That kinda stuff brings out the colours because it contains elements found in stuff like bloodworms and other live foods. Unless it's cheaper than buying a varied diet for your betta, or you don't really like touchin stuff like that then I personally think that there is no substitute in the form of a pellets only diet to the real mccoy.

Good luck and congrats on your new betta :)
Fat Boy said:
Hi all,I've been told using pellets such as Hikari Betta Bio-Gold will bring out the colours in your bettas, I'm picking up my first Betta on Wednesday. ( Can't wait :D )
awesome, i recommend the female bettas over the males cuz you can keep more than one in the tank :D although the males are just as beautiful in colour. I was hoping to add another female betta to my community tank in a few weeks.

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