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  1. F

    Dwarf Frog.......

    Morning Doohic, I have had my frog for about 13 months. You can use medicine in tank. Just be sure it is safe for invertabreas. I just had ick in my 55 g and had to medicate. Everything is fine now, including the frog. They are tough little creatures. Make sure you have a cover on your...
  2. F

    New to Forum

    Hi Doohic, I do not have any pics of my frog. I had 5 at one time, but all died at once :sick: except the one I have now. I have owned him for 14 months. Fish don't bother him at all.
  3. F

    New to Forum

    I am new to the forum, but have had fish and a dwarf frog for about 1 year. I started with a 10 gallon tank for the frog. I now have a 55 gallon tank. I still have the frog along with: 2 pearl gouramis 2 sunburst gouramis 2...
  4. F


    My Sunburst Gourami nibbles at my hand every time I vaccuum tank. :o It tickles and I figure he just loves me. :wub: He is not afraid at all.