New to Forum


Fish Fanatic
Mar 16, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire USA
I am new to the forum, but have had fish and a dwarf frog for about 1 year.
I started with a 10 gallon tank for the frog. I now have a 55 gallon tank. I still have the frog along with:
2 pearl gouramis
2 sunburst gouramis
2 honey gouramis
2 black angels
3 black neons
4 white clouds
2 sunset swords
8 painted tetras
2 upside down catfish
1 burma upside down catfish
4 cory cats
2 chinese algae eaters
1 zebra botia

I love my tank. My frog loves his fish buddies. :wub:
sounds like a fun tank to watch, I love that you have a dwarf frog, im new to the forum and also new to fish keeping and I am currently setting up my tank and I too want a dwarf frog :p , if you have pictures Id love to see them

welcome to the site!
Hello and welcome, finatic!!!

Glad you found us. Hope to see ya around and looking forward to posting with you.

Hi Doohic,

I do not have any pics of my frog. I had 5 at one time, but all died at once :sick: except the one I have now. I have owned him for 14 months. Fish don't bother him at all.

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