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  1. M


    Fireball's tank sits next to Bob's (other daughter's betta) no fish in the bedroom except my old 10 gal. that now holds 3rd daughter's tetra's. She's 11 and knows not to mess with it lol actually she would rather I do ALL the work but she's quick to tell anyone they are HER fish lol. I have my...
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    Remodeled my 55 gal.

    :lol: :lol: Thanks for the drink DG( helped myself to a corona from u ) lol If Mogo found that annoying try having everyone break out in song when they hear your name is Rhonda...Love the Beach Boys but really hate that damn song! :angry: Tanked thanks for the imput, I put the other...
  3. M

    is a 10 gallon bad for a betta?(my mom asking this

    :D betta buddy will love the 10 gal. Put in a cave of some sort & some plants. With the filter & a heater he will be one happy little guy. Plus in the 10 you could get him a friend to help bordom from setting in. :D
  4. M

    Remodeled my 55 gal.

    I am sorry :*) I didn't even realize I did that lol I umm may have done that in another post too. I think I just mispelled it the first time & it got lodged in my brain lol Mogo, Mogo okay got it now Rhonda
  5. M

    gills sticking out help??!~!!!!!!

    The general rule with betta's , well all fish really is clean water. I know with my betta's they were always healthier the cleaner I kept their tanks. The black spots may clear up with extra clean warm water.. maybe even a bit of aquarium salt. I put a bit in all my betta tank's except the...
  6. M

    Betta Friends

    My betta is in with zebra danios, Black skirt tetra's, neons, mollies, platy's, pleco & pristella tetra's.. And he is KING lol or at least he think's so
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    clown loach

    Impur I thought the same thing about my loaches lol They hang out with the danios & I swear they try to imitate them lol...crazy fish
  8. M

    What Next??

    :blink: 53 wow that is so cool! Odd number's do look better, every decorater will tell you LOL
  9. M

    Remodeled my 55 gal.

    You should have seen me out in the yard when I came across the slate..LOL was too funny Geez got over excited about a pile of rocks I do believe I have fallen over the edge lol Thanks for your input Mongo :D
  10. M

    Mac's new Amazonian style Aquarium

    I'm with Mogo needs a background... something along the blue shimmery kind I think. Will be a nice tank when you get done & your plants spread some. 8)
  11. M

    Remodeled my 55 gal.

    Thanks DG but which way looks better? Opinions please... :nod:
  12. M

    frequent water chages...

    Same here I tend to lean on the stocked to the max :*) so I always go 25% in my 55gal. every week.
  13. M

    Remodeled my 55 gal.

    Thanks Val I actually got lucky & found it in my yard! We recently moved and after exploring the over grown backyard I found these little gems. :hyper: I scrubbed & scrubbed did the vineger test and yeah they work! I really like the effect much beter than the plastic cave's I had before. My...
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    Festival Of Speed !

    :nod: And Momma wants it! would love to hit the track and try them out ...but I wouldn't want to give the cars back lol Guess I'll just have to keep drooling :no:
  15. M

    Remodeled my 55 gal.

    And more....
  16. Plants..Flame.JPG


  17. M

    Remodeled my 55 gal.

    Closer veiw of the rocks
  18. Rocks.JPG


  19. M

    Remodeled my 55 gal.

    Well did a wee bit of remodeling today..Brittany helped with the rock placements. Did our vaccuming today and trimmed up the plants.. Looks pretty good. Everyone let me know which way looked better. Thanks for your opinions. Before (fake rocks real plants) After with real rocks, plants and...
  20. NightView.JPG


  21. M

    gills sticking out help??!~!!!!!!

    Your guy is probably flareing either at his reflection or even at you. For fin rot I have always had good luck with jungle fungus eliminator, though some will disagree. Just make sure his water is really really clean and after the meds of your choosing you will start to see some regrowth. As...
  22. M

    Festival Of Speed !

    * drool, drool* Those are some sweet rides
  23. M

    my tank

    :wub: Your tank. The fuzzy's are adorable gotta get me some of those! lol What kind of camera did you take the pics with...I'm in the market for a good one trying to find out what everyone uses to compare camera feature's.
  24. M

    Festival Of Speed !

    8) Wicked 8) Keep them coming my favorite color is chrome! lol
  25. M

    Breaking News!!

    :lol: :wub: the bunnies
  26. M

    Nominated Pics

    No problem Will, I didn't realize there was a page to post the nominated tank on. now I will try to pay more attention :nod: It just gives me time to fix a few thing's lol
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    test kits

    Testing is the way to go. When I started out I knew nothing about water chemistry. I tested every few days in the beginning, then went for longer periods between tests. I now test about every 7-10 days just to be safe. The test kits seem expensive and may sometimes seem to be a waste of money...
  28. M

    Aquari sol

    Thanks WWW I will slowly adjust the heat a wee bit and see how it goes. keeping my fingers crossed :thumbs:
  29. M

    newbie to it all, hello everyone

    :hi: to our fishtank! I have 3 betta's have lost a few along the way ,thankfully only one to my stupiditylol the other's lived long lives.
  30. M

    Aquari sol

    The bottle says... Remove filter carbon, add 12 drops per 10 gals Do Not use on Snails, grass shrimp, crayfish, crabs, Fresh water Lobsters, invertabrates or amphobians. Though none of my fish are listed I just wantted to make sure before using it as I have never used it before but know some...
  31. M

    Nominated Pics

    My Tank Somehow missed this month
  32. M

    Aquari sol

    Hi guys & gals I need some advice on aquari sol... How well does it work for ick treatment? Can I use it in my 55 gal. to treat the whole tank for ick? Will it harm any of these fish? Molly's, black skirt tetra's, clown loaches, betta, neons, pleco, zebra danio's, guppy's &...
  33. M

    Large Tank of the Month

    Well The tanks are all gorgous this month. I forgot to post the link for my 55 gal tank :*) But after looking at everyone elses I'm kinda glad lol You guys have mine so beat :sad: But on a brighter note it gives me a whole month to fix it, borrow some idea's & buy a "good" digi cam and enter in...
  34. M

    advice please

    Congrats on the new tank..Geez it's too bad you can't keep all three. Sounds like you have a plan brewing in the set up process :D Don't forget to keep us up to date on your progress and lots of pics. Good Luck with the lime deposits as tanked said it's pretty much you becoming one with the...
  35. M

    My 20-Gallon Tank

    Lovely tank not only do you have the one deco mountian/cave as me but we seem to have the same black skirt tetra's too... I :wub: it
  36. M


    :angry: As a mother I love this forum because...even though everyone( long term members) voices their opinion's it is done tastefully. I allowed my daughter to join because she has shown an intrest in fish keeping had alot of question's. I knew she would find her answer's and no one would...
  37. M


    he is cute .. I had to laugh at him when we added him to the community. Like Britt said he swam to each fish , flared and looked like he was saying "Your King has arrived, stay outta my way"
  38. M


    Thanks again everyone. Fireball & kiddo are doing good. Wuv your right I had to tell her that nas was an old guy and he was lucky to spend his declining time with a special little girl who loved him so that made him a happy fish
  39. M

    Snail in my tank?

    Jam I have been hand picking sacks & adults out of the tank for about 2 months now. Even if the loachs won't rid the tank totally they will keep these unwanted creatures from slopping up the tank lol
  40. M


    Thanks all. Michaela has a new best friend though she's still pretty depressed. I took her to get a new friend and she spent about 20 minutes going over each red betta in the store. She didn't want any other color but red 'cause he will look kinda like my nascar. She has dubbed him sir Fireball...