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  1. M

    Another New Guy

    Welcome Davoz! You'll like the forum I'm sure!
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    Kung Fu Fighting

    LOL the topic made me think hmm gotta see what's in there hehe 1. Females finage is shorter than the males. 2. Males have to be in a tank by can put them in with certain fish like neons & tetra's I believe.. 3.males and females , even if you plan to breed them will not live...
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    Fish Bowl Fish

    Hi again everyone :) Don't worry about ruffling my feather's ( I have none lol ) Betta's do better in larger tank's...I have mine in 1 gal. which I feel are too small...Would love to have a 5 gal. for each of them but raising 4 kids and fish gets expensive lol.. When I first got our betta's...
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    With A Little Help....

    Welcome :D You will find everyone here friendly and very helpful!!
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    Fish Bowl Fish

    My betta's have wonderful personalities. :wub: One even eats from my hand! :fun: Betta's will adapt to smaller homes but do better in larger one's. In a bowl that small how many water changes are you doing?
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    Molly Fry

    Hi everyone ;) Hope you're all doing great. My molly has given me some new fry to take care of :wub: Very first time I have dealt with fry, so I'm really excited. The question is "How fast do mollies grow?" They are doing great so far(she crosses her finger's & toes lol) eatting well, swimming...
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    Aquarium Salt

    Hi Since no one else has helped yet here goes.. The salt did not kill your betta.I have 2 betta's in 1 gallon tanks and I add salt to them..a tablespoon for a 5 gal. is fine..Not sure what the problem was except maybe stress.. sorry not to be too much help but this way ya did get a reply ;)
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    betta trouble

    www, I agree with you on the little bowls..bad idea for these wonderful fish. I have 2 betta's at present both are in a 1 gallon tank. The 1 gallon is still too small but hubby won't let me buy bigger tanks for a $3.00 fish(the bum) The 1 gallon is about the smallest anyone should use imo. I...
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    :o My female dropped her fry in the middle of the night so I'm not sure where she was in the tank..I have heard they tend to stay towards the bottom and in the plants when they are ready to birth. We were able to save 10 of the fry..I was so excited!! :lol: They are doing really well. P.S. Try...
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    What are some other good cheap pets

    Try hermit crabs..they like popcorn!... I don't have any yet but a friend is bugging me to get a few!hmm I just might ...but they are somewhat time consumming :)
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    Common Bigginer Mistakes

    My first mistake...Tank cycling Second mistake...." Just drop them new fish in that new fishtank and add some flakes WALA!" :sick: Thankfully I have learned ALOT more since then!
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    Mussolin just died

    The poor conditons that most pet stores keep them don't help these fish have a great start to begin with.. I have to say it sounds like a combination of shock & maybe swim bladder disease.. I keep 2 betta's and we have them in 2 seperate,1 gallon unfiltered tanks...Yep water changing happens...
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    betta question

    I also have betta's . I have never done any breeding but I belong to another forum also that deals with betta's only...The hurricane lamp trick thatPond mentioned her mom useing is the most used and easiest way to breed these fish...It condition's them to wanna :wub: Usually you keep males&...
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    waz up people!

    Welcome from another newbie :D Also from NY
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    Hey Xx ya have a point lol...hmmm she thinks as she checks out the funds in the checking account, ohhh there's always that refund check to spend too lol Sorry Alex we will try to be hush hush about the new tanks lol Thanks for all you warm welcomes :wub:
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    balloon belly molly

    Thanks once again :D I will be doing a lot of researching lol...Never knew there was sooo much involved in fish keeping. Promise to my fish... I will learn as much as I humanly can so you will be happy :lol:
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    balloon belly molly

    Thanks! 20%it is from now on. I also now know I have 2 males 1 female...she's gonna be busy!Will definatly get the bigger tank and start the cycling process..How long will it take under the best conditions? I know that cycling is the most important thing's to do to insure healthy happy fish
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    balloon belly molly

    Thanks so much William... I am so excited about these fish..driving my family crazy talking about them,finding yet another reseach site :D I think I will be off soon to get a bigger tan, but am glad to hear I'm not starting off too badly :thumbs: With my 2 gallon tank w/bio wheel how big of a...
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    balloon belly molly

    I am so new to fish keeping that I need all the help I can get.. First - How reliable are pet stores for information for beginner's? Second - How do you tell male/female mollies Third - What would be the best set up conditions for 3 ballon bellies..Tank size, temp,plants,filtration... Right now...
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    Thanks for the welcome! We are planning on a larger tank as soon as we can... I don't want to go too large at first just because we are so new to the world of fish..planning to put one of our male betta's in the 2 gallon once the new tank is bought, set up & cycled
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    Fish Bowl Fish

    What about a betta? They do well in bowls but will require frequent water changes... They also are jumper's so you would need a lid of some sort with air holes to keep him in the bowl...I have 2 betta's, each in 1 gallon tanks at room temp(about 72-74) my kids love them...
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    Hi all...I am so glad I found this site :D I bought my daughter 3 ballon belly mollies for her birthday..We started with marineland Explorer (2 gal) set the tank up...7 days later we added the 3 fish...we are so new to this hobby we are going on what the pet store told us..They never mentioned...