Mussolin just died


Fish Fanatic
Dec 10, 2002
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Well my sister decided to rescue a fighting fish from the shop on Saturday because he was getting nipped. There was no serious damage so we got him and set him a tank up on his own. This wasn't so good as it was my starter tank and the heater was loose and the filter was too powerful. So we turned the filter off for the night and put an air stone in....
Anyway, we got him a new tank, a 5 gallon, and set that up for him yesterday and he seemed perfectly happy if somewhat wary. So, fine, that's pretty normal for a fish to be a little jumpy when they've been moved three times in as many days.
BUT....he died this morning. I went in to check on him for her first thing and he was ok but I've just been in and he was dead. Not good.
LAst night though he was lying on the tank floor a lot, occasionally went for a swim but stayed low mostly.
Is this making any sense?
The top and bottom of it is I'd quite like to know why Mussolini died. Do any experts out there think it was just the stress? He wasn't eating much. THere were no signs of disease when I just flushed him, although his fins were a little clamped last night from what I could see. But I'm not an expert on any fish let alone fighters.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I just had to text my sister to tell her he was dead. She was madly in love with him :/

Thanks in advance

P.S, a lady was in the shop yesterday and said that her fighter died that morning, so could it just have been a bad batch?
Sorry to hear that Helen :(

Sounds like it could have been a combination of things.

You're right that it was probably very stressfull for the fish to be moved so many times in such a short period.

Along with a damaged fish of possably poor stock..... -_-

Did you test the water aswell?
No I haven't tested the water as it was not even in there for 24 hours and Im supposed to be revising! Was going to let my sister do it. I put 2 of the bacteria tablet things in the filter in the first tank, though I think I may have overdosed it thinking about it! (Oh dear!)
I don't think I'll tell my sister that though.
The option we had was putting him in a breeding trap in my tank, but I didn't want to risk him jumping out and getting attacked by various things.

There shouldn't have been ammonia or anything in less than 24 hours when he was fed half a flake once????
The fish may well have had internal problems if it died so fast, did you treat the water for chlorine and did you have a heater in the 5 gallon if so what was the temperature?

I always feel sorry for the betta's every time I go into petstores and if I only had a bit more space I'd love to set up some tanks for them because they become a very friendly and intelligent fish as well as the fact they can really come out in good conditions and flourish with big tails and fins, all the best and sorry mussolini died. :(
Thanks for all your condolence's. My sister would be upset but she got over it cos the new guy of the minute has just asked her sweet. 14 eh. Not that I can talk!
Yes I did dechlorinate the water and the temp was at around 27 while I work out the heater. I read that they live in temperatures of up to 30 so that shouldn't have been a problem. My goldfish don't like it though. (don't ask),
Anyway, we're now going to cycle the tank with the ever obliging vicious minnows and then see what she wants to do. Or I could steal the tank back (I bought it so not steal) and see what I want to do....?!
It's a good thing you didn't put him in a breeding net inside with your other fish because if he had something, it might have contaminated your tank. Sounds like either too much stress or had had an infection (maybe something internal if his outside looked healthy). If you get a betta from a shop, you should keep him separate from all other fish for at least 2 weeks to make sure he isn't carrying something, and maybe treat him with something broad-spectrum fungus/bacteria-cide like Jungle Fungus Eliminator or BettaMax (and I always use more BettaMax then prescribed and get better results).
The poor conditons that most pet stores keep them don't help these fish have a great start to begin with..
I have to say it sounds like a combination of shock & maybe swim bladder disease..
I keep 2 betta's and we have them in 2 seperate,1 gallon unfiltered tanks...Yep water changing happens alot at my house ;) My rescue's all had finrot by the time they suckered me into bringing them home lol Once you get them past the first hurdle they are wonderful friend's.. Mine flare at us whenever we come towards the tanks and they beg for food lol...
Pet stores also tend to overfeed..betta's really only need 2-3 pellets a day with frozen bloodworms as a treat once or twice a week...
I'm very sorry to hear about your loss
I'd clean the tank and try another one!

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