Search results

  1. Blough

    Quietest Air Pump?

    Sorry, it wasn't the filter. It was the air pump that was loud.
  2. Blough

    Estimated Filled Weights Of Common Aquarium Sizes

    I'm not forgetting anything. I'm purposefully leaving it out. "not including the tank itself."  
  3. Blough


    is it that he can't swim from the bottom of the tank, or won't swim from the bottom of the tank? I have fifteen neons, and they don't ever swim up from the top of the tank. They like to stay near the bottom. We really need more information then that to make a diagnoses...
  4. Blough

    Cory Nearly Dead

    Yes, I did wash it. When I thought I had rinsed it enough I rinsed it three more times, just to be certain. They where Julli cories. The ones I lost where named Juliet, Julius, and Julianna. The remaining cory is named Julien.
  5. Blough

    Estimated Filled Weights Of Common Aquarium Sizes

    1 gallon = about 8.34 pounds that means a ten gallon is 83.4 pounds. not including the tank itself
  6. Blough

    Quietest Air Pump?

    I have a tank in my bedroom, and I used to have a filter that was somewhat loud. Obviously it bugged me for the first few nights, but then I got used to it. When I got a quieter filter it was actually hard to sleep at first, because my room was too quiet.
  7. Blough

    Hugo Is Changing Colors

    Those are awesome pictures. I know how hard it can be to get good pictures of fish! It looks like he is wearing a black mask over his pink head.
  8. Blough

    My New Boy :)

    He will probably darken as he gets older. Its perfectly natural and healthy.
  9. Blough

    What Do I Feed My Betta?

    What brand are the granules you're feeding him? Do they say that they're for bettas on them? My betta did that at first too, but then he figured out how to eat what I was feeding him. I decided that he probably ate flakes all his life, and didn't know how to eat the pellets I was giving him. He...
  10. Blough

    Cory Nearly Dead

    Oh, I wish I had read that before now. Unfortunately another cory just died. I'm worried about my last remaining cory. When I changed the gravel I used filter media from another tank, and thought that it would be good enough. I guess I was wrong. I'm going to do a water change right now. Thanks...
  11. Blough

    Super Angry

    I'm talking about the parent's at the museum, not about the parents of your niece, Tonym.
  12. Blough

    Two Bettas In Divided 10 Gallon?

    I don't really think that a fish is going to be stressed by too much space. In the wild isn't there a whole lot more space per fish than in the average tank? Why would a fish be stressed in 30 gallons because of too much space, when there could be over twice that much space for him by himself in...
  13. Blough


    Welcome to the forum. Do you have a testing kit? If so, what are your water parameters? I'm a little worried that you only cycled your tank for a week. Did you actually cycle it for that week, or are you doing a "fish in" cycle? I'm also a bit worried that you added nine fish immediately. On the...
  14. Blough

    Hello From Idaho

    What tanks and fish do you have?
  15. Blough

    Super Angry

    Babies are cute, and people don't think about them growing up. They also see parents who have angelic children due to good parenting, and assume that is how all children are.
  16. Blough

    Two Bettas In Divided 10 Gallon?

    Why not exceed 20 gallons? I thought there was a minimum (I've heard five, and I've heard ten gallons) but no maximum. You worry that if a betta gets sick, the other one will get it too, but isn't that the same for all fish? If its only two fish, you should probably be fine, right? I mean...
  17. Blough

    Super Angry

    I used to go to a discovery/play/museum place when I was young, and would see all kinds of bad parenting. Letting their kids mess stuff up, while I'm trying to keep it orderly so we can play, and then just leaving without making their children cleaning it up. I once heard a suggestion from a...
  18. Blough

    Starting Fresh

    Wait, are you cycling this tank? 
  19. Blough

    Cory Nearly Dead

    My ammonia is still at 0, though nitrite is up to 0.25 ppm. I do a weekly water change, and its tomorrow morning, so I'm just waiting until then. I've had the cories since last black Friday. I'm really hoping that it had something to do with the stress caused by the gravel change, and not a...
  20. Blough

    Cory Nearly Dead

    another catfish is acting the same. I don't even know if he's still alive. The tank temperature was a little low today (72 instead of 78) because I accidentally left the heater off, but its still in the green range on the thermometer. Is this also because of the netting, or is it time to start...
  21. Blough

    What Is This Ph Supposed To Be?

    I don't know that anyone can tell you based on the picture. Often colors in pictures are really distorted.
  22. Blough

    New To This Forum

    Welcome to the forum.
  23. Blough

    Cory Nearly Dead

    He is dead now. :(
  24. Blough

    Cory Nearly Dead

    Okay, thanks.
  25. Blough

    Cory Nearly Dead

    I have four cory catfish, and recently noticed that some of them lost their whiskers because my substrate was too rough, so yesterday I changed the substrate to sand. My fish where netted and put into buckets while I changed the sand, and then poured back into my tank when I was done. Today I...
  26. Blough

    Cory Lost Whiskers,

    I just took out the old substrate and replaced it with sand. Because sand won't work with an undergravel filter, I replaced it with a filter that hangs onto the back. I understand that I've really disturbed the nitrogen cycle, so I have some media from another tank at the bottom to replenish the...
  27. Blough

    Cory Lost Whiskers,

    The first ingredient on the algae wafers is fish meal, and my catfish do get the occasional betta pellet that the betta doesn't eat, so I think that my catfish do get protein. Thanks for your help everybody.
  28. Blough

    Cory Lost Whiskers,

    He is still young, if that will effect weather his barbels will grow back or not.   The product name of the food is Algae Wafers, and the brand name is Hikari Tropical. I always put the wafers in the same spot in the tank, that might help him to find the food.   I am looking into getting better...
  29. Blough

    Cory Lost Whiskers,

    That makes sense, my substrate is kind of rough. I will look into getting something better. Thank you very much for your help.
  30. Blough

    Cory Lost Whiskers,

    tank size: 10 gallons pH: I don't know ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: between 0 and 5 gH: I don't know kH: I don't know tank temp: 78 F fish symptoms: My cory lost his little whiskers on his face. Where they used to be is now a red spot, that makes me think he's bleeding a little bit. He also...
  31. Blough

    Aquaone Aquanano

    Are you doing a fish-in cycle? Up near the top of the screen it says "cycling a tank." click on it, and read it. The fishless cycle is a way more humane way of cycling your tank.
  32. Blough

    Why Are People So... ?

    I know that if I were a fish I would rather live a happy life in a tank big enough that was cleaned regularly and then die painlessly than live a bad life. I've heard horror stories about people seeing tons of rotting dead fish in tanks at some stores that don't care, and the other fish eating...
  33. Blough

    Two Bettas In Divided 10 Gallon?

    Yes, but isn't it easier just to put something between two tanks if they are next to one another then having to worry about stressing them?
  34. Blough

    Don't Know Much About Bettas, Anything Special?

    Also, I've seen on fish store websites half gallon bowls that they advocate you keep two bettas in. The two bettas are each in a quarter of a gallon of water, and can't really move much! The provided divider with the tank is see through, so the bettas can see one another! Any bettta living in...
  35. Blough

    Beginner Fresh Tank Cycle Question...bacteria

    Do you have a testing kit so you can monitor your nitrite, nitrate, and amonea levels?
  36. Blough

    My 600 Gallon Reef Tank

    I love the variety of fish. I really like saltwater fish.
  37. Blough

    Just Introducing Myself!

    Media is the bag in the filter, right? The bag that holds the bacteria? I don't have that because I have an under gravel filter. I'm told that with an under gravel filter the bacteria is living in the gravel. I put the filter bag back in my Mom's tank about a week ago.
  38. Blough

    Don't Know Much About Bettas, Anything Special?

     There is a popular set up where you have a Betta fish in a tank with a plant. The Betta fish eats the plant roots, and the fish waste is taken care of by the plant. DO NOT DO THAT! Bettas are insect eaters, so they have to eat meat. A betta may nibble on the plants when he's starving enough to...
  39. Blough

    Butterfly Betta Fin Curl And White To Pink Fins

    My betta turned from a white to blue in a few weeks when I first got him. I think your betta is fine.
  40. Blough

    Two Bettas In Divided 10 Gallon?

    With two ten gallon aquariums you still want to make sure that they can't see one another, if the tanks are next to each other. Seeing another betta all day every day can cause a betta to be stressed out. Just because a betta isn't flaring doesn't mean he's comfortable, it may mean he's tired.