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  1. D

    Bloated Juvie Blood Red Parrot

    I try not to overfeed the bloodworms, but my black knife always seems like he's starving. I try to feed him a few times a week. I used to also feed him ghost shrimp, but they're impossible to find anymore. The scales don't seem to be sticking out. The anus does not look to be inflamed to me...
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    Bloated Juvie Blood Red Parrot

    Tank size: 125 gallons pH: 7.6 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 5.0 tank temp: 78 Fish Symptoms: I have a young (5 month?) blood red parrot that has recently, within the last few weeks, become increasingly bloated. Comparing him to the other parrot of the same age, his belly definitely sticks...
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    125G Stocking - Twig Catfish?

    Lol!! Thanks so much again for your suggestions I'll be sure to post again when I get what I decide on :)
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    125G Stocking - Twig Catfish?

    I understand your dislikeness of BRPs, but personally I love them dearly. I had 3 BRPs as my first fish ever, before I really knew anything or that they were even hybrids. I bought them because they always look like they're smiling and happy. All the ones I've had had wonderful, bubbly...
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    125G Stocking - Twig Catfish?

    Okay, I think I'll ditch the twig catfish - thanks so much for the advice!! I believe I've avoided a disaster. I think I'll look into some fancy plecs instead ;) - d
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    Kirrin Parrots

    I'm so jealous! I've never seen a kirrin for sale in this area, or surrounding :(
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    125G Stocking - Twig Catfish?

    Yes, blood red parrots. I'm a bit concerned now about them being out competed for food, mainly because the BRPs (the big one anyway) chase everything that sinks. I already have to try and shoo her away when trying to feed the BGK. There is a fair amount of algae in there, though. The tank is 6...
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    125G Stocking - Twig Catfish?

    Hello! I've been really interested in the twig catfish, and would like to add one to my 125 gallon - but I'm afraid I've already or am very close to reaching my stocking limits. Current residents: 3 BRP (2 juvies, 1 adult) 3 kribensis (1 juvie male, 1 adult male, 1 juvie female.. removing...
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    Brp Death

    Nitrite is 0 Tap nitrate is 0
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    Brp Death

    The BRP that is left looks to be fine, as do the kribs and black knife. Nitrates this morning seem to be at a 10. Is another water change at order?
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    Brp Death

    Yes, these results are after the: 25% change yesterday, 30% change this morning, and 50% this afternoon. Gah, I don't think I'll EVER feed brine again. These 3 BRPs were the first 3 fish I've ever owned. It's really difficult not to be extremely upset with myself.. :'( I think I need a good...
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    Brp Death

    He has died. 2/3 BRPs dead. The one that is left is not at the top of the water and is swimming/breathing normally. I can't see her gills. Black knife and kribs are also swimming normally. When I tested my water, there was no ammonia but 5.0 ppm nitrAtes, could this cause the same effect...
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    Brp Bottom Of Tank Upside Down Barely Breathing

    I'm posting a link to the post i made earlier in general because it has now turned into an emergency. this started with one BRP death last night and another looks like he is on his way to death. I have tested the water, NitrAte seems to be at 5.0 ppm nitrIte 0 ammonia 0-0.25 i have increased...
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    Brp Death

    Can this be added to emergency section???!
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    Brp Death

    Im home now he is at the bottom of the tank now upside down but breathing slowly. I will do emergency 50% water change now. Ahhhh!
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    Brp Death

    No one else in the house that knows how to change the water (and I don't trust them to do it :P) My shift is only about 2.5 hours. Made the pics large so you could see detail. Will resize them when I get home.. will rush home...
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    Brp Death

    I've already done a 30% water change today. I will increase aeration. I have to go to work now so I don't have time to do another water change yet. I will be home in just a few hours and will do it then. He seems to be breathing fairly normal right now.
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    Brp Death

    Here is the best pic I think I got.. And yes, he has always been mainly white. another:
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    Brp Death

    Hmmm. Now I'm just not sure. My largest BRP is back at the top of the water, and his gills do look red and inflamed to me. The camera battery is charging; will get pics ASAP.
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    Brp Death

    The one that was upside-down is the one that died last night. His gills were pale and looked feathered on the inside. I think I may have found the problem. When I medicated, it's my understanding that this killed the good bacteria. I had no carbon in the tank since medicating, but still ran the...
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    Brp Death

    Hello. I had a parrot fish death this morning and trying to figure out what the heck happened. :-( I have: 3 blood red parrots, 1 black knife ghost fish, 3 kribensis, in a 125 gallon tank. I've had the parrots and black knife for 3 years. (Will post water parameters in a bit, my test strips...
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    Black Knife Always Hungry?

    I've had my BGKF for at least two years now. He's currently living in a 125 gallon tank with 3 parrots (he has always lived with them, first in the 29 gallon, then 55g, now 125g) and the newly added 2 kribs that I've had for a few weeks. In the past 6 +/- months he ALWAYS seems hungry. He is...
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    125 Setup

    Sure, I'll take some later :) It was chance that when I first started getting into fish the LFS had this white/orange parrot. His orange spots have moved around over the years.
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    125 Setup

    I put gravel that was in both the tanks I tore down to put this one up in there, and using 2 canister filters and 1 biowheel filter that were in the tanks I tore down, too. The parrots and blacknife were in a 55 for a few years and I just moved all their stuff over.
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    125 Setup

    Just got this monster setup last night and threw in some rocks and driftwood! I love that all 3 parrots have those baby blues :) Will be adding plants Soon™.
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    People Saying Overstocked

    Even if it could handle it, that still doesn't mean it's a good idea. I have a 55 gal and have far less than 55 inches of fish, but I would never add more, even with all the filtration in the world.
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    Is This A Good Idea?

    Usually you will find if you have to ask someone else "Is this a good idea?" it's probably not >.> One inch of fish per gallon is really a rule of thumb, but does not apply to all fish, and should probably think of it more along the lines of one inch of adult fish per gallon (and sometimes...
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    People Saying Overstocked

    Not to say you are wrong, but it is kind of pointless to buy a fish you know that in the end you will get too large for what you can accommodate. It is still good advise if it may apply to the near future instead of that very moment. It really isn't jumping down anyone's throat to be honest and...
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    180 Gallon Stocking

    Haha, I already have 3 big fish (parrots) going in there and a black ghost knife. I don't think they would get along with what you mention. What about Amatitlania siquia (honduran red point?)
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    Parrot Fish

    If you look down on the Hybrid Fish section a little bit, you will see there are quite a few threads on Parrots making mounds of their substrate. It's normal.
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    Yet Another Stocking Question

    c. hastatus... I ordered some from Arizona Gardens (they sent me habrosus twice.. I wouldn't recommend ordering fish from them), they must be sensitive fish - I couldn't seem to keep them alive. I started with 12, and eventually they all died off. Had them in a 20 long also. It was sad, they're...
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    180 Gallon Stocking

    I'm now looking at archocentrus cutteri and thorichthys aureus... the cutteri might be too aggressive though, I think.
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    Which Should I Have? Sand Or Gravel?

    Haha, no. Usually the stuff is on the top, but every once in awhile (once every other month) I like to get some of the gunk out that you can't see, since I don't have plants.
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    180 Gallon Stocking

    I'd really like smaller schooling fish. I'm not a fan of silver dollars or sharks. I've also heard horror stories of plecos sucking on the sides of parrots. I was hoping to get something a bit smaller than the parrots so that they still appear as the giants in the tank :)
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    Which Should I Have? Sand Or Gravel?

    Sand for sure... and you can still use the gravel vac on sand, I've developed a technique for it that I do every once in awhile. I push the vac in the sand, then pinch the tube before the sand actually goes through the tube. When it's pinched, the sand falls back out, and the nasty stuff stays...
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    180 Gallon Stocking

    Darn! I knew the shrimp would be killed, but didn't think the barbs and kribs would be. What would you suggest, Davo?
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    Extra 55 What To Do With It?

    Haha that is so weird, I've never had a snail crawl out of the tank! It really depends on the type of cichlid you get.. I have 3 blood red parrots in a 55 right now and they are a little bit cramped. As far as smaller cichlids, I'll suggest the amazing looking jewel cichlids...
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    180 Gallon Stocking

    Haha holy crap it sounds like those mussels get huge! Blood parrots are my favorite fish I've had so far, they have great personalities. Of course when I saw the kirin parrots I was absolutely in love, but I didn't have space. I want the parrots to be the centerpiece, what cichlids are smaller...