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  1. Gidge

    High Ammonia Levels And White Spot. Help!

    I sure did, both came back 0. I only put the zeolite in yesterday, I am yet to test today, so I will get back to you with the results. The only time I have changed the pads was when I was treating for ich with the salt, i removed the zeolite from the filter, but kept the remaining carbon in...
  2. Gidge

    Pictus Catfish White Spot

    I don't think they are premature. Platy's are smaller then Mollies. Just today I was trying to catch a fish when I noticed I had a baby platy! And he was tiny! Probably only 5 or 6mm. So I wouldn't stress too much. Although, if I'm incorrect, I'm sure someone will be along to correct me. I...
  3. Gidge

    High Ammonia Levels And White Spot. Help!

    Okay, so it has been a few days since I last spoke to you. I am STILL doing 95% water changes. Each day the readings are at .25 and on the off day they are slightly higher, between .25 and .5 I have been feeding them VERY sparingly. The fish do not seem bothered at all. They are all happy...
  4. Gidge

    Pictus Catfish White Spot

    HAHA nice work!
  5. Gidge

    Pictus Catfish White Spot

    Sorry to hear :( That's good news! Keep up those white spot treatements until all the spots are gone, and then do 1 treatement just to make sure! Oh I like that idea! haha.
  6. Gidge

    Pictus Catfish White Spot

    Yes all the fish survived thank god! We had very minimal sleep that night haha. How are your fish going?
  7. Gidge

    High Ammonia Levels And White Spot. Help!

    The gourami had been moved to a 4ft tank with other gourami's. Also on saturday, before I did a water change, the ammonia was at 0! So I left the water change. Tested again on Sunday, was still at 0. Today I have tested and the ammonia is at 0.25 :( Should I do a partial water change rather...
  8. Gidge

    High Ammonia Levels And White Spot. Help!

    I didn't think this would be the case, but I have noticed that the rummynose and neons are swimming alot higher up in this tank, rather then hanging around the bottom. I can't get over how great they are looking, zooming around everywhere. The shark has been moved. I have a question about the...
  9. Gidge

    Pictus Catfish White Spot

    Good work, keep up with those water changes! As for your clown loach, they are very hard to treat due to having skin not scales. Good to hear that your gourami is doing better! 'fish widows' haha. Just think how great your tank is going to look when it's all done! My partner's 50L tank...
  10. Gidge

    High Ammonia Levels And White Spot. Help!

    I have put the old filter in the new tank as well :)My first thought this morning when it broke was 'noooo my bacteria!' The tank was on a level surface. On a solid jarrah table. My LFS also went through this with me. It crack on the back panel diagonally across. The guy said, that given the...
  11. Gidge

    High Ammonia Levels And White Spot. Help!

    So you'll never guess what happened at 2am this morning. The tank cracked! I was just dosing off to sleep when I heard this loud CLUNK and water trickling. Worst nightmare ever. We bought the tank on the 10th September. Not even a month and it has cracked! If we don't get a refund for this...
  12. Gidge

    Pictus Catfish White Spot

    I recently just had an outbreak of Ich with high ammonia levels. The advice given to me was to do to 90% water changes every day, re-dosing the ich treatement after EVERY water change. You need to get that ammonia down! The flicking could be because of the high ammonia levels. You could use...
  13. Gidge

    Pictus Catfish White Spot

    Sorry I haven't replied for a while. Haven't had a computer on me. I would be careful mixing the pitcus, guppies and platy's. As the pictus get bigger, they could make meals of them. So just keep a good eye on them :) I hate snails haha. Luckily your Kribs got onto them! I am unsure about the...
  14. Gidge

    High Ammonia Levels And White Spot. Help!

    I will still be doing a water change. Im glad the bacteria is multiplying! Looking forward to getting this tank on the right track :)
  15. Gidge

    High Ammonia Levels And White Spot. Help!

    I have tested the water today. Have not performed a water change just yet. The results are as follows; Ammonia: 0-0.25 Nitrites: 0 Nitrates 0-5.0 Does this mean that the bacteria is starting to do its job? Taking the ammonia and turning it into nitrates?
  16. Gidge

    October Pet Of The Month Entries

    My baby boy Diesel cooling off in his pool 6 week old Diesel. [Siberian Husky]
  17. Gidge

    September Fish Of The Month Voting

    Hey, could you please tell me what type of fish yours is? He/she is absolutely beautiful.
  18. Gidge

    75 Gallon Purchased Now The Fun Begins

    Wow, that is going to be a beautiful tank once up and running. The stand looks real nice too by the way :)
  19. Gidge

    Pictus Catfish White Spot

    I am told (and have seen) that mollies and platys aren't the best parents haha. If you give the babies plenty of little hiding spots, lush/bushy plants, some will have a chance of survival. Most of them will get eaten though unfortunately. What fish did you inherit with the tank? Are they...
  20. Gidge

    Pictus Catfish White Spot

    That's unfortunate. You do need to be careful with medication doses. Pictus and clown loaches especially, as they have skin not scales. You should use a half dose to be safe. White spot actually works in a cycle. The white spots that you are seeing on your fish, are just one stage of their...
  21. Gidge

    High Ammonia Levels And White Spot. Help!

    My filter/bacteria should be able to handle the ammonia by itself soon though?
  22. Gidge

    High Ammonia Levels And White Spot. Help!

    Have tested the water about an hour ago, and the ammonia is a solid 0.25! We're getting there! Thanks again for all your help.
  23. Gidge

    Help! Gourami's Eye Exploded

    I'm sorry I'm not sure what this could be, but it sounds nasty! I hope she makes it! :(
  24. Gidge

    Do You Name Your Fish?

    I name some of them. I have a Gold Gourami whom I named Michael Hill, which is a jewelery store in Australia. Also had a knife fish called Slash.
  25. Gidge

    Catfish For A 30 Gallon

    I had a couple of pictus catfish in a tank similar sized, and they teamed up and terrorised everyone and everything. I eventually had to move them to a friends much larger tank, and now they leave everyone alone. Such a shame I had to give them away, they're beautiful fish and amazing to watch...
  26. Gidge

    High Ammonia Levels And White Spot. Help!

    Have just performed another 90% water change, decreased the salt again very slightly, and added another white spot treatement. Fingers crossed! :)
  27. Gidge

    75 Gallon Purchased Now The Fun Begins

    How exciting! Good luck with everything. What fish are you planning on getting?
  28. Gidge

    High Ammonia Levels And White Spot. Help!

    Nitrites are at 0 :) This morning the rummynose appear to have no white spot on them at all and looking extremely happy. So hopefully the treatement will catch them in there free state!
  29. Gidge

    High Ammonia Levels And White Spot. Help!

    Hey hey, just thought I would provide a bit of an update. After a few days of 95% water changes each day, the ammonia level is now between 0.25 and 0.50ppm. Which is such an improvement. Also, the white spot has nearly cleared up, i have been repeating treatements after every water change as...
  30. Gidge

    High Ammonia Levels And White Spot. Help!

    My cichlid setup has a lot of hidey holes with a mix of limestone, coral, driftwood and fake plants. As for my Frontosa he definitly isnt 15inches! He's only around 7/8 and I thought that was big! He's not much of a swimmer, even when I first got him all thbose years ago, he just likes to hang...
  31. Gidge

    High Ammonia Levels And White Spot. Help!

    Wow thank you so much for all you're help. The gourami will be moved to a 4ft over the weekend/early next week. Do you know if red tail sharks would be compatible with large cichlids and clown loaches? I have 2 blue/green texas, 4 Johanni, 1 frontosa, and 3 largish clown loaches. (I've been...
  32. Gidge

    High Ammonia Levels And White Spot. Help!

    1. From what I've been told whenever you are adding new fish to a tank the ammonia will rise slightly. So I thought this was pretty inevitable. 2. The gourami will be moved to a larger tank when he gets bigger along with the rams, but not in the same tank. 3. I was also told that lowering the...
  33. Gidge

    High Ammonia Levels And White Spot. Help!

    So my partner just got a new 50L tank a couple of weeks ago and made the mistake of putting fish in straight away. Needless to say the ammonia levels were severely high, but after several water changes and taking some gravel and old filter pads from one of my own established tanks, I managed to...