Help! Gourami's Eye Exploded


New Member
Sep 26, 2011
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My poor female honey gourami is not looking happy. Her eye looks like it exploded, can't see the eyeball but the whole area's swollen and bloody. What looks like the cornea is hanging off, and there's something stringy coming out. I've put her in a tupperware box so nobody else gets sick- they all look ok. I doubt she's been attacked, my most aggressive fish is a hillstream loach who seems to just pootle around. Photo will follow when my phone's charged. Ideas?
I'm sorry I'm not sure what this could be, but it sounds nasty! I hope she makes it! :(
Very naughty hotlinking, but it was too big to upload
if its popeye its usually down to poor water quality, i would check your water and do some major water changes, check your filter is working properly, di
if its popeye its usually down to poor water quality, i would check your water and do some major water changes, check your filter is working properly, di

Ok thanks. I checked and it was fine, but I did a big change anyway. Going to get some popeye meds in a bit.

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